Fleeing the nest
By milky
Today must have been one of the noisiest in the garden……“Tweeting and Squarking” everywhere….It seems to have been a “Last fill of the bellies” and "Kicking out " day, around here.
Then after having a good look around
!Got to make sure that old Magpie isnt waiting…..and Of they went…. Just flew straight out of the Oak tree before I could get a picture, and not come back…Then its was the starling turn………..http://media.growsonyou.com/photos/blog_photo/image/8684/main/birds_010.jpg!
“I dont know if I like it down Here….Wheres me Mum”
“Will you be my Mum, Please…………” Then all hell was let loose……………
Started small……..
I was like being inside an aviary all day long, and then, a few at a time, they all seemed to disappear……..By 6 tonight, I was sitting, and watching, with Ray, who was still awake, because all that was left was 1 baby Sparrow…..tweeting away……..looking lost and forlorn……..
No Mum came back for him or to feed him…….Alas……..we checked again about 8 o clock and he was still there so Ray donned a pair of gardening gloves and put him in the hedge………Bless…….I dont think he will be here tomorrow……
22 May, 2009
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Awww.....poor little thing. Mum and Dad Sparrow maybe can't count and didn't know he was left behind. I hope the poor little fella survives the night.
23 May, 2009
Fantastic blog and pics Milky. Well done especially on pics of babies emerging from the box.
Were Rays hads alright after handling that dangerous baby sparrow (with his heavy duty gardening gloves) or did he end up in A&E?
I do hope the little fellow survives (the baby sparrow that is). I'll leave Ray (SP) to your tender mercies.
23 May, 2009
What a lovely sight to see the baby birds emerging. Hope Little Sparrow survived the night and Mum returned to him. Great blog, Milky.
23 May, 2009
we were feeding a baby sparrow today, it hasnt fully got its flying wings so does a little bit at a time, but has a broken leg. was so worried couldnt stop thinking about it. he eventually flew off after a rest
breaks my heart but part of life
x x x
23 May, 2009
You will be pleased to know that SP spent the night in my greenhouse watching over it, and saw it fly off after he fed it some seed and bread crumbs this morning......yeahhhhh...x x x
23 May, 2009
awww thats great news milky :o))
23 May, 2009
Yes.......mind you Rays been sleeping it off all day....Didnt have the heart to take a pic though...I was too grateful.....
23 May, 2009
Well done Ray. That really is great news.
24 May, 2009
Great news, well done SP!
24 May, 2009
That's unfair Gee. He was awake for this one. Probably making up for it now though.
24 May, 2009
He is at that Toto..............
24 May, 2009
Very good luck to him.
24 May, 2009
You have some great photos there Milky. Those starlings are noisy arent they! Pleased the little fella survived - sorry Ray has been left shattered - can't believe you were a good girl and resisted a photo though :(
25 May, 2009
Oh ...no fear about that Dawn, there will be plenty of opportunities I'm sure..........
25 May, 2009
That's OK then :-)
26 May, 2009
Your as wicked as me Dawn.....:>
26 May, 2009
I know, scarey init!
26 May, 2009
Ha ha ha ha ha a little Dawn..........
26 May, 2009
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aww, why dont you feed him milky, i raised a baby blackbird once and its suvived and was able to go off into the world
22 May, 2009