Pain and Pleasure
By nanjo
It’s been a very painful few weeks since I was last on here. My Doc referred me back to the Hospital as my wrist and fingers are still swollen ,I have virtually no movement in my wrist and constant pain. Turns out that the wrist has healed but I have CRPS type1 ( Complex Regional Pain Syndrome ) 3 strong pain killers and physio , which is incredibly painful. I must admit that I can do more now than when I first had the plaster off which is fantastic – but it could take a while and I may not get full use back. I did manage to trim my yew tree but it took me a couple of hrs and I suffered for it that night and the next day !
After struggling to cut it I have bought an electric hedge trimmer so hopefully I will be able to whizz around the garden now.
Rita has settled in well and the fushias and begonias are still flowering as are the beans although they aren’t producing much. My neighbour says it’s too cold at night now but I don’t have the heart to pull them out while there are still flowers…
My water butt is full again as we have had some rain on and off over the last week but over all the weather has been pretty good.
The birds that seemed to have deserted the garden over the Summer ( I use the word loosely) seem to be returning which is nice.
The hostas look like lace , apart from one that I have in a pot which for some reason managed to avoid the dreaded snails, such a shame as they are such lovely plants.Better luck next year eh ?
I have a rose that I bought cheap from Sainsburys 2yrs ago called Pride and it has the most beautiful scent and such big gorgeous flowers on it.
I took a pic of a single flower that came out on my Stelata earlier this month. My hebe’s have yet to flower but my Cordaline that was almost killed 2 yrs ago is re growing beautifully.
I also gave my acer a ‘trim’ as it was getting too large.
28 Sep, 2012
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Sorry to hear about the pain you do need to give yourself time to heal as it sounds as if you are over doing it? The plaster coming off is perhaps the first stage of healing and maybe you need to do your physio exercises and less pruning which can harder than it looks! Keeping it warm might help too?
29 Sep, 2012
I can understand the itchy fingers Nanjo but I think perhaps you may be overdoing things. If you can only be patient a little while longer while you are undergoing physio then all may come right ~ good luck anyway hope things are better soon.
29 Sep, 2012
Hi Nancy ... I hope your hand heals soon ....
your garden looks pretty in the sunshine :o)
1 Oct, 2012
Thank you all so much for your lovely comments :-)
I still don't have an awful lot of movement in my wrist but it is improving with the physio and he (David ) is gorgeous so that is a bonus lol... I still have a very stiff hand and 2 numb fingers so I haven't been in the garden at all really. I will just have to wait until the Spring and hope I don't loose too many plants. One bonus is that I am really enjoying my retirement..
22 Oct, 2012
Hi again Nancy ..
I hope your wrist mends over the winter and that next springtime you'll be outside enjoying gardening again. x
23 Oct, 2012
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That wrist should be in a sling to take the weight of it.
The garden will always be there when your arm is better.
Thanks for thinking of Goyers.
29 Sep, 2012