Marmite Flowers..........
By majeekahead
Has this woman gone mad? I can hear you all asking…. well maybe a bit but then I have just been reading Davids Chocolate blogs…. lol…
…. Just to explain myself a bit better, when I say ‘Marmite Flowers’ I am refering to the catch phrase used in all thier marketing ‘love it or hate it’… there are qutie a few plants/flowers that would fall into the Marmite catogory, I particually see this when at work…as a florist. I get to hear about some really weird fetishes and phobias attatched to flower/plants, sometimes it is about smell, apperance, growing habbit, or just down to memories that they spark, so I thought it might be fun to have a little discussion/servey about them and see which ones we love/hate the most and why…..
1) I think the most obvious ‘Marmite Flower’ would have to be Lilies….especially the strongly scented ones… you get the most diverse opnions on these as cut flowers. Some love the smell, some really hate it, some people say they remind them of funerals, some think they are a sign of taste…. others just simply don’t like the mess they make with pollen…. do you get the gist?……
…this one most definately goes on my ‘love it’ list, however I am not able to have them in the house as they make Brooke sneeze, so i have to settle for the many varieties i have in the garden…. and playing with them at work ofcourse…
2) Next ….. another that is on my ‘love it’ list are these curious looking flowers..
Tricyrtis hirta AKA the Toad Lily….. some say they are ugly…. I would disagree…what about you?
3) for me this is definately one for the ‘Love it’ list… Anthurium
…As a cut flower it is bold, long lasting, unusual and has lots of interest, looks stunning in any modern or contempry arrangement or hand-tie…. and makes a wonderful house plant that is easy to grow and flowers for ages…
…..But it is an aquired taist….some think it is very mascaline, and feel it’s too rude….lol…yes rude…. I won’t tell you the not so widely said common name used among the market boys….but lets just say it is with reference to its appearnce and resemblance to a certain part of the male anatomy….. I will say no more than that or I might just get flagged lol…
On my ‘hate it’ list would be the following….sorry no pictures….well I hate them, why would I grow them in my garden let alone take pictures of them?? lol
1) The number one spot for me just has to go to Conifers… sorry Bluespruce, obviously I do not mean the lovely aray of different colours, textures and forms that you have…you have a wonderful collection and have in a very small way…a very small way, changed my opnion on them….just the dwarf and unusual ones that is… No I mean the big, ugly, bog standard green ones that my next door neighbour has seen fit to plant right infront of his house (and mine as the front gardens are so small) and along his side of the boundry fence in the back garden.. They suck all the moisture and goodness out of the soil, that I so lovingly dig and water in all the time for my rose collection, which is growing on my side of the fence (my roses were there long before his conifers moved in) and I don’t think he really cares how big they get either… these are going to be monsters, blocking out all the light, right on my patio :-( further, more and another reason I hate them so much… Some bright spark decided that they make great funeral green (floristy again) and they bring me up in a red itchy rash everytime I work with them, which is a lot of the time as it is so cheap and nasty to buy…. so defo on the top of my ‘hate list’
2) Daisy type Spray Chrysanthmums… The dirty peachy orange or salmon pinky looking ones are the worst…. they are just naff on so many levels.. the colour, the look of them… and they are the most popular flower that everyone wants to buy, usually with gyp….. another one i’m not fond of, but i’ll get to that one in a mo…. Spray Chrysanthmus also over stay thier welcome in my opnion… if someone buys a bunch of them for me….. obviously i have to smile sweetly say thanks and put them in a vase to be polite don’t i….even if i put bleach in the water (completely by accident ofcourse) they go on for weeks on end… sorry i sound really ungreatful don’t I, would be nice just for someone to buy me flowers….maybe this is why they don’t lol…and not only are they sold as cut flowers all year round, but at certain times of year you can also buy what is fondly known in the trade as ‘pot mum’ horrible things. They have to be kept in the celophane or they go all leggy and fall over… and because they are in the celo they sweat and attract every fungal infection going, and spread it around other lovely healthy plants… and if you are silly enough to think to yourself arh poor plant, and take one home to put in the garden, they grow tall leggy need staking and still look ugly and dirty looking, and still spread fungal infections all round your garden too…. I don’t mind the large headed ‘blooms’ or the green spray Chysanths that you can buy as cut flowers, and some of the bedding varieties for the garden are nice…. but i think over the years i have been both a gardener and a florist, the Daisy Spray Chrysanth has more than earned it’s spot at ‘hate’ number 2…. and i was horrified to find out that the Chrysanthmum is acutally my birth flower :-(((((((((
