A collection of beauties!
By meanie
Having spent the last couple of weeks off ill, I’ve had plenty of time to explore Flickr.
So I thought that I’d share a few of my favourites.
Just right click the following links and open them in a new tab too save having to reload this page.
First link is one of my favourite contributors. I found him a couple of years ago on an Orchid forum, and it’s well worth exploring his web site sometime.
Lepanthes orchid
Sue has the seeds for this next one, so we’re looking forward to this one.
Dietes iridioides
The next flower is an Australian native orchid – makes me green with envy!
Spider orchid
How about this – a white Toad Lily!
White Toad Lily
My next find is a bit of a weird one…..
Aristolochia fimbriata
I think that this Petronymphe decora is just beautiful!
Petronymphe decora
Ceropegia are a fascinating group of plants, and one that I’m looking at adding to my collection. This one is Ceropegia haygarthii
Habenaria medusa is one of my favourite orchids, and one that I would love to grow. Having been succesful with Habenaria radiatta this year I’m a little more encouraged to give it a shot. The first photo is by Thomas, who I mentioned at the start…..
Habenaria medusa
This one is unusual
This is one of the must stunning Hibiscus that I’ve seen!
Hibiscus Campfire
I’ve saved the best until last – it’s so off the wall that you question your eyes!stapelia hirsuta
Thanks for looking, and I hope that you enjoyed them as much as I have!
23 Oct, 2010
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absolutely fantastic! i didnt know if that last one was a tropical fish or a plant. i loved that white spidery one and ive now had to start a wish list for plants ~ the iris was the one that did it cos i thought i may have a hope of growing that one
23 Oct, 2010
What vibrant colours but you must have to know what you are doing with stuff like that. I can empathise with you about time off as I'm in the same boat as it were. I joined Facebook for something to do while house bound but I still haven't figured how to find my way around. I want to embrace modern ways and not become a 'ludite' but I have to say that I'm not sure if it offers much, time will tell.
23 Oct, 2010
Thanks Littlelegs. I have good and bad days.
Stickitoffee - Habenaria medusa is something else! I think that I'm going to have a go at one. The Stepelia looks almost like a cuddly toy!
I recommend Flickr as a way of passing the time of day, but also for getting ideas and inspiration Heron.
23 Oct, 2010
i think i might join it ~ certainly inspirational ~ thanks for all your hard work meanie. im spending a lot of time on here myself right now so flickr may be another favourite?
23 Oct, 2010
Meanie, I had a good look at flickr. Really nice pictures there, and now thanks to you there are soooo many new plants that I want.
23 Oct, 2010
It's bad isn't it Alexandra!
23 Oct, 2010
Wow Meanie, this is another dimension! and some fabulous photography.
24 Oct, 2010
Wow, what a lot of stunners... Love that hibiscus...
24 Oct, 2010
yes Pip, forgot to mention that..and its more my thing!
24 Oct, 2010
Thanks Tetrarch and Pip c!
I think that even the Hibiscus is tender in the UK!
24 Oct, 2010
I have some photographs on flicker, but these make mine look very mundane and boring.......superb photography, and what a selection of unusual plants you managed to find, my favourite has to be the Dietes, all very challenging. The internet is a fascinating place it is amazing what you can discover, ideal when you are not feeling too well, hope you are back to normal now!!
4 Nov, 2010
I can get lost for hours on there, just clicking links and seeing where it takes me!
Of the "achievable"ones, Habenaria is my fave. I've found the corms and am just waiting for them to arrive (spring time).
4 Nov, 2010
Keep me posted....saw a Dietes for sale this evening one of my favourite sellers from eBay where I buy most of my unusual plants.
4 Nov, 2010
Sue has the seeds for that and it's supposed to be reasonably quick grower (2/3 years).
4 Nov, 2010
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What fascinating plants Meanie, you really do have to look at them more than once, and you see something different every time. Hope you are feeling better.
23 Oct, 2010