Garden Projects 2009 - Part 5 - Water garden, More Digging And The Best ...
By majeekahead
………..More new plants and planting!
Well it’s been a busy few weeks in other areas for me, so time in the garden has been limited. But the pick up in ebay sales has ment, more spending money for me…. YIPEEE!!!
so here is what i did with it.
…My new water garden…..
Really pleased with it, much bigger than expected, and the genuine article – still stinks of whisky – even after loads of rinsing, and a real bargain at just 20 quid. It measures approx 2.5ft wide x 18"-2ft deep. and I really love it. I think it would proberly be wise to half fill the bottom with beach pepples to raise the depth by a bit – just incase, the Brooke factor. I think she is old enough not to try jumping or falling in it, and the fact that it is not in the ground should prevent her accidently falling into it, but better to be safe than sorry!
and here it is in place, just right don’t you think. I have been looking at some solar powered pumps on Ebay that I think I will get just to have a small trickling fountain in the centre, I have already put Treesandthings Equestium in and have plans for a few others, but I think Equestium is the only one that will take the water this deep, so will have to wait until I raise the level before I put the others in.
…and on to the bed extenstion…….Ofcourse the plans have changed and plants have been moved around since the first blog I did on this, but here are just a few of my new babies that will be showing off in this new improved area…..
Pittosporum tenuifolium ‘Irene Paterson’ – this is now on the edge of the trellis.
Skimmia japonica ‘Magic Marlot’ – after seeing this on Spritzhenrys page just had to have one.
and some more of my Wilkos £1.50 bargains…they come without a proper lable, but I am fairly certain this one is Choisya ternata ‘Sundance’
This I am sure is a Leucothoe, really lovely little ground cover shrub.
And this one, Spritz come up with Convolvulus – well 10/10 Spritz it is indeed C. cneorum – it had it’s first flower last week, I thought I had got a good pic of it, but did’nt load it straight away, and when I got round to putting it on the PC it was all blurred. Never mind looks like there are plenty more buds still to come.
this one is still a bit of a mistery, the closet saggestion I think was Cassiope, but still not sure. If anyone can ID it please put me out of my misery….
And this one is obviously some sort of Broom, – i am guessing yellow as it is the most common, but you never know your luck, I have been quite suprized by some of my £1.50 finds from wilkos – what more could you want really for that price?
Well there you go, I think it has all come together nicely, the whisky barrel is just perfect to help divide these two areas, – ofcourse the shrubs planted on the right of it here will eventually be quite large and make a complete screen, but in the mean time I am rather pleased.
and this is how it looks from the grass area infront of the patio – as usual loosing the light. lol
The light has all but gone…… but I really think the lack of light brings out the magicalness of this little fairy garden don’t you….
13 Mar, 2009
Previous post: Garden Projects 2009 Part 4 - How to Build A Willow Te-Pi
Next post: Zombie Rock Rose Dilema........
Angie ~ Well done !
Great choices with your plants.
But you were supposed to empty the whisky out of the barrel.
13 Mar, 2009
thank you both, i am very please with how it's coming along...i am not finished yet though, the right hand back corner (in front of the greenhouse) is next on the hit list, and TT, i am not a fan of whisky, if it was a wine or larger barrel there could have been problems lol
13 Mar, 2009
Hi Angie,another one to cross off your list and very good it looks already, going to be grand when all your plants start to fill out,lets hope we get lots of sunshine this year then you can relax in your garden with your wine and admire everything you,ve done.Hows the willow te-pe doing?.
13 Mar, 2009
I hope the whiskey isn't too strong or you could have some disorientated frogs trying to climb out of the water!! I love the grasses in the baskets!! Nice blog.
