Growing with the Moon in November
By moon_grower
We are experiencing a glorious Indian summer here – may it long continue. There is now less to do in the vegetable garden but it is important to keep tidying and composting any leaves or stalks you have removed from plants. Especially remember to remove the yellowing leaves of brassicas where whitefly like to gather.
Harvest all your root crops for storage on a root-harvesting day; the best days to harvest are 18 – 22 November. Store in layers in shallow crates/boxes separated with a damp packing material such as leaf mould, sand, sieved soil, sawdust (from untreated wood only), coir. In a cool, frost free, dry shed or garage away from vermin.
Harvest your brassicas and leeks for storage when the moon is ascending 1 – 12 November and 26 November – 1 December. Harvest for immediate eating as near to the time of cooking as possible.
Sow broad bean and hardy winter peas on 9 – 10, 18 – 20 and 27 – 28 November.
Sow garlic sets on 2 – 4, 11 – 12, 21 – 23 (am) and 29 – 30 November
Inspect your brassicas for white fly and if you discover spray with an insecticidal soap or comfrey tea to remove and then with a garlic compound to deter the whitefly from returning. Spray early in the morning on 11 – 16 and 21 – 24 November.
No work or harvesting should be done in the garden on 13 (am) descending node and 23 (pm) – 24 (am) perigee.
1 Nov, 2011
Previous post: How to store your onions over winter and other tips
Next post: Tips for Growing with the Moon in December
When should I move raspberries ?
1 Nov, 2011
Hi Hywel November is a good month for moving raspberry canes, the best day would be 13 November.
1 Nov, 2011
Thank you.
1 Nov, 2011
Thank you from me, too, MG. I have hundreds of canes to dig up and pass on to friends - let's hope it isn't raining too hard on that day!
I'm sure there must be a recipe for using garlic as an insect deterrent somewhere in previous answers or blogs but I can't find it - could you repeat for me, please?
1 Nov, 2011
Take whole garlic cloves and put in your blender or food processor and enough water to be able to wizz down to a liquid. Strain and use diluted 1:10 in a spray bottle. You can also add some chillies if you wish.
You will know to cut the canes right back prior to moving.
1 Nov, 2011
Thank you MG. I have in the past cut the canes down to about 18" before digging them out and passing them on to friends, leaving them to cut them right back themselves once they have been planted - not least because there is sometimes a gap of a week or two between the two events. Is this wrong?
1 Nov, 2011
Nope that is fine, get your friends to heel them in if they can't plant immediately.
1 Nov, 2011
Thanks Mg, my garden is mainly ornamental but I still find your blogs very interesting and there is always a tip to pick up on the way. Lovely photo`s as well...
1 Nov, 2011
Glad you enjoy the blogs Lincslass
1 Nov, 2011
Lovely pics there MG.
1 Nov, 2011
First time I've managed to 'catch' one of your blogs MG....although I don't grow fruit or veg - very usefull advice for those who do :)
1 Nov, 2011
Thanks Moongrower, added to my favourites for future reference, should I ever get to the stage of storing my produce! What about gooseberry pruning, seem to think you've covered this before, I suspect its November time. Might sound a silly question but can you set garlic cloves purchased from the supermarket or do I need to get proper sets. Thank you :-)
1 Nov, 2011
Hi Dawnsaunt yes now is a good time to prune your Gooseberry bushes - try to keep them open in the middle to allow the air to circulate. Regarding the garlic you really do need to buy the proper sets, the ones in the supermarkets have been treated to prevent them sprouting.
1 Nov, 2011
Thanks MoonG. Oh dear, I wont bother with the supermarket garlic then. OK, I'll look into pruning the gooseberries and blackcurrants I guess too. Going to try and find some garlic sets now :-)
1 Nov, 2011
Your local GC 'should' have, otherwise check on-line.
2 Nov, 2011
Interesting blog and lovely photos
2 Nov, 2011
Thanks Clarice
2 Nov, 2011
Great advice Moon Grow, I managed to get enough garlic and some to replant this year. Harvested in last week of sept and replanted same week already seeing shoots on two.
2 Nov, 2011
Great Geordielad... you'll find your own garlic grows better than any other would as it is adapted to your growing conditions.
2 Nov, 2011
Hi Moongrower, I found some Solent Wight online. If I grow them, will I be able to use my own sets from these, thereafter. I've been looking at the Japanese onion sets for planting in Autumn too - do you bother with these?
2 Nov, 2011
Hi Dawn yes you should be able to grow on your own garlic...
Sadly where we live planting anything for any early start in spring is a no hoper...
2 Nov, 2011
Just googled where you are .... didnt realise you were so far north, such a beautiful area, how do you keep warm in Winter?
2 Nov, 2011
Same way everyone does... the temperature here doesn't normally get 'that' cold though the past two winters have had there moments. Good insulation, good heating and wear thermal undies!
3 Nov, 2011
Yesterday's Daily Express said Siberian temps on their way in a fortnight, plus snow. Get your thermals ready!
3 Nov, 2011
Ach... none of then has a clue! For us the fact that the Eastern Seaboard of the States had a bad snow storm is an indicator... However, even that isn't a real proof!
3 Nov, 2011
Nahhhh, agree. The weather folk never seem to get it right. I'll just keep tapping my barometer.
3 Nov, 2011
3 Nov, 2011
Hi, Moongrower! I have a couple of rather large bags of onion sets, and need to know whether the dates and times for planting that apply to garlic will apply to these, too? Also, do you think it is too late to take cuttings from blackcurrant bushes? We are still getting beautiful, warm sunny days, but yesterday we had our first real frost and the nights are getting quite bitter.
I love the look of the winter garden, all freshly dug and neat - just the brassicas and herbs and leeks still green. It's unfortunate, all the beautiful red onions (the long Calabrian kind) which we harvested and plaited up and hung in our cool cellar about 6 weeks ago, have sprouted a splendid crop of leaves, so we're busy making loads of soup while there are still some intact! Can anyone tell me, do onions freeze well?
19 Nov, 2011
Hi Gattina living where you do I would wait until early spring to plant the onion sets, they don't really like sitting in frozen ground for long periods of time. It is a bit late for the black currants but I'd have a go anyway. I've never tried to freeze onions but peeled and diced and popped into freezer bags I can't see why they wouldn't be fine in soups, stews and casseroles. Still very mild here, we've had a couple of light frosts but nothing major - when I think of last year and all the snow…
19 Nov, 2011
Thanks so much for that, MG. Yes, quite often by now we have had snow - deep enough to block us in. The snow chains are already in the boot of the car, plus a shovel. It's the law here from the 1st October, which says it all!
Do I need to use hormone rooting powder on the blackcurrants, and do I need to leave them to scab over before pushing them into the soil? I doubt I need the overnight fridge treatment!
19 Nov, 2011
Sorry meant to reply to this and forgot, I wouldn't use rooting powder simply push them straight into the ground.
21 Nov, 2011
Huh that is weird - that's me MG that posted back to you Gattina
21 Nov, 2011
That's spooky, MG! I did that anyway. Nice to have it confirmed!
21 Nov, 2011
Very spooky...
21 Nov, 2011
Recent posts by moon_grower
- Flowering in the Garden Today
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- Growing with the Moon in February
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- Growing with the Moon in January
6 Jan, 2012
- Tips for Growing with the Moon in December
1 Dec, 2011
- How to store your onions over winter and other tips
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- Growing with the Moon in September 2011
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Thanks Moongrower ..
lovely photos ..
...and your moon growing blogs are a useful addition to GoY as always :o)
1 Nov, 2011