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Spring is sprung, da grass iz riz...


By mouldy


I’ve been a member of GOY for a week or so & one thing that’s struck me is the rising sense of excited anticipatation amongst you.
It’s there in the photos, comments & blogs.
You are the hardy perennials of human stock, emerging into the rejuvenating, life-giving light, once again.
Who among you could live without the rich, dark soil beneath your feet or nails or in your nostrils?
And what about the sharp, tangy smell of vigorous, fecund growth, bursting with life?
Step forward, if you could forego all sight, scent, feel & taste, as the labours of your love bore ripen fruit.
Not a one of you?
What a ludicrous idea, right, ‘cos you are nurturers, not through choice, but because that’s your nature!
Carers & guardians, your roots firmly set in rich traditions & your fruit the ripe wisdom nourished by those traditions.
You’ve taken losses, during this dark period of the cycle.
You have before & you know you know you will again, but you haven’t wilted. You dug deep & tapped your reserves & for what it’s worth… I’m proud to share this wee patch with you called GOY, or heaven, as it sometimes seems to me.

…I wonder where da boidies is.
(Accreditation to a New York poet)

Mouldy retreats to his existential shed…

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thats brilliant!

14 Mar, 2013


Aw shucks, thanks, Sticki.

14 Mar, 2013


lol :O) love it - hope the shed is warm Mouldy :O)

14 Mar, 2013


Got my thermal drawers on, Olive.
Boy Scout many decades ago, so always prepared, me. ;-)

14 Mar, 2013


you do make me smile,Mouldy..just what is needed to spur us all on at the moment..My boidies are missing as well..someone feeding them with better stuff,maybe? How very dare they stay away..that's loyalty for you :o)

14 Mar, 2013


How very, VERY dare they, Bloomer ! :-[
You're welcome to a few thousand from Glasgow, but you'll need a really big box to carry them all.
Thinking about it, some might actually be your's anyway, out for a little jaunt & some Scottish quisine, before catching a flight home?
Well, it made me cackle.

14 Mar, 2013


Lol, Mouldy..I do give them Porridge oats ,mixed in with fat..but it isn't the Scottish variety(Cheapo stuff)..maybe I should try Haggis ? .you swap me a few of yours,and I'll send you some pigeons..:o) only problem is,they will probably fly back !

14 Mar, 2013


Thanks, Bloomer, but we've got hundreds of feral pigeons from when the building next door was demolished.
Listen, the birds don't know the difference.
As for haggis, not my cup of tea.
I'm an ova-veggie. Love porridge done the proper way with salt.
Don't like whisky, either.
stranger in a strange land. Lol.
Am out for my messages (trans : shopping).
Chat later, guys.

14 Mar, 2013


The sun is shining and my boidies are twitterpated, its x-rated so one has to avert ones eyes, they've been feasting on a meal of cooked rice as some numpty who hates the stuff cooked three times the amount for daughter," OOPS "
Big decision time here, do I tackle the potato plot, turn the compost bin or tidy the strawberry patch????

14 Mar, 2013


Back indoors now as my tooties were feeling the cold but I've done all three jobs and deserve my coffee, my friendly robin and blackbirds sat above in the hedgerow singing their little hearts out as I was turning up lots of worms..Considering that area is in a shady spot and was hidden under a covering of snow two days ago it was quite easy to dig and didn't really take that long, my compost is breaking down nicely and will soon be time to empty that bin out ready to start again..
The top g'house window even opened a little bit, thats how much warmer it was for a while whilst the sun was shining, today has been a day to really spur me on Mouldy, I LOVE IT, sod the dusting, lol....

14 Mar, 2013


What is dusting?

14 Mar, 2013


Love your blog and glad to share GOY with you too

14 Mar, 2013


An archaic ritual from long ago,Andrew :o) I think it's what you do when you are expecting visitors ..along with Cushion Plumping.Lol.

14 Mar, 2013


Thats the one Sandra, also late at night if and when we have summertime, mind you I 'm not the only one who can use a duster here and if they dared say owt I'd chuck it at them, lol.....

14 Mar, 2013


My OH found his niche in life,when he retired,Sue..aren't I the lucky one? ..he actually likes it..:o) but the garden is my domain..just the way I like it ! Lol.

14 Mar, 2013


You lucky B.... Sandra, Derek has retired from the lorries now and has been at home for a few weeks, he's only going to work part time, the garden as you know is mine and I wouldn't want it any other way but he is NOT into the housework, in fact he has a habit of saying" Do you have to do that now" or "What are you doing now" a couple of weeks back I snapped and told him that "CONTRARY TO WHAT HE BELIEVED I DID NOT SPEND ALL MY DAYS ON MY BUTT"......., that shut him up thank goodness, LOL.
He has been better this week as he has been doing some work in his shed and is hoping to start his part time work in a couple of weeks....

14 Mar, 2013


I'm glad you enjoy it here :o)

15 Mar, 2013


The land is cold my feets are friz.I wonder where my slippers is? Is they here, or is they there,is my slippers where, oh where? Under the table, under the bed? Surely my socks is there instead?

19 Mar, 2013


Nice one, Feverfew, lol.
Is that your's or the rest of the poem I 'borrowed'?
Definately a Brooklyn, maybe Queen's poet.

19 Mar, 2013


Got this from a Manchester University rag day magazine in about 1949 or 50! There were more verses which I only remember bits of.

20 Mar, 2013


I guess I was about 12 when I read 'Spring iz spring'.
That and 'Down wiv Skool'.
Can't 'member who wrote it, but it was heavily illustrated by Ronald Searle.
Funny how some things stick in your mind. Lol.

20 Mar, 2013


Another fine blog. Like the prose!
I have a vague memory of da boidies poem......but memory vague today due to excesses before a detox! Thought I'd finish the wine so they would be no temptation.....pity there was more than one bottle! Silly, silly lulu!

28 Mar, 2013


Oh, fangsh, (Hic) Lulu.
Where'sh all da boidies? (Hic!)
Flew up in da shky n (Hic) lef' 'ole Mouldy, here. (Hic!)
Go' anymore wine, Lulululu? (Hic!) %-)

28 Mar, 2013

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