What would you be?
By mookins
My lil girl said to me yesterday I was a flower and when I asked her which one she said a “pink one”
Bless her heart
which got me thinking
if you could be a herb/shrub/flower/tree etc
what would you be? and why?
x x x
18 Jun, 2009
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I would be a pink rose as it the best display for the longest time .
18 Jun, 2009
MMMMMM Mookins after much deliberation I thought and came up with Snowdrop (disambiguation) – however decided was too delicate – then thought Echinops but then - no too overpowering – so I have settled for “ Nicole Rose” that is my final answer - WHY ? soft and gentle easy on the eye - get too close and and wham watch my thorns !!!
18 Jun, 2009
I'd like to be a dandelion seed so that I could travel effotlessly on the breeze forever, never landing and for the sake of all mankind, never growing.
18 Jun, 2009
id like to be a daffodil,,,,,,,, they seem sto cheer everyone up at the start of spring
18 Jun, 2009
that is so difficult mookins. it would have to be a british native but dont know which one.
18 Jun, 2009
Wow....what an interesting question. I think I would have to say that I would be an English rose....perhaps "Spirit of Freedom". A hardy variety with a lovely fragrance and a beautiful soft pink.....and very disease resistant!!! LOL
19 Jun, 2009
I think I would be a cactus.
19 Jun, 2009
i dont see you as prickly or do you mean you are well adapted to the environment you live in Blodyn? :o)
19 Jun, 2009
I think I can survive the stresses of life. lol.
19 Jun, 2009
still cant decide which fower/plant i would be. some days a weeping willow :o(
others an oak [heart of]
but overall no idea.
19 Jun, 2009
As a Silver Birch, I'd be
A strong, resilient, useful tree.
In summer I'd give welcome shade
As young wild creatures round me played.
A haven for insects I'd be
If I were that whispering, white-barked tree.
19 Jun, 2009
TOTO how poetic and Irish you always cheers us up no matter which season
19 Jun, 2009
Japanese knotweed - you'd never get rid of me!
19 Jun, 2009
Bigbumblebee that is lovely
You have all given some fab answers
I think I may have been a peony in past life. It takes me a while to bloom but when I get there I do it very well, but one knock back and I dont take it very well.
Also Im a real stubborn butt. Try to change me and I will sulk!! Just leave me to do what I do best and Im happy happy happy
x x x
19 Jun, 2009
Gilli, we all new that you were an English rose.
20 Jun, 2009
What a question. I think I would like to be a potato.......
Why I here you ask, well go on then ask......
Well they are so humble yet strong have a lovely bloom and are so versitile underneath. How many other plants can you eat every day of the week without eating the same thing twice.
Ian xxx
21 Jun, 2009
Toto........ :o)
22 Jun, 2009
I would be a giant maple with spreading limbs and leaves that give shade. I would have strong limbs for children to climb in, and delightful fall leaves for them to jump in while they play with my helicopter seeds in the wind.
I would listen to the birds chirp to one another every evening as I fall asleep and I would know exactly where they had traveled when they flew from my limbs leaving their nests in my care.
mmmm..I can feel the breeze in my leaves now..rustling through, caressing ...nice...
23 Jun, 2009
wow this blog is really bringing the poets and writers out of the woodwork!!
x x x
23 Jun, 2009
I love this blog mookins..thankyou for starting it...~Cat
23 Jun, 2009
your more than welcome
x x
23 Jun, 2009
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21 Jun, 2009
I'd definately be a shade of pink and probably be a Clematis :)
Delicate but strong, reliable, with a beautiful flower ! :)
Or, maybe a dark leaved Sambucus :)
Delicate and feathery with a dark look and beautiful pink flower :)
Oh heck ..... i'd be anything if i liked it !!!!!!!!
18 Jun, 2009