3) Gypsophila AKA ’Baby’s Breath’
- Baby’s Breath, what a stupid common name that is… I would be seriously concerned about any baby that had breath smelling remotely like this stuff…. you may think…‘well it is a little bit catish but i can’t see why she thinks it’s that bad….’ Well that is because we have to keep it out the back for 2 days because the smell is soooooo bad when it come out of the wrap…. yes that’s right 2 days…. so it is never all that fresh! and I have to sit out the back and eat my lunch with that smell YUKKK! We could just not put it in the customer area before that IT REALLY IS THAT BAD trust me I don’t smell a lot of the flowers as they all become one lovely scent together in the shop ….but this stuff….well it out stinks everything when it’s fresh, the lovely aroma of sweety feet…or is it cat wee… hard to tell maybe a combo…all I can say if there is fresh gyp in the shop the customers give the florists funny looks… go on ask your local florist if you don’t belive me! lol
So come on, what are your love and hate marmite flowers/plants…. this is a blog where it can be fun to disagree…. I look forward to all your answers, i am off to have lunch now i will be back later to disagree with you all later…..
This is all purely for thoughs interested in garden related fun, strictly no fences …..or gates to be taken here anywhere please…. lol
1 Nov, 2009
Previous post: My Autumn Garden.........
Orange lilies aye??? don't mind them myself, but more so in the garden... the orange ones don't smell either... so may have been better for you then San, but you can also get Asiatic Lilies in cream, pink and yellow - they are the non-scented ones...see if these work for you ;-)
as you know i am in complete agreement about the chrysanths...... hate them with a passion.....
as for the conifers and the lovely man next door, don't even get me started... obviously he is awear of my concerns.... not known for staying quite in these sito's lol....
1 Nov, 2009
lol ang,, bet he loves you hehe
i do have some asiatic lilys and your right they dont have that strong scent, its the oriental ones that are really bad for me.
1 Nov, 2009
it is a shame though San coz they are soooo lovely arnt they..
1 Nov, 2009
There you go Angie - perhaps you should finite your 'hate list' to certain conifers ? What you need is me to move in next door, then your acquired taste for the more select cultivars can be allowed to develop over time until you're absolutely hooked! just like me.
As for lilies, can't beat the species Lilium Regale for subtleness and scent. With Sandra on the orange coloured forms, certainly not to my taste.
1 Nov, 2009
lol..... i would love to have you next door Stephen, you would never convert me i am affraid lol...maybe you would become hooked on hardy geraniums or roses or something? lol i am sure you would not be planting stupid things next to the house and in the wrong place... as with everything .... looks great in the right surroundings... and i must say, obviously with the exception of your wonderful garden, the conifer tree must be the most common mis-used and planted wrongly plant in the UK...
1 Nov, 2009
No need to convert me to hardy geraniums Angie, I already have a small collection here. Absolutely agree that many conifers have been misused in gardens - especially front gardens.
1 Nov, 2009
you would not believe what him next door has done with them :-(((((((( i will take some pic's and add them to this blog.... watch this space... prob tomorrow though.. it's raining and have swine flu :-(
1 Nov, 2009
I dislike heather that has been spray-painted garish colours! Why can't they leave it alone?
AND those horrible dyed flowers you see sometimes in florists'....why? I would never buy a bright blue carnation!
I am not keen on your 'rude' plant, (sorry, Angie), nor on that 'Bird of Paradise' flower, either. I know some people love them!
Trying to think if there are any garden plants I don't like - hmmm...oh yes! Scarlet bedding Salvias! French marigolds, too, as I can't bear the smell - I just have a few in the greenhouse to deter whitefly.
I'm sure I'll think of a few more....
