Our Street Party.......
By milky
What a wonderful day it turned out to be. And didnt they make such a handsome couple. Their love shone out to each other just in their glances…….Good Luck to them both Here are some photos of how we celebrated with them……..
This is Betty….the old lady who lives next to us, and the oldest resident in the street. She was born here 86 years ago
Lots of the tables and chairs were loaned to us from the local church, and the Priest also attended to judge the cake competition…
Queen Vic’ aka Jane……often seen during the course of the day swigging from a beer bottle….lol
Milly and 2 friends sitting in the middle of the road having a picnic….Now when was the last time you saw that happen!!!!
We have a resident that keeps doves, so we had a dove release and the kids all got a chance to hold one before they were let go
DJ Darren…….He did a brilliant job…..
Recognise this one?….your used to seeing him prone….
And this is Darren and Wife Maggie….who organised the whole thing with some help from some other neighbours…………..We had a hot dog stall and a Pimms stall, plus tombola’s, and a local Ice cream man even called in for a hour and donated what he collected for the hour…..In all…We partyied hard and gave generously, and managed to raise almost £2, 500 for 2 local childrens charities, and had a really good time doing it. Well done the residents of Hillcrest Road……
30 Apr, 2011
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that is fantastic, you will all remember that! i live in a little side road with 6 houses ~ they didnt want to do anything even tho i did try.
in the end we had some other people over but they didnt want to watch the wedding
i was at work in the morning but managed to have my break as kate arrived at the church ~ it was lovely watching it with work friends, much more fun!
30 Apr, 2011
That looks like a great fun day, good idea to raise money for charity too! It's lovely to see a street getting together, that community feeling will last a long time!! :0)
30 Apr, 2011
wow what an amazing time you all had...and im sure your community is better for it too...i bet Betty knows every body...we watched from start to finish on the tv. glad u had such a great day..:-)
30 Apr, 2011
Brilliant, well done in raising so much while having fun!
It was a fab day. I bet the happy royal couple are cream crackered!! Didn't they look so happy, it was wonderful to see.
30 Apr, 2011
Looked a great day for you - lots of fun for you all :):):)
30 Apr, 2011
Well done to you and your road that was fantastic, it was such a lovely wedding enjoyed every bit of it....
30 Apr, 2011
What a great community spirit you have,in your road,Milky..lovely to see,and what we are short of these days.lovely weather too,by the look of it..I enjoyed the Wedding very much too..and can't believe how much you all raised for Charity..well done,for putting all that effort in to it..:o)
1 May, 2011
You Essex folk know how to party dont you. How nice that you all pulled together. Ray looks very splendid, as ever, lol. So much money raised for the charity. Good for you Maureen.
1 May, 2011
Dear me ! There was nothing like that anywhere near here.
1 May, 2011
Congratulations, what a wonderful day you all had, and so many people, so nice to see people get together like that, we watched the wedding and drank a bottle of champagne between the two of us, no street party though which is such a shame, Kate and William make a wonderful couple so much in love, and didn't she look beautiful, also William and Harry both very handsome in their uniforms, glad you had a great day Milky, well done to all who raised £2,500 for charity,
1 May, 2011
great party maureen and well done all for raising so much money, how lovely was that, i loved the wedding and cries every time i watched it, 4 times in all hahah
1 May, 2011
So pleased you had a lovely day all of you.
1 May, 2011
Thankyou all....We had a brilliant time as I hope did you all....
1 May, 2011
Lovely that an enjoyable day also raised money for charity. Well done all of you :)
2 May, 2011
Thanks everyone........and there is already talk for the Diamond Jubilee.......lol
2 May, 2011
Well done to you all, Milky, what a brilliant effort by your community. Love the patriotic outfit in the last pic!
2 May, 2011
I didnt watch it live as I had to go work but I caught up later, wishing my neighbours were that patriotic, we had bunting and flags out but we were the only ones in the road to do so
2 May, 2011
Lovely photos looks like you all had a jolly time Love the dove as well
3 May, 2011
What a street party you had! I've never been to a street party and there was absolutely none to be heard of in our area on the Wedding Day. Looks like you all had a great day and congratulations too on raising such a great amount for charity.
Thanks for sharing your day with us, Milky.
3 May, 2011
It was so nice to see Brits celebrating your Britishness!!I thoroughly enjoyed the holiday. Well done Milky & company!
P.S. Didn't you just love the cute getaway car (Aston Martin) with the Learner plate on the front? It was priceless!
3 May, 2011
Oh Yes Sunrose....I loved it too....So nice tpo just see the 2 of them drive off by themselves....it made me shed a tear or two Lol
3 May, 2011
Was Ray eating that flag lol first time I ve seen him awake
4 May, 2011
Nice that your next door neighbours are so friendly and kind ...
lots of happy pictures .. :o)
5 May, 2011
How fantastic - no street parties I knew of, but a friend of mine had a garden party and invited all the neighbours, so it was a sort of street party, just in a private garden. I felt lucky to be included, given I don't live in her part of Ealing. I watched the wedding before going, and now I know I'm properly old, because I've noticed older people are often moved to tears - I'm not a royalist, not bothered one way or the other, not bothered about weddings being an old cynic, but I found myself in joyful tears. I kept remembering Harry and William the last time they were at the Abbey for their mother's funeral - so fantastic to see them now, she'd be proud of them. And all that pageantry, absolutely fantastic, thoroughly enjoyed it.
5 May, 2011
What a fantastic day it was, and your party looked fantastic, well done to you all, julien.
5 May, 2011
Wow!! Sooo many people.
We had a little event on the Saturday but there certainly weren't that many people there and not as much bunting. Tug of War seemed to go down well though!
I'm with Sunrose and co. Loved the Aston Martin touch.
Definately nice to see a couple who actually looked like they were in love and enjoying their wedding day.
6 May, 2011
I so agree Gillspec.....and thankyou all for your lovely comments....
6 May, 2011
I've just seen your blog now. Can you believe it was two weeks ago today? I absolutely LOVED it. We watched it on telly and I had a lump in my throat as Kate walked down the isle. I know, getting soft in me old age!!!
Wish I could've been there for the street party. Let me know the next time you have one, we'd love to support it and will bring our two cute wee doggies as well. We are in Surrey so not too far away.
13 May, 2011
Thanks Sugabe.......I reckon the next will be the Jubilee next year........
14 May, 2011
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How wonderful! Wish I was there! I can just feel the atmosphere :))) Well done to you all! :))))))
30 Apr, 2011