Ramsays Lamb Casserole
By meanie
Here is the Lamb casserole from Gordon Ramsay that I spoke about elsewhere.
In the original recipe, he puts the veg in at the start and discards them. I’ve altered it as I like the veg on the plate.
You will need;
750g braising lamb
200ml red wine
2 cloves garlic
2 star anise
1 teaspoon coriander seeds
2 bay leaves
olive oil
2 tablespoon plain flour
1 dessert spoon tomato puree
6/8 shallots
150g baby carrots
6/8 baby leeks
6/8 baby turnips
200/300ml lamb stock
This is how;
1; Marinade the lamb in the wine, garlic, star anise, coriander seeds and bay leaves for 24 hours.
2; Remove the meat from the marinade and sear on all sides. Place in a bowl and coat with the flour.
3; Transfer to a casserole dish over heat and slowly add the marinade whilst stirring. Take your time to avoid “flour lumps”. Add the tomato puree and stock before transferring to the oven (preheated to 170c).
4; After an hour and three quarters, add the veg.
5; Cook for a further 75 minutes.
4 Dec, 2011
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Much as I love pearl barley, I'm not sure this is that kind of dish. But hey, I rarely follow recipes to the letter either!
4 Dec, 2011
i do a lovely lamb hotpot meanie, so may try this to, sounds good :o))
4 Dec, 2011
Sanbaz - as this is robustly flavoured it goes well with Harissa roasted potatoes (I usually do them as wedges).
4 Dec, 2011
sounds really good , not sure pearl barley would go with red wine and garlic, you might be disapponted. There is a spanish lamb dish uses loads garlic carrots onions and best part of bottle of red wine....really good, thanks for recipe love to get different ideas.
4 Dec, 2011
even better meanie, im a potatoe addict haha
4 Dec, 2011
This sounds yummy....might give it a try next week.
4 Dec, 2011
Cazcat - each to their own I think! It's a starting point. I've added broad beans for the last 20 mins, and next time I'll try chick peas in it instead. We need the Spanish recipe!
Sanbaz - seek out a Moroccan deli for the harissa paste. In my opinion it is much better than the cr@p from the supermarkets.........
Alex - it is! Neck is my cut of lamb for this, cooked on the bone. Could work well with lamb shanks too I think.
4 Dec, 2011
Do you want a lodger Meanie because I wouldn't mind being your official taster ... sounds delicious :o))
4 Dec, 2011
Would make a spot on christmas supper Amy!
4 Dec, 2011
Gone on to my favs Meanie...thank you
9 Dec, 2011
Thank Mr.Ramsay Moti!
I just typed it out.
9 Dec, 2011
this sounds very good, would be nice in spring too with all those baby veg. i like lamb when it is really tender.
9 Dec, 2011
It is Sticki - trust me!
9 Dec, 2011
i have a recipe, somewhere, recommended by a meat specialist that is for shoulder of lamb, cooked slowly, think there are tomatoes and some sort of beans in it somewhere ~ it was fabulous.
9 Dec, 2011
i just love my recipe books and have two shelves of them in the kitchen ~ oh, no its grown to three!!
the problem is now i cant remember where my favourite recipes are ~ going to make a new folder of 'worlds best' or my very best etc. then i can find it quicker, in the mean time i need to work through the ten thousand recipes i have to make sure i have the best one on file!!
that should keep me busy!!!
9 Dec, 2011
Go for it!
Were they dried beans?
9 Dec, 2011
meani we dont have such Deli`s round blackpool, not sure where to closest place would be, maybe manchester, will check online :o)
9 Dec, 2011
Star anise and coriander seeds are available in all supermarkets. Better still, any Asian store.
9 Dec, 2011
no they were flagelot beans in a tin
sent you a pm
9 Dec, 2011
Meanie I decided to try one of the pickled Chillis today ,I cut a small piece off and popped it in my mouth , It had the garlic flavour then the Chilli , Oh my !! it nearly blew my head off I had to spit it out , how do you use yours , do you eat them straight like that , actually the taste was fantastic if only I could stand the heat ...
12 Dec, 2011
I tend to eat them as is Amy.........
If they are too hot for you, they are great added to salsa. Also, de-seed and chop one chilli finely and add to one jar of Branston pickle, similarly with picalilli, homemade pickle or chutney or homemade chilli sauce.
Or saute one small onion, add chopped chilli to taste, a pinch of sugar and a tin of baked beans.
Or carefully slice open and remove the seeds, dip in beer batter (with ground turmeric, ginger and coriander) fry, then serve with lemon wedges and a cucumber and mint riatta.
I'm beginning to worry about my chilli tolerance! I've just been given some naga chilli seeds.
12 Dec, 2011
I should worry if I were you Meanie LOL... thanks for all those tips I like the sound of them dipped in beer batter etc. I will try another piece on it's own tomorow I liked the taste maybe I was too hasty it was the sudden shock of it being so hot I didn't expect it .......
Will you plant your Naga seeds now or the spring ?
12 Dec, 2011
My chilli seeds are traditionally sown on the first of January Amy.
12 Dec, 2011
Thanks Meanie I will remember that ....
12 Dec, 2011
i could eat nearly anything dipped in beer batter
might be beer battering OH in a minute ~ just driven all the way back from devon and now making tea while he sits in lounge waiting ~ he has had 2 days off.
13 Dec, 2011
Well, he's probably hungry!!!!
13 Dec, 2011
yes, suppose so. but he might have asked how my journey was or made me a cup of tea??
13 Dec, 2011
Oh Dear Sticki , we all need a Meanie to cook for us , we could take it in turns to borrow him ... LOL......
I tried the pickled Chilli again today Meanie this time I was prepared, it's good ! I'm becoming immune to the heat .......
13 Dec, 2011
very good idea amy ~ put me on the list please!!!
14 Dec, 2011
Only cook for pleasure, not to order!
14 Dec, 2011
i think i should put that quote on the kitchen door, it is excellent.
14 Dec, 2011
Ask for one for chrimbo! They may take the hint.........
14 Dec, 2011
i could make it myself ~ in BIG writing. he still wont take any notice though ~ but i think the point should be made!!! if i dare
better take a nice glass of something first.
how am i going to put it for the door
Cooking in this kitchen is done for pleasure and never to order
does that sound ok?
14 Dec, 2011
Why be polite when you're drawing a line in the sand!
14 Dec, 2011
is the not-so-polite version printable?
14 Dec, 2011
Probably not!!!!
14 Dec, 2011
Meanie I did some baked red and green peppers today, stuffed them with cooked rice peas etc. I was going to put anchovies in then decided to try some of your deseeded chopped up chilli mixed with the rice instead , it worked a treat ,even OH said " these are nice " .. I shall have to pickle some more soon :o)
14 Dec, 2011
Lime, garlic, and chillies are perfect with rice.
14 Dec, 2011
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I really love Lamb casserole Meanie, I would be tempted to add some pearl barley as well, thanks for the recipe gone into faves.
4 Dec, 2011