Carry on clearing!
By melchisedec
I have a corner which has been collecting leaves and weeds and self-sown “things” for years. And I have half-heartedly pulled away the worst of the weeds and told myself that it’s ok. Then yesterday I looked at it and decided that I had to do something about it because the best bits of it were getting undeniably tatty.
See what I mean? :
The fountain is a pebble pool which I had used as an ornamental feature, but the tiles were all frost damaged and the surround was rotting away. So I decided I would take it apart and set the reservoir into the ground.
The old leaves are all from the wisteria which covers the wall. I nearly filled the green bin with them (it was only emptied the day before yesterday – it’s full now. Why does that always happen?) I discovered various broken pots, a little old elephant-shaped plastic watering can that belonged to my children when they were little, and – rather mysteriously – a very large, old bone. Not wanting to be held up by SOCO, I put it in the bin. The green shoots to the right are montbretia/crocosmia (just the common type). I had already pulled away armfuls of old brown leaves and stems last week.
There is a very large fern which fills the far corner later in the year. It will be nice to make more of a feature of it.
I wanted to leave the edges a little bit overgrown, because I have a corridor all the way around the garden walls which I know is used by numerous frogs and a hedgehog or two. Probably snails and slugs as well, but I can’t have it all ways.
I relaid the bark in the adjoining area last week. Thanks to a “4 for 3” offer at the GC, I had enough left to cover this part as well.
I don’t like the look of the water feature, though, and the bark needs levelling.
Another trip to the GC later, and I have the stones I want for the top of the tray. I have switched on the fountain – you can just make it out – and now I shall dream about the possibility of sitting within sound of it, enjoying the sun (and a nice glass of Rioja!)
16 Mar, 2013
Previous post: Early March 2013
Next post: Tipsy Pots - for Motinot
Thanks. I've just had a nice long soak in the bath. I shan't tell you how many times I dis- and re-assembled that pebble pool!
16 Mar, 2013
I bet this is lovely in summer, I like your pebble pond too. I think we all have a messy neglected part in our gardens, I finally tackled mine last year..
16 Mar, 2013
It's so satisfying isn't it to give a neglected corner of the garden a make over, it's almost always hard work though!
16 Mar, 2013
My bin was also emptied Thurs and I have enough to refill it already but its pouring down here so thats a job for another day.
I like that little corner and the pebble feature looks great, will be very relaxing to listen to when we get our summer days, notice I said when not if, lol, I know how many times some projects have to be re-arranged before we are satisfied, sometimes we are our own worst enemy..
16 Mar, 2013
Oh i can understand that! when i made my pond it had so many alterations i lost count!
16 Mar, 2013
It looks much better now, and I really like the pebbles on the fountain :o)
Hope you'll have some nice weather to sit there this year.
16 Mar, 2013
that is a job very well done. I love your pebble fountain. Ferns are fabulous plants and wouldnt be without them.
16 Mar, 2013
You have made a huge difference to that corner. I like the idea of the pebble pool. It looks really good the way you have covered it over. I am looking forward to getting some decent weather so you can enjoy it.
16 Mar, 2013
We're never satisfied, are we, Sticki? So good when it's finally in apple-pie order, though ;-)
Thanks YDD and Louisa. It is very satisfying indeed - I feel quite smug! I couldn't imagine it ever being perfect, though, and I really wouldn't want it to be. Changing and adapting bits of it are a lot of the fun. That corner has been waiting for a few years! I find I spend more time out there now, and start earlier and earlier each year. What would I do if I ran out of things to improve. (Well, I daresay I would start changing things!)
Thanks, Lincslass. Don't worry - I shall take advantage of every little sunbeam to rush outside. One of the advantages of growing old(er)!
Thank you Scotsgran - the corner has irked me for a while now, and though I half-heartedly tidied it now and then, I am very pleased finally to have "bottomed" it.
I think we are all longing for some good weather!
