Mareli's Profile

About me
We have lived in the same house for 46 years and the gardens have changed a lot over that time. My husband likes everything to be tidy and spends most of his time out there! I do most of the planting in the garden and plant-up baskets and troughs every year. We must have spent thousands of pounds over the years but are now cutting back and making the most of the plants we already have by dividing, taking seeds and cuttings. Our garden is not large but is enjoyed by both of us.
We have quite a variety of plants and trees including acers, a brilliantisimum, golden birch, stellatas, hibiscus, amelanchier, clematis, fuschias, crocosmias, japanese anemones and supplemented by annuals including busy lizzies, begonias and my husband's favourites - morning glories.
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Joined in Aug 2009
Country: United Kingdom
County: Northamptonshire