13 Mar, 2009
well done you. its hard work but so worth it. the mushrooms are great. you can buy so many different sorts cant you. i like frogs too. ;-))
13 Mar, 2009
Paul ~
Look out for those tipsy frogs hopping around Essex. :o)
14 Mar, 2009
Its looking good.I like the shape and the trellis work. It gives it that 'whats round the corner ?' feel.Well done
14 Mar, 2009
It really has changed such a lot with all your hard work, Angie! Keep going... :-)
14 Mar, 2009
Your garden is looking really good..... love the new have been working hard.........
14 Mar, 2009
Should be alright for a water lilie, they very in depth depending on type. If you want a smaller leaved on then raise it up on a house brick.
Looking good.
14 Mar, 2009
Wow, Angie. It looks fantastic....what a lot of work you have done. I love your water barrel. It looks perfect there. I've been thinking of a solar powered pump they work well? I don't know much about them.
14 Mar, 2009
Angie it looks really well, even as its been hard work but worth it, like your water barrel
14 Mar, 2009
Thanks for all your nice comments, Lincslass, - yes wine will be most essential in this garden lol, Paul the grasses were an experiement really pleased with how they have come out, - still daffs to come in them yet, - running a bit late i think, Sandra, - yes they were a bargain, they did have red tops that made them chime in the wind, but the tops had been broken so i got them a at a really silly price, and to be honest i like them better like this they i think they look a bit like distroying angels, TT don't worry i can always post you some tipsy frogs if you like lol, - would hate for you to miss out on all the fun ;-) Hameryllis - do you think so, well chuffed with that comment, i want it to be a bit of mistery so my plan must be working then. thanks for the encoragement Spritz, - nothing like a few frustrations to get me digging lol. Trees, Clarice, & Holly, i am also loving the barrel as a water garden, thing is, i am a little concerned about the safety issues with it as it is. it is much deeper than i thought, and Brooke is showing lots of interest in it, - it is waist height for her, if she was to lean over it just for a look she could go in head first and not able to get out. i may have to rethink how we use it. i have two ideas, one is to raise the level of the water with beach pepples so that the water is only 6" deep from the top, then use just marginal plants and the solar water feature as mentioned (don't know as yet how effective Gilli - not used them before either - will get back to you on that) - or go back to the other idea of a bog garden, and fill it with mud and plant up with bog plants, what do you think guys, i can always empty it and go back to water garden with water lillies (would love some of though Dan) once Brooke is past the danger age, but just not worth the risk, at this depth i think, too dangerous.
14 Mar, 2009
I love your wide borders and your choice of's looking good.
14 Mar, 2009
Looking Good, in fact looking Great Angie, you work so hard in your garden and it shows.. About your Barrel, It looks great by the way, but if your worried about Brooke falling in you have to empty it or you will be forever worrying, maybe put it off for a year and just plant it up for now, A gunnera looks great in Barrels and wont grow as Big.. Good luck with whatever you decide and keep the blogs going... Dee..
14 Mar, 2009
thanks, it is coming along nicely now DD2 - have been out there this afternoon with a few gap fillers, until things fill out a bit. and thank YDD, Gunnera would actually be great there, but i have already been out this afternoon and solved the problem - i think! i bought to big bags of beach pepples and half filled the barrel with old bricks i found then covered them with the pepples which are quite large, so they don't sink or move too much if you press down on them, i have ofcourse tested this lol so now the water is only about 8" deep, at the top of the barrel, so even if she did fall in she could quite easy push herself back out, ofcourse i am always in the garden with Brooke anyway, but like you say Dee, once you know of a danger, you do nothing but worry, i feel much more comfortable now. i have also bought some nice water plants that are sitting quite nicely in it, all i need now is a small solar pump to complete the look.
15 Mar, 2009
Brilliant Idea Angie, You have Piece of mind now :)) OK some pics will be nice :)).. Dee..
15 Mar, 2009
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Gosh, you've put so much hard work into this and it's looking great already. Don't we all change our minds when it comes to setting plants out? - women's prerogative. Anyway, well done you!
13 Mar, 2009