Just for you TerraToonie gnome loo :))
By mark61
Good afternoon all this is for TT , and if i may say so is obsessed with gnomes having a out side loo so here goes ill try to make one just for you TT ill do my best :))))
part 1
6ft tall do you want curtains or blinds,maybe a toilet roll holder lol
A fiddly little bit the toilet roll holder lol
one more hour then its finished :))
30 Jul, 2011
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this should give us all a laugh, come on Mark, we are waiting, TT you are being spoilt,
30 Jul, 2011
Loo needs to be strong enough, please, to survive being sent to me via snail mail ...
30 Jul, 2011
now now TT, hi val yes certainately is going to be a laugh.Please give me a good month or two to complete Not lol:))))
30 Jul, 2011
its beginning to look POSH
30 Jul, 2011
Toilet roll holder ... excellent ..
Curtains ... essential for privacy in the privy ..
Will there be a chain to pull ???
30 Jul, 2011
Hahahah, a chain,
30 Jul, 2011
I hope that electric drill isn't one of the fittings ;o)
30 Jul, 2011
Oh my god you will want the floor tiling next lol.Dont do chains as it is going be a back to nature toilet.(Hole in the floor) lolYou can have a choice of mixed colours green,brown,and cedar red.Which colours would you like TT?:)))))Will be ready tomorrow.Got to go and fix the toilet upstairs now as my wife is moaning a lot lol.She been asking me all day so this project as saved me lol.:)))))
30 Jul, 2011
Cedar red sounds good, please ...
... as long the gnomes don't get confused and start using it as a mail box .. or a phone box ... ;o)
30 Jul, 2011
Wow, a gnome throne (or perhaps a pixie privy/fairy thunderbox!!) - whatever next, I'm frightened to ask :)
30 Jul, 2011
Gee... you seem very flushed with excitement ;o)
30 Jul, 2011
Just a wee bit, TT :)
30 Jul, 2011
30 Jul, 2011
Hope you are going to put it in a convenient place TT :)
30 Jul, 2011
So,we have reached the toilet humour stage,have we ? Lol.
I'm sure the gnomes will love it..you will have to have an opening ceremony,Terra..and a bottle of wine to celebrate...bottoms up ! (or down) :o))
30 Jul, 2011
My mind is still boggling at the thought of 6 foot tall gnomes. What have you been feeding yours on, TT?
30 Jul, 2011
good morning all thank you for your comments its been a real delight to read them all ,:)))
its nearly ready TT hope you like :))))
31 Jul, 2011
I like the little door, very cute,
31 Jul, 2011
ty very much val, its finally done , well a bit more to do before i send it some little touches, :))
Val me dear it must be your turn next for some thing in your garden :))))
31 Jul, 2011
This has really made me laugh - I have two small sheds, very similar to your gnome loo and my family always refer to them as my 'outside loos' :) Well done, Mark, I bet this would sell well in any garden centre.
31 Jul, 2011
Hi Gee19 i only do one offs your more than welcome to build some yourself to sell in garden centres lol.:)))
Hi TT sorry about the colour i had no cedar red it is autumn red so you may have to change it when you get it.Plus your own little touches lol.;)))))
31 Jul, 2011
"BRILLIANT" I love it, Mark I can't do carpentry, many a thing I can do but not that,
31 Jul, 2011
thank you so much val what would you like me dear :))))
31 Jul, 2011
I'm just back from a charity dog show, so catching up with the a-m-a-z-i-n-g GNOME LOO !!!
It is brilliant...
Can I send you postage so that you can mail it to me please ??? ... gnomes have their legs crossed here ....
31 Jul, 2011
Hi TT hope you made loads of money for the charity dog show.Im so happy you like it and willing to allow this creation into your garden lol ,no need for any postage costs silly you .I will be sending it this week if you could send me your address through a private message that would be great please.:))))xxx
All we have to do now TT is to find out what val would like for her garden :))))
31 Jul, 2011
a train please love. xxxx Lol
31 Jul, 2011
OOOOOOOOOOOOoooh... this is an exciting day ..
lots of money made for charity at the dog show ...
... and completion of a unique Gnome Loo... :o))
... will pm you Mark.. Thank you :o) xxx
31 Jul, 2011
Mark you are a genius ~ that is absolutely fantastic!!!
1 Aug, 2011
Wonderful, TT, your own private 'privvy' !!! :~) Brill Mark. I love the Mole.
1 Aug, 2011
Hi TT glad you made loads of money for a good cause::)))))
Hi stickitoffee your too generous with the kind words.:)))))
Hi Grandmage yes your right her own private privvy for gnomes lol the mole is just for effect lol.:)))))
1 Aug, 2011
He is cute though ! Lol :~)
1 Aug, 2011
i just wish i was as clever as you.
1 Aug, 2011
posh privy mark lol
1 Aug, 2011
Thats neat I love it....
1 Aug, 2011
Well I ve seen it all now never did I think you would strink and have a photo of you sitting on the loo with feet in the air haha hehe. Must be something with Yorkshire men hehe as we ve always said we would get a grave stone of a toilet seat for my son in law who yes comes from Yorkshire haha, as he is alway s on it.
4 Aug, 2011
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He he he ...
for gnomes less than 6 feet tall please :o) x
30 Jul, 2011