Well, well, then not so well...
By mouldy
Some of you will have noticed my absence, since around Sept.
Who shouted “Oh, he’s not back AGAIN, surely?”
Anyway, it was due, in part, to my disabling the cookie function on my mobile phone & to a mysterious illness.
Well if anyone knew what it was, then it wouldn’t be ‘mysterious’ would it?
Helpful readers, (Scottish, Terra, Mel & Lijem), please don’t shout out suggested exotic diseases at this point, or I’ll never get this blog finished. ;-)
Now, settle down and that includes you, Karen.
Yes, I’m sure your intentions were good, but I’m quite sure that the the ‘kiss of life’, so admirably demonstrated on the male volunteers does NOT comprise of a tonsilectomy performed with your tongue!
Now, where was I?
Oh, yes, well the first week of Nov saw my blood pressure drop like a stone.
Talking of stones, my weight dropped, too.
Three stone in four weeks!
Nausea, loss of appetite, dizziness, inability to sleep.
At that point I feared I’d rapidly entered late 4th stage emphysema.
I’ll be pushing up the daisies, instead of pulling them up, I thought!
Suffice to say, I’ve undergone masses of tests, but no indications of ANYTHING wrong, ‘cept my lungs.
Go figure.
I did, however, catch a bout of pneumonia two weeks ago and my arthritis is giving me merry hell, at the moment.
A sop, perhaps, to those who were hoping for something a bit more juicy and exciting, such as bubonic plague, or an amputated limb, at the very least. ;-)
The tests continue apace…my GP isn’t a quitter. Lol.
As you may appreciate, I haven’t done very much in the garden, so you don’t have to wade through endless photos, (Mouldy erupts into evil laughter), but that will soon change!
The op on my knee will take place this year & I’m guzzling six meals a day to try put the weight (Who shouted “Fat”?) back on.
I’m also trying to trace the old man that borrowed my face.
I’m just a young fella with an old man’s face, honestly. Lol.
A busy year ahead…and I can’t rely on beginner’s luck anymore.
This should prove interesting.
Well, that’s about it, except to wish you all a succesful year in your gardens, allotments, balconies, etc.
Now I’ll leave you all to your ventures.
(Mouldy marimbas into the e-shed to the silky strain of Dino singing ‘Sway’).
15 Jan, 2014
More blog posts by mouldy
Previous post: It's all in the Games.
Next post: Aslan in Glasgow...
Lol Terra.
You keep making me laugh like that and there's a danger I'll choke on my food, s'cuse the crumbs.
Happily, I now have a medical condition that practically demands I eat BARS of chocolate EVERY day!
Bliss. ;-)
15 Jan, 2014
Cadburys ... a cure for almost everything ;o)
15 Jan, 2014
Xmas, Easter, etc.
Just what the doctor ordered! Lol
15 Jan, 2014
You need a few Yorkie bars Mouldy - they're not for girls ;) Far more calories to the bar.
I do hope the doc gets to the bottom of what's wrong soon enough and you are on the mend.
It's bad enough feeling unwell at the best of times but in winter - it doesn't help does it.
15 Jan, 2014
Thanks, Scottish!
Apart from eggs, I'm practically a vegan, so no milk choc for me.
Dark choc only, which I prefer anyway.
Totties, porridge, pasta, bread, pulses...I'm shovelling the lot down just to stay at eight stone.
If I hadn't I'd probably weigh less.
The worse part?
I've never been ill, ever!!!
Emphysema? That's lung damage through smoking for 41yrs.
Arthritis? My own immune system attacking my joints.
Knee problems? Wear and tear.
None is actually an illness, so this is all new to me.
I'm awaiting a CTI scan now.
Eating and waiting, that's all I can do. Lol.
15 Jan, 2014
Good to see a blog from you Mouldy ... not so good with the content though ... glad to hear your GP is no quitter and hope a diagnosis is given asap! Keep on eating ... lots and lots!
15 Jan, 2014
I've learnt from when I quit smoking the last time (been back on 'em since May last year, but quiting next week. Anything to improve my chance of gaining weight) to do light, repetitious exercises.
If that doesn't work I'll write to Charles Atlas, asking for him to send me some muscles. ;-)
15 Jan, 2014
Oh, Mouldy, that all sounds horrific! I shall try very hard not to say anything helpful. I hope you get a diagnosis - it makes a difference. In the meantime, eat up! And look after yourself!!!!!
15 Jan, 2014
Can't think of anything funny to say....hope you get back to your proper weight soon Mouldy. :))
15 Jan, 2014
Hope they find out what's wrong and put you right soon Mouldy. We need more characters like you in this world.