1 Nov, 2009
petunias are a def no no. dont know why just hate them. in fact the worst of the worst are the bicolour ones [sorry to all of you who like them. begonia sempervivans too urgh.
love it for me are the paeonies, snowdrops, single coloured crocuses [except pickwick for its pyjama stripes]
hubby regularly buys me flowers and some spray chrysanths are fine others not so.
love the large incurve ones in white only.
1 Nov, 2009
there is absolutely no need to apologise for disagreeing here guys i welcome ALL imput about your likes and dislikes .... quite a good idea i think to take out some of the tension and frustion we have all been feeling on the flowers...after all they can't answer back can they :D
I agree on the heather Spritz.... although am ashamed to admit i did buy some orange ones thinking they were orange coloured know like the lime green ones you get....was very diappointed when i realised... dyed flowers a big UUUGGHHHHKKKKK hate them too... blue roses i think are the worst...or no maybe glitter sprinkled chysanths...on two levels there! yuck YUCK YUCK lol... but have to disagree on the birds ....they are looooovely..... knew you'd hate the anthirrum....
And Seburngirl.... i do like petunias - but i think some of them smell like ear wax.... do you remeber Spritz, we had a chat about ear wax flavour pertunias ealier in the yes can see why you don't t like them... but not all smell like that you know some smell nice.... i like the little million bells best.... agree on love paeonies, and snowdrops.... but i LOVE pickwick they are just so wel stripey.... i don't mind spider or stallion Chrysanth, kirmit and shamrock i really quite like...... what about Solidago...weed or wanted?
1 Nov, 2009
I hate Laurel and dont care for dried flowers, Adore snowdrops as it means spring is not far away.
1 Nov, 2009
Why Laurel Drc? i don't mind some dried flowers depends what they them better than plastic flowers... you know the ones you sometimes see sticking out of hanging baskets all faded and unatural colours..... why bother i say..... and yes wholehartedly agree on the snowdrops...
1 Nov, 2009
Also don't like the yellow flowers of Hypericum androsaemum I think that's the species , always look too insipid to me.
1 Nov, 2009
my friend Carmel hates them too.... i think it is because she had load of them in her garden when she moved in, i think she has more or less pulled them all out now... i don't mind them,,, but i much prefer the berries on them... great for flower arranging.
1 Nov, 2009
solidago does a streling job in a problem spot in the garden so a friend of sorts.
1 Nov, 2009
I know just what you mean... i really don't like to entertain it in flower arrangements in the shop.. and yet is it what is known as 'bread and butter' stock, but i have a small patch of it in my garden and it does look good there, just a pain to keep pulling it out in unwnted areas and roots can go deep too...
1 Nov, 2009
Hmmmm......interesting blog Ang. I don't like those rude flowers.....they look too plastic and unreal to me. I also don't like bird of paradise. In fact, a lot of tropical looking flowers do nothing for me.
I don't like the big dinner plate dahlias in gaudy colours. Too show-off-y.
I'm probably the only one, but I'm not keen on tulips as a general rule. I don't mind the botanical tulips. In fact I have some in my garden but regular tulips are usually not for me.
I like roses....well, that was a given wasn't it? LOL
I like lilies....but not the orange ones generally. I also like the "toad lilies"...I think they are fantastic.
I won't comment on the conifers....some I love, some I hate, some give me "hay fever", some give me a rash, some I'm fine with.....some are great in the wild but look ridiculous in a garden and, I suppose, visa versa. With the exception of junipers they all smell wonderful.
Solidago in the garden can look lovely....depends on the cultivar and the garden. Its a great butterfly plant. I don't mind it at all.
One of the worst plants I think, is Virginia Creeper or Parthenocissus quinquefolia. It is so invasive and I'm always pulling up seedlings from all over the garden.
