By moon_grower
Hi All
I’ve decided to take a two week sabbatical from GoY… and then decide whether I want to be part of anymore. I recognise that change is necessary but I feel there has been far to much change on GoY recently.I’m not happy with all the changes Peter and Ajay have instigated and, sorry guys, can only see them as cash cow decisions.
I have also found the attitude of some GoYers whom, it seems to me, would prefer to argue that black is white than accept there is another point of view than there own saddening.
Please do not respond to this… I will not read and will not respond to any PM’s.
Equally please do not PM Bulbaholic!
Sadly MG
4 Dec, 2009
Previous post: Growing with the Moon in December
Next post: Gardening by the Moon in January 2010
5 Dec, 2009
I'm with Moongrower on this - I'm not taking a sabbatical, but I am considering whether to stay or go, for slightly different reasons, but certainly to do with the way the site is run.
5 Dec, 2009
6 Dec, 2009
I think that after Friday several of us may be considering our position here.
6 Dec, 2009
glad i wasnt here when it all happened, it does get very tiring and spoils a lovely site :o(
6 Dec, 2009
Oh dear, I must have missed something while i was down with Flu.
I am so sorry that things are changing and folks are leaving !
Chris xx
8 Dec, 2009
8 Dec, 2009
I've considered - I'm staying, on balance, the good still outweighs the bad, most of the time, and that's probably all you can ask for, really.
8 Dec, 2009
You can work for change from within an organisation but it is much more difficult from without.
8 Dec, 2009
Aye, ain't that the truth - I'll keep trying;-)
8 Dec, 2009
Goodness me! How awful that someone has been so upset by something (I know not what) on this site. I do hope that Moongrower comes back.How sad. I have found this site to be so friendly; it is always the few that spoil it for the many.
I wondered if anyone could enlighten me as to the changes that have been made to the site as I have not heard of any and would, obviously, like to be 'in the know'.
11 Dec, 2009
tink look at peters blog ablout changes etc, that should help ;o))
11 Dec, 2009
I do hope that you will reconsider your input is sadly missed In the short time i've been here i've come to value both you and Bamboo as extremly clever and experienced gardeners and lovely people(thinking about that blog when we rmembered the old days---including the mushy peas! )I don't really understand what has been going on but the 'powers that be' seem to be trying so maybe...
11 Dec, 2009
Okay I have taken my space and will respond to questions I feel able to... Though I still feel the need to peace and focus on me
18 Dec, 2009
im not going to bomb bard you with questions mrs MB, just to say nice to have you back, we all need our space and to be at peace, i know i do, so take care ;o)) x
18 Dec, 2009
Welcome back from me too, MG - it's been quiet without you, lol. I was wondering yesterday - for the two weeks were up then (not that I was counting or anything...)
19 Dec, 2009
Well I'm back but will remain low profile for now... I always need space in the run up to the shortest day - time to reflect and move on. Sadly it seems that others have left whilst I took my 'break'. I have found a new addiction Farmville on Facebook so if anyone else is playing let me know so we can be neighbours :-)
19 Dec, 2009
so is life bamboo it annoys me when i hold a door open for someone and they walk through like im supposed to without a thank you or anything .as you say the people who do recognise the gesture far outways the rude is life and people are people . i dont say anything to these rude people and keep holding doors open etc .i always try and be friendly and try and help hopefully sometimes i do . i find and have always found this site to be very friendly first and formost and then informative secondly realy as i can source any answer on the internet without using goy .ive had my little tiffs and ups and downs and people often say nothing out of respect and to keep the site running interestingly and friendly and generaly smoothly .it is a great loss for a nice member to leave as much as if i did myself and even more than a very informative rude person . life has to all of us lots of ups and downs that not being rude are much more maybe of a down than a plant not flowering ie losing a loved one or infact ups like knowing you have just won the lottery and can have all the garden you want etc . this site is a bit of light relief that i realy enjoy and think a lot of but much like most people im not going to agree with something i dont agree the same breath im also not to proud to say sorry im wrong .everyone hits the preverbial stone in there soil excuse my spelling but you dont stop gardening you dig it out.its a new year ,spring is just round the corner .cant we all just be happy .i apolagise for anyone i mite of upset honestly . lifes to short to just give up on something you love .i hope i made some sense please everyone be happy ,nothing and no one is perfect or we wouldnt have to ask questions .please lets have a happy 2010 bye bye for now xx
5 Jan, 2010
Well put, Nosey!
Good to see you're back, Mrs MB, & look after yourself!
Happy new Year! May 2010 bring you all you would hope for!
5 Jan, 2010
thank you mad .here here lets all hold up a glass for the new year xx of fertiliser lol
5 Jan, 2010
Nice one NP... I'm back and, as I said, plan on staying here. However, I will not put up with folk being rude and nasty to each other.
Happy New Year one and all
5 Jan, 2010
i agree theres no need you take care and look after yourself and i fully agree .i wouldnt either take care bye bye xx
5 Jan, 2010
Recent posts by moon_grower
- Flowering in the Garden Today
22 Feb, 2012
- Growing with the Moon in February
1 Feb, 2012
- Growing with the Moon in January
6 Jan, 2012
- Tips for Growing with the Moon in December
1 Dec, 2011
- Growing with the Moon in November
1 Nov, 2011
- How to store your onions over winter and other tips
7 Oct, 2011
MG...sorry, but I have to respond. I appreciate your need to take 2 weeks off, and really hope you will come back soon.
GoY to me, is the sum total of all it's all the members! If just one goes missing, then it's not the same :((
Very best wishes to you and Mr Moonbulb....xx
P.S. No need to respond...just hope you read this.
4 Dec, 2009