Thanks, Hywel. There was quite a choice of pebbles and cobbles. I liked the colours of the cobbles, but thought the size of the smaller stones was more suitable. If the pump gets blocked I have to move them all to clean it!
Thank you Sbg. I also love ferns and have quite a few, several self-seeded from the big one in the corner, which will be starting to put in an appearance before long. It's quite a common type, but very imposing.
16 Mar, 2013
Im still changing the pond now! Its what I like about gardening ~ you can keep changing things.
16 Mar, 2013
Thank you Scotsgran - pebble pools are great and very easy to set up. I got this one on special offer at Southport Flower show years ago. I've never used it the way it was designed until now - much better, I think. The only disadvantage is if debris gets into the pump, which can happen even with a filter. But it's less likely to happen with a good layer of pebbles on top. Mind you - i shouldn't really have it near trees, but I can't get away from them in my garden!
Absolutely right, Sticki! And it's a good way to drop off to sleep, thinking about it - or stay awake, thinking about it lol!
16 Mar, 2013
Don't you think we'd get bored if our gardens were absolutely perfect and nothing needed doing to them? What would we do with ourselves??:)
16 Mar, 2013
Louisa there is no chance my garden would ever be perfect, nor is anything else I do! But I agree I would get bored ~ when I clear the kitchen and wash up everything the very next minute I am getting things out to cook ~ I dont like things pristine and put away ~ I feel more comfortable with things happening around me!!
16 Mar, 2013
I certainly do, Louisa. And I like a bit of wildness, anyway. The bottom third of my garden is a wild area, and although I plant spring bulbs there and take out some of the most invasive weeds, I leave it pretty much to its own devices.
16 Mar, 2013
Terrific makeover Mel . . . v. satisfying. I agree it's fun to make changes, and thinking about them helps me to sleep!
17 Mar, 2013
I'm the same Sheila, I often go to sleep thinking about what I've done in the garden and what I want to do next, it's great for helping me nod off!
17 Mar, 2013
Thanks, Sheila - it's drizzled pretty much since I did it, but never mind. I can see it from the window!
17 Mar, 2013
I love doing this sort of thing especially when it turns out as good as yours has.
Bet it sort of puts a spring in your step every time you pass by it.
17 Mar, 2013
Thank you, Stroller - it does! I always find this side of gardening great fun.
17 Mar, 2013
That looks good , Mel! I bet you're pleased you checked it out now! i love the little pebble pool. All we need now is a really good summer to make up for this very long winter!
17 Mar, 2013
Oh yes, Rose - here's hoping!
17 Mar, 2013
Looks great Melchi, you have done a great job, what a lovely makeover. :O)
18 Mar, 2013
Thanks Barbara! That corner has been needing attention for years...
18 Mar, 2013
Great job done, Mel. The pool looks great. I love your gardening style - so relaxed and natural. Hope you're enjoying this breath of Spring weather to sit out there and enjoy.
2 May, 2013
Thanks Tuesdaybear. Yes - I was out there today, enjoying the warmth. Also fixing the pool again! The old pump gave up the week after I tidied up, and when I finally got a replacement on Tuesday, it didn't work properly - it kept stopping. So I exchanged it this morning and rebuilt the *!# pool. I must have removed and replaced all the pebbles at least three times yesterday! But - dare I say it? - I think it is finally fixed. So the garden may be relaxed, but yesterday the gardener definitely wasn't! Still - life would be boring if it were perfect. (Wouldn't it...?)
2 May, 2013
We certainly have to tell ourselves that!!
3 May, 2013
4 May, 2013
A job well done!
Fountains? Roija? Together?
I bet you use the loo often. Lol.
7 May, 2013
! (I don't dilute the wine, though!)
7 May, 2013
Lol. :-D
8 May, 2013
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4 Mar, 2013
i love that little pebble fountain and what a pretty area you have made! The fern is lovely too.
16 Mar, 2013