1 Nov, 2009
i agree that the tropicals are defo marmite arn't they... i am in the love camp, but it is an aquired taist i think.... from a florists point of view i think they are less popular in general, mainly because people don't know what to do with them.. but if done right...i just don't think you can beat them for wow factor and they also last so well..... i also am not a fan of most dahlias,,, but i have for the first time grown 2 cactus varieties this year that have both been lovely... and i think we both share the love of roses.... although i must say they are in the 'hate' section as cut flowers... but this is due to valentines day lol virginia creeper... well disagree there... but then i have the less thug-like japonese one which is really quite well behaved... and has an attractive silver vien too... just has'nt changed colour this year due to strange mild and windy weather :-((((
1 Nov, 2009
i quite like some tropical looking plants but can be hard work keeping them over here in winter so i wont have them for that reason, no greenhouse, conifers are great if you have the space and know hoe like bluespruce, who has got it down to a fine art, but not in small gardens and when people dont know what they are doing.thats my opinion,:o))
1 Nov, 2009
Sandra, you can grow conifers in a small garden, just need to know the right ones, and keep them in scale to the area available.
1 Nov, 2009
oh i do agree, however 'Him' next door is completely clue-less! :-(
1 Nov, 2009
sorry San,, i missed the tropical bit..... yes plants can be tricky, anthirriums are easy, birds of paradise are if you have space to bring them in for the winter... they can get big.... but i was refering more to tropical cut flower arrangements... now they can be spectacular.... even the older ladies at the church comment on them when it's my turn to do the sunday arrangement. and usually would'nt like them if they saw them in a vase in the shop...
1 Nov, 2009
exactly bluespruce, which involves knowing which, i really wouldnt know, i addmit this but some people just plant and dont realise or think about size, shape etc and then they look awfull, i think it takes an artistic eye for conifers,
angie my nan use to do lots for her church with flowers, it gives alot of pleaseure to people :o)
1 Nov, 2009
oh i do agree San... there is a monkey tree down our road thankfully the other end of it) in a front garden that is about 10ft squred... at the moment it is only about 10ft tall i have'nt got the heart to knock and tell them about it.... lol now if i had the space i would have a monkey tree i think they are facinating..... you know what does'nt help, i have Romford market just up the road from here, and there are lots of plant stalls on there and the boys will sell a monkey tree to you and tell you it's a dwarf variety... as well as other big-boys saying it only grows to 10ft... this is why Romford has so many badly designed conifer plantations......
1 Nov, 2009
Oh dear - Bluespruce - I saw a titchy front garden the other day where the people had obviously planted LOTS of conifers when they were tiny - well, tiny they are NOT, any more! The front room must be in darkness now!
1 Nov, 2009
lol angie,, my mum and dad have one which is about 20ft now and we cant get them to get rid of it, my brother wants it out as its his house but my mum ends up going mad with him about it, its touching phone line and my brother is worried about getting a big repair bill of BT for damage, the tree has caused a lot of family arguments :o(
1 Nov, 2009
All about education Barbara, and correct information. the term dwarf conifer is a misconception and misleading, slow growing conifers would be a better term for most that are sold at garden centers. It's all the nursery trades fault right from the beginning
1 Nov, 2009
oh dear.... i am all for planting and saving trees, but people do plant them in such silly places without doing the proper reserach first, it really anoys me.... i believe that evey garden has room for at least one tree no matter how small the garden, it is just about finding the right one that suits the size garden and style you have.... when i first moved here i took out 2 trees that where just planted completely wrong... and not all that healthy, but i have since planted 3 of my own that suit the style and theme of the garden...
1 Nov, 2009
crossed there BS and yes i do agree it is down to the nursery and market traders as we have here, they will tell you what you want to hear to flog it to you....i know because i have worked for some of them and been told to sell it that way....
1 Nov, 2009
yes your right the man who sold the monkey tree to my mum said miniture tree lol, its taking over the street.
1 Nov, 2009
and it's probably not at it's full height yet San...
1 Nov, 2009
probably not angie,, and now at the height it is alot wont attempt to move because of razer sharpe foilage, would cost a fortune if you did find someone willing to do the job, thats what my brother was told by someone who works with these trees
1 Nov, 2009
gonna go now folks cook some dinner and watch TV TTFN xx
crossed again lol.... yep i would'nt want to move one ouch!
1 Nov, 2009
cya ang.. im going to watch X factor :o))
1 Nov, 2009
I'm back.... did you see it San? did you think the right person went? i don't :-( you probably know what i am going to say.... but how are they still in it????
