Flooded not good:((((
By mark61
Its 11.30pm and we are cleaning the aftermath of being flooded tonight.Unbelievable the rain which came down just like a gigantic bucket of water.It was so nice as all the neighbours in the street and surrounding areas all mucked in together to help all of us in need.Still plenty of work to do ,shall be busy tomorrow:((((
Do i water my plants lol BBFB
10 Jun, 2012
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Hope the weather has eased a bit for you now, and that you are all okay, as Lincslass says it is nice to see everyone helping, take care
10 Jun, 2012
So sorry for you. Hopefully not too much damage :/
11 Jun, 2012
Sorry for everyone in the Welsh floods.
11 Jun, 2012
Sorry to see all this Mark - this weather is so grim this year . Hope it can all get sorted very speedily for you
11 Jun, 2012
Nice to see everyone helping out. I bet you've met some neighbours you didn't know you had?
11 Jun, 2012
Hi Mark, if I say fingers crossed, it would sound like support of the lazy. So good luck and hope the weather will become better very soon. At your street there arenĀ“t trenches (ditches)?
11 Jun, 2012
Oh Mark I am so sorry to read about your flood. It must be very distressing for you all. The weather has been awful lately.
Good luck with the clean-up, and it's reasuring to know that others are willing to help out.
11 Jun, 2012
so sorry to see your flooded out Mark, it's been dreadful this year hasn't it, it's nice to see people helping in your time of need,,, i hope you get sorted out soon..
11 Jun, 2012
Good gracious Mark what a shock for you and even worse at that time of night....., I've just been reading the news that they had to shut the junction on the M1 because of flash flooding, hope itsdry today for you athough its raining here at the minute....
11 Jun, 2012
Dreadful sight ... I hope you manage to get everything cleaned up today. Down here on the South coast at Littlehampton about 25 basement flats are flooded, the residents are sheltering in a Leisure Centre. The basement of Worthing Hospital has flooded, a 20 mile journey around the roads at Chichester is taking up to 2 hours! ... Awful, awful weather for June ... :o(((
11 Jun, 2012
I heard about that Shirley,its been an awful year one way and another, the weather has just behaved crazily...... the river soar has flooded here (again)
I,m so thankful we live on a hill..
Mark its very much not funny I know but with your talent for building I was wondering about an ark?
11 Jun, 2012
Hi all thankyou for all your comments of support.We have got off lightly ,we have just found out some in surrounding areas had to have the fire brigade to help them pump there homes out.Ours homes on our street were done by truely amazing community spirit.
Dianebulley i truely agree with you all our hearts are with the people of wales.They have had things far worse than us.We wish them all luck and best wishes with the aftermath they have to endure.
We are starting to see a light at the end of the cleaning tunnel.At least the rain is holding off for now .
11 Jun, 2012
At least its dry as you say and I hope this rain we have doesn't go any further north
11 Jun, 2012
Sorry to hear that Mark61! Thank God for good neighbours! Non stop rain here too. :(((
11 Jun, 2012
So sorry Mark, lets hope that the worst is over for you and you can get back to some semblance of normality.
11 Jun, 2012
what a mess Mark. hope it has not caused to much damage, what wonderful neighbours you have, keep your chin up.
11 Jun, 2012
I've nominated this for Goypedia because it is uplifting to see how your neighbours all came together
11 Jun, 2012
Thinking of you and your family, Mark. xxx
11 Jun, 2012
Oh no Mark, how awful. Hope it hasn't done too much damage. Really great to see all the neighbours comming together to help out though. Nice to see community spirit still exists. Hope you get everything dried out quickly.
11 Jun, 2012
Poor you.
12 Jun, 2012
Just seen this Mark, how awful and scary, as others have said its lovely to hear of folk pulling together at times of crisis x the scenes in the news are very saddening creakily hope normality returns soon x
12 Jun, 2012
just caught up with your blog mark and so sorry you have had the floods and like alot of people i feel for you all, i wouldnt bother watering the garden, keep ya chin up :o)
14 Jun, 2012
Hi all thank you so much for all your kind comments.Everything is just about dried out now.Not liking the forecoming weather forecast though .Fingers crossed no more flooding.xx
Hi Pamg thank you so much for nominating this blog.It is great to see community spirit and seeing everyone coming together in time of a crisis.I honestly didnt think it existed any more but how wrong am i.xx
We are just hoping it doesnt get any worse for the people who have suffered far worse than usxx
Thank you all again Mark,Julie and Jordanx
15 Jun, 2012
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Oh goodness Mark I`m so sorry, thank goodness people come together in times like this, I hope its subsiding now and that it hasn`t caused too much damage, wish I could help but will be thinking of you...
10 Jun, 2012