Ask your doctor about Fortijuice. I had some on prescription a few years ago when I was losing weight. It comes in small cartons, and each one is equivalent of having a complete meal.
15 Jan, 2014
Mouldy how do you manage to talk about all you have had to put up with ( not to mention your poor doctor!!!) and still make us smile by the way you tell it?
It must be because you are on the mend and beginning to feel better. Your youthful looks will return as your health improves so keep on looking in that mirror!!
Please continue to get fitter and pile on the pounds!
15 Jan, 2014
Sorry, that was me that shouted “Oh, he’s not back AGAIN, surely?”
I was just getting into my stride thinking of all of the exotic diseases you could catch up there in Scotland, when you stopped me in my tracks! How on earth did you know we would try and be so helpful?
How lucky to have a medical condition where you have to eat chocolate bars every day! Is it contagious?
It was so good to see your blog, a smile appeared on my face and I couldn't wait to read your blog. Even though the blog wasn't all good news, it's great to see you on GOY again, you have been greatly missed. Let us know the results of CTI scan, maybe you've contracted disabledcookieitis. Sorry, just couldn't help myself! :-)
15 Jan, 2014
Well when you finally find out why you lost all that weight you might be able to make a fortune telling other people how to do it...Really hope you feel better very soon...
15 Jan, 2014
oh to have a weight loss problem.
I am thinking maybe it would be a good one to have but then I remembered.
I had a friend who had an eating disorder (anorexia) I have never been so scared seeing how the weight just dropped off her she was a bag of bones before they got to the bottom of her condition. I think maybe I shall be happier as I am, rounded and rather plump and happy. Even if it takes me longer to get the old bones going in a morning.
Sorry Mouldy you have been so unwell but eh ho so happy that you are making progress and able to get back on here and make us all laugh again. We did miss you so very much. Keep enjoying the pasta and dark chocolate and get rid of those ciggies, chuck them in the bin, you can do it I did it many years ago and it was so hard, failed miserably a few times but in the end if you concentrate on NOT smoking then it starts to become easier. I did it the hard way, threw them in the bin and said now that was a waste of money and I am not going to waste any more on them. There is a lot more help today to quit so take the help and stop now. Maybe we ought to start a cessation blog on here. lol. Good luck with quitting. You can do it :O)
16 Jan, 2014
Oh, c'mon, you lot, don't sound so glum!
I'm sure 'Mouldy's medical mystery' will be resolved. Lol.
Thank you, everyone, for your best wishes.
Andrew, does the juice you mentioned contain any animal products?
WR, I can't see a blessed thing in the mirror. Too many cracks!
16 Jan, 2014
Probably a worm.....;)
16 Jan, 2014
Thanks for that cheery contribution, Karen. Lol.
S'long as it's not a tapeworm!
16 Jan, 2014
Mouldy - a list of ingredients can be seen here:
16 Jan, 2014
I have put on weight due to being disabled, am starting a walking programme tomorrow. Its just getting
out of the door first time thats so hard.
Once we do these things its easier.
Lots of young people coming by here at the weekends training for the London Marathon.
Good to see them.
16 Jan, 2014
Good for you Diane - stick with it!
16 Jan, 2014
Oh dear, Mouldy ! You poor thing having to eat and eat and eat ! I only have to look at a mars bar and I put weight on! Seriously though, I do hope you don't smoke any more and continue to get better . I smoked from the age of 15 when we all thought it was clever ! I stopped smoking when I got cancer in 1999 and that gave me the wake up call I needed and my husband had severe bronchitis around the same time and he also stopped. So, you can do it, I know you can ! We need you ! What would we do on here without you to make us laugh! Laughter is the best cure for anything , so I'm sure you will soon be on the mend !
17 Jan, 2014
you had better get a grip Mouldy the spring is coming...you need that knee to do the weeding...lol
17 Jan, 2014
So, I serve a purpose, then Rose...making you laugh?
I can live with that. :-)
The rollies are getting the heave-ho and that's a fact.
Been on the murderous wee so-and-so's from the age of fifteen, but began smoking aged seven.
That's the trouble with hanging about with older kids, I guess...monkey see, monkey do.
Who shouted "Cheeky monkey!"? ;-[
Sandra, I've been weeding throughout, so the blighters never got a firm foothold.
A bit OCD, I know, but what's a chap to do? Lol.
18 Jan, 2014
Seven...? SEVEN??? Glad to know you're on top of the weeding, though. You can come and do mine when you're finished, lol!
21 Jan, 2014
My sister taught me, Mel.
She was five and a half!!!
She gave up in her thirties, but was on forty a day at the time.
Re: weeding, I find it an easy job on a rainy day, as the roots have less of a grip on the soil and, being so young, the plants, I mean, lol, they haven't established deep roots.
