Another collection of beauties!
By meanie
As I continue to pass the night-time hours unable to sleep, I have at least been able to compile a new collection of links to the weird and wonderful!
As before, right click the links and open them in a new tab to save having to continually reload this blog.
By way of something different, if you click this first link it’ll provide a musical background lasting about three minutes. The music is taken from a piece called Odins Raven Magic, a collaberation between Icelands Sigur Ros, the national orchestra and choir of Iceland, and Hilmar orn Hilmarsson (a revered Icelandic musician ((and pagan))) amongst others.
music link
The first link is to a plant called Columnea incredibilis – a name quite worthy of this fantastic bloom!
Columnea incredibilis
For any of you who regard Impatiens as boring bedding plants (as I used to) the next couple of links should help to disprove that………
Impatiens keilii
The next link will take us to a wonderful macro shot of Hoya praetorii
The next two are of the same flower by an orchid collector called Thomas – the orchid is called Lepanthes calodictyon
, and the leaf in the photos is 2cm in size, with the flower being a mere 2 or 3mm!!
Lepanthes calodictyon
Lepanthes calodictyon
As it’s the 5th of November I have to include this photo of a cactus flower
Next up is Sinningia brasiliensis – as the name suggests, it’s a Sinningia (a relative of the Gloxinia house plant that we may have in our homes) that comes from Brazil! They are pollinated be bird or bats in the wild.
Sinningia brasiliensis
I have no idea what the next flower is called, but it’s so lovely that it deserves inclusion here
EDIT – thanks to Simbad, I now know it to be Belamcanda chinensis!
As we approach the end of this episode, I have for you a really odd orchid going by the common name of the Hungry orchid……..
caladenia alba
My last link is to Polygala rupestris, included with Alexandra and Spritzhenry in mind.
Polygala rupestris
Well, I hope that you enjoyed the photos and the music….
Bye for now!
6 Nov, 2010
More blog posts by meanie
Previous post: A collection of beauties!
Next post: Gone and done it now!
Glad you enjoyed them! I thought I may be stretching it a bit with the music, but that bit's always optional. I thought that it was suitably ethereal though, and as I have a bit of a fascination with Iceland, and the band Sigur Ros I figured let's give it a go! Here's a link for a longer version, but set to to a video that they created - it's one of my favourite things on You Tube......
Generally better, but had a rough night last night.
6 Nov, 2010
Great pictures Meanie, think the unknown picture may be a leopard lily 'belamcanda chinensis', grew this from seed myself a few years ago.
6 Nov, 2010
Thank you Simbad. Spot on id, and I can now edit that bit!
6 Nov, 2010
Sorry but I found it fiddly clicking on the links all the time. I gave up :o( Sorry .
7 Nov, 2010
No need to apologise Hywel - we all use our computers differently. For me personally, I always open links in new tabs. As they're not my photos that I wanted to share, and I believe that we should respect copyright ownership, I can only provide links.
7 Nov, 2010
That's ok :o)
It's me - I'm not very patient with gadgets.
7 Nov, 2010
utterly fantastic ~ thank you for finding them, also loved having the music to go along with the pictures. that cactus is out of this world ~ so amazing
7 Nov, 2010
Fantastic, they are all art forms really, don't you think ?
7 Nov, 2010
Glad that you enjoyed them.
The music was a bit of fun really - I had a playlist going whilst I was on the computer and it got me thinking......
It's a fine line selecting the photos between the quality of the photo and how interesting the blooms are!
7 Nov, 2010
i think its interesting to see and hear different creative ideas. i always think i should be listening to fingals cave when in the western isles near staffa and because of a childhood memory mozarts horn concerto on dartmoor ~ oh yes and beethoven's 6th [pastoral?] goes with rivers and willow trees ~ im sure there are innumerable other lovely combinations?
to me they enhance the experience ~ i suppose it is connecting the senses? visual, hearing, sight etc.
7 Nov, 2010
When I was still a young buck there was a bit of road that I had to play Carl Orff's O Fortuna (from Carmina Burana) at full volume as I risked life and limb along it at 2 or 3 in the morning! If I'd come off the road I probably wouldn't have been found until five or six o'clock!
7 Nov, 2010
full volume is good ~ only way i think! but it can be risky ~ im sure i drive faster when ive got loud and exciting music on!!!
7 Nov, 2010
Sorry my laptop isn't up to playing the musical accompaniment, but you did indeed find a set of interesting plants and thanks for the Polygala! Just a tad different from our one, isn't it! ;-)
7 Nov, 2010
I'm surprised that I'm still here Sticki - thank god I've grown up!
7 Nov, 2010
Spritzhenry - it's another to look out for! Apparently there are a couple of Polygalas native to Europe.
7 Nov, 2010
im supposed to have grown up meanie ~ im certainly old enough!
7 Nov, 2010
We're never too old for fun, just old enough to see the dangers!
7 Nov, 2010
and worry!
7 Nov, 2010
Tell me about it!
7 Nov, 2010
Many Thanks! I really enjoyed this "interactive" blog, lol!!! Good music and lovely plant pics together, best in "full screen" - Thank You!!!
7 Nov, 2010
Glad you enjoyed it all David!
It's a theme that I'll stick with, as doing the "research" is great fun! I've just found a whole group devoted to Passion flowers!
7 Nov, 2010
cant wait ~ and will there be 'passion'ate music to go with it'? i open the music on a different tab so i can see pictures and listen at the same time!
i wanted to put some of my photos with music and then play them thru my tv ~ dont want tv all the time but some nice pictures and music would be good ~ not sure how to do it tho?? i can put a usb memory stick into tv and also have a dvd player linked
8 Nov, 2010
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The music is very stirring ... the first pic made me think of Candy Floss. Rwanda is very lucky to have such Impatiens! As for the Hoya ... amazing ... like teeth or paws to me. The Orchids are fabulous ... almost like an insect on a leaf. The cactus flower is like a fascinator for a wedding ... stunning flower. Loved seeing these ... so many thanks for sharing. Hope you're on the road to recovery now. : o )
6 Nov, 2010