hi all
By maisiesdad
during the month i have undergone a series of scans and had a biopsy.
the result i collect tomorrow, who says i aint gonna get a presso?
know what it is as have had a letter from the haemotology and oncology unit calling me in to the lymphoma unit for a whatever on news years eve. this month has been kinda shit, when i got the letter thought ksllobco as it happened to other guys and not me!
gonna miss the grandchildren over christmas as they have chicken pox. gonna miss hywel’s cacti, terra’s dogs and other people’s whatever.
expect january and february will be crap undergoing chemo and radiology. (bit scared, no, bloody scared).
will see you all in the spring, hopefully before.
compliments of the season, hugs, dave. x
23 Dec, 2015
Previous post: it has changed bri! or to put it another way, an early autumn snapshot.
Next post: bjs
I feel for you Maisiesdad lets hope that 2016 is much better for you
23 Dec, 2015
liked cacti but always ended up drowning them! going into our back bedroom as it is sunny with a big windowsil.
will get some cacti plants and make a proper job of it. will keep me sane during the months to come.
it will be like a gardners world greenhouse come spring!
23 Dec, 2015
thanks for warm wishes on a winters day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
23 Dec, 2015
All the very best to you !
23 Dec, 2015
Dave best wishes from all of us at 33 hope the outcome is all positive.
24 Dec, 2015
I hope your treatment will go well in the coming months. Best wishes from me and my cacti :)
24 Dec, 2015
hi brian and hywel, thnx and hugs. really, really do appreciate your best wishes.
re-ajusted my new new bedroom as i will probally be there for a bit. when better and if okay to wander would love to and see you both. expect the mrs will be glad to get rid of me for a few hours.
paul. thanks mate. sort of a crap day especially 4 angie.
come on, its christmas. seasons greetings xxx
24 Dec, 2015
ah h. you need any help with those plants let me know. lol
24 Dec, 2015
that's sweet drc
24 Dec, 2015
Oh dear. I hope the results are better than you expect. Regardless, think positive, you will get through it.
Hope 2016 is a better year.
26 Dec, 2015
thnx hugs x
27 Dec, 2015
diagnosis - DLBC lymphoma
back again. I went on a clinical trial. regime IO-R-CVP for the treatment of my lymphoma and got taken off after three sessions as it was not working for me.
went on a new regime of RGDP. platinum based drugs used for the treatment of lung cancer. they are very effective, but can certainly knock the stuffing out of you. they did to me and after two sessions looked and felt like death warmed up.
hardly any food, just wanted to sleep. got taken of RGDP and put on a course of radiotherapy. next week I will be starting my second week of that.
hugs, dave xxxxxxxxxxxxx
31 Jul, 2016
Blimey you have been through the ringer. From what I've heard radio is no picnic either. I hope you don't feel as rubbish on the radio.
As I said before stay positive, you will beat this.
31 Jul, 2016
Hang on in there Dave, easier said than done I know. We are all rooting for you.
31 Jul, 2016
Recent posts by maisiesdad
- here we go again!
23 Nov, 2016
- latest up to date.
29 Aug, 2016
- the new garden
7 May, 2016
- help
13 Apr, 2016
- bjs
10 Mar, 2016
- it has changed bri! or to put it another way, an early autumn snapshot.
2 Sep, 2015
That must have been a shock Maisiesdad. But you haven't had the results yet so for this evening don't cross
your bridges! Nothing to be gained by worrying about how it might be before it happens and best results are often gained by having a positive attitude, easier said than done.
Do let us know your results when you get them. We will be rooting for you.
23 Dec, 2015