It makes the job a doddle.
22 Jan, 2014
That's true - about the weeding - but I'm lucky insofar as the soil here is very light so weeding's pretty easy. I rather enjoy it, although you might not think it if you could see the garden just now!
I've never smoked, although my parents used to when I was younger. OH likes a cigar now and then...
22 Jan, 2014
Never saw the point of cigars, unless they're inhaled and would have one three, maybe four times a year.
They smell ok, but linger on the breath too long.
I also smoked a pipe for a few years.
An ounce of pipe, forty fags, (Full strength Capstan) and half an once of rollies a day.
My mates and colleagues used to call me 'Ironlungs'!
'Stupid' would have been more apt!
23 Jan, 2014
It is strange because if I smell tobacco in any form, I could still go and smoke a ciggie, and that is after about 35 years of being stopped. It took me years to quit, first time I stopped for 2 years nearly and then had one and had a battle again to beat the damned nicotine drug. I started when I was 14, Park Drive, we could go into the shop and just buy odd ciggies in those days, stupid shopkeepers never asked us how old we were. They were just happy to sell fags. Of course we were not as well informed as we are today either. None of my four kids have smoked that I know of, think they must have been well educated in not smoking. In fact the two eldest helped me kick the habit. Think it must be easier today, not being allowed to smoke inside pubs etc. that was the worst, being able to inhale everyone elses fumes, when you were trying hard not to smoke yourself.
23 Jan, 2014
Cigars aren't inhaled. I understand the "buzz" is achieved in the mouth. They smell great while alight, but dead cigar ash is yuck!
23 Jan, 2014
That's why I firmly believe the manufacturers should not be protected by laws, Olive.
They KNEW, back in the 50's that tobacco was lethal!
The industry commisioned clinical trials by an emminent scientist.
Having seen his conclusions, which tolled the death knell for the industry, they deliberately misinformed him of the date of the media conference, and LIED, in his absence, saying his conclusion was that tobacco was NOT harmful and, in fact, was beneficial, particularly as an aid to relaxing!
Legally, as they paid for the trials, his hands were tied and he had to keep his mouth shut.
And, of course, they dole out millions to lobby all governments to go easy on them.
Guess what they did, when the first smoking ban, in California, was put into effect?
Began a massive drive, advertising, cheap fags, etc, in ALL third world countries!
The reason?
Freedom of information had left them open to lawsuits and they had to put money aside to prepare for that day!!!
To date, nobody has succeeded in the courts against them.
They spend millions on buying their own 'experts', who are only too willing to testify that it hasn't yet been 'proven' that smoking kills!
And what govermment is willing to give up the taxes on smokers?
(Mouldy heads off with his well-worn soapbox)
24 Jan, 2014
By 'buzz' I take it you mean that cloying, sickly taste and far from fresh breath, Mel? Lol.
Not inhaling is like spitting out foods and liquids...entirely pointless, to my mind.
It's like the scaredy-cat of the group trying to justify why they won't inhale, kind of like the emperor's new clothes. ;-)
24 Jan, 2014
<tries to imagine Mouldy in the emperor's new clothes and shudders>
24 Jan, 2014
Not me, Andrew, heavens forfend! Lol.
Folk who don't question those that don't inhale, or prefer to believe the excuses non-inhalers offer is what I meant.
25 Jan, 2014
Why do they smoke at all if they don't inhale? I thought inhaling what the whole point? Are they just so sad they need to look like their friends? Mouldy, thank you for that diatribe - it needs to be said often and loud.
25 Jan, 2014
Lol, Stera!
You've got it in a nutshell... Look how big and clever I am - wasting heaps of money on cigars and not even inhaling.
I love a good rant & if it serves a useful purpose so much the better. ;-)
26 Jan, 2014
Rant on....
27 Jan, 2014
Can't help myself. Lol.
28 Jan, 2014
Recent posts by mouldy
- Sick of being sick.
23 Aug, 2014
- Here today, gone today.
24 Feb, 2014
- Back in the day...Part 2...today.
17 Feb, 2014
- Back in the day...
17 Feb, 2014
- Aslan in Glasgow...
20 Jan, 2014
- It's all in the Games.
18 Sep, 2013
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Hi Mouldy ..
That's a pity you've not been feeling well...
sounds to me like you need to :
stop disabling them ... swallow them instead ..
... you'll never put on any weight otherwise ..
Hmmm... could be an exotic disease ...
oh... whoooops ... I was instructed to definitely NOT mention those ... :o(((
Hoping you have a healthy year ...
and remember ...
might be your motto for 2014 ;o)
15 Jan, 2014