1 Nov, 2009
I agree! A travesty!
1 Nov, 2009
do you think it is purely to wind Simon up that people are voting for them.... ?
1 Nov, 2009
im gutted that rachel went, and im even more gutted that the terreble two are in again ang.. :o((
1 Nov, 2009
i know what you mean... i could'nt believe Miss Frank went last week either... but i would have been really gutted it had of been Danyl... i really like him, i know he has a bad press but boy can he sing! same as Rachel she is a far far better singer than quite a few on there... as for them two... they are more like cats being strangled...painfully! lol
1 Nov, 2009
if the twins win it will make us , the uk look pathetic, and dont think people will believe it wasnt fixed, im sure something is going on we dont know about, have you heard the boo`s from audience with them twins getting in, then they tell us their through again, doesnt make sence angie
1 Nov, 2009
WHO would buy their records, anyway? I agree - it's 'wind Simon up' time! I also agree about Danyl - he really can sing!
1 Nov, 2009
no but don't forget they are from ireland... the show is filmed over hear... there could be the whole of ireland voting just to prove a point... i never vote... it cost to much on the phone.... and there are some very good singers on there i would imagine the votes from the rest of the UK are pretty well divided... i don't think they can win,,, surely not.... although Simon did make a boo-boo by saying he would get on a plane and never do the X factor again if they one.... calling it on really is'nt it....
1 Nov, 2009
they would be a flop but it could happen as you say just for the wind up simon factor... lol... Danyl should by rights win hands down, but i don't think he will... the other one i would like to see win would be Stacy, she is from the next town from me.... she used to work in a local chippy.... but i must say i think Racheal has the better voice... so it just goes to show it is not just about tallent is it.
1 Nov, 2009
i can take to stacy, just something that annoys me about her, i like ... god cant think of his name now lol, the rock one with the hair hehe im into that type of music and hes good, confident to,
1 Nov, 2009
ooohhh LORDS name in vien San.... you mean Jamie is it? i like him too and Olly, he is also an Essex boy..
1 Nov, 2009
sorry angie, nothing bad intended, yes jamie, hes cool, and olly is good,
anyway im tired, brain pain lol nite angie, sleep well x
1 Nov, 2009
I know, nite nite xx
1 Nov, 2009
Oh I've only just found this - joy! I was thinking about doing a similar blog Ang, but you beat me to it and you've done a better job - I would never have thought of the Marmite thing lol
I have too many likes to mention, so I'll just mention my hates -
Number 1 will defo have to be Ophiopogan nigrescens AKA black grass. I see absolutely nothing attractive in this plant whatsoever. And what really gets me is that on garden design programs they always ALWAYS plant it in black gravel! Why? It becomes the Incredible Invisable Plant!
Number 2 would have to be alpines...well rockeries generally really. There are one or two exceptions (I love Fairy Foxgloves and many of the Saxafrages), but I just don't see the point of tiny little plants that you have to get down on your hands and knees to appreciate properly and even at well known RHS gardens I have yet to see a rock garden that does not bring to mind a building site or a tip of soil and rocks!
Number 3 will have to be Danyl off X Factor! I KNOW you're all gunna hate me, but I just can't bear the lad! I'm routing for Stacy - she's high on life! LOL LOL
I will stop now before I upset too many people! lol
11 Dec, 2009
Just came back here to say....I got confuzzled - I didn't mean Danyl (was he the teacher?) I meant to say Joe......and he won, which just goes to show my lack of judgement!!! Still think Stacy should have had it.....but preferred Olly to Joe..... :-S
14 Dec, 2009
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hi angie i love lily`s in my garden but i cant have them in house, make me sneeze and give me a really bad head, they put them in the shop and i tell them but doesnt make any odds they still go in there grrr
wont have chrysanthamums, i just dont like them full stop, i ahve seen a few on here which have pretty colours but just wont have them myself
also cant stand orange lily`s, the colour is grose, yak, for me anyway,
as for your neighbour i would put a complaint in to your council if they are big in a small garden and bloking light, there are guide lines for such things,
a great blog for a good moan lol
1 Nov, 2009