Lovely Surprise!
By nariz
I’m desperately trying not to make too much of this, but …. following my blog about the Lesser Kestrel – I was hanging washing out in the garden just now and was suddenly aware of a large-ish bird flying slowly past me. I looked up and saw the Kestrel land on top of the wall about 3 yards away from me. It turned and looked at me for about 5 seconds (felt like a lifetime!) then slowly flew off over the meadow and through the trees.
Was it the Kestrel who crashed into our window? Do raptors retain a notion of “safety?” Am I looking for too much ‘emotion?’ Probably! Anyway, it was lovely to see and I think I shall retain the thought that she remembered where she came to grief and that she felt safe while she was there.
22 Oct, 2011
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I think the Kestrel came back to say hello :o)
22 Oct, 2011
That's what I like to think, TT!
I shall look out for them, Sticki - we're never far from our binoculars!
22 Oct, 2011
Nariz I would think along those lines as well, they have there own areas I suppose so its feasible to think it could be the same bird, either way its still good to see...
22 Oct, 2011
we have one here that often hovers over the field -- except when the crows are around--
reminds me a couple of months ago a red kite was flying over and a flock of swallows 'dive bombed' him and sucessfully chased him away-- amazing--
I hope you will see yours again Nariz
22 Oct, 2011
So do I! I'd like to think she feels comfortable with me around.
22 Oct, 2011
I think that they do recognise people
22 Oct, 2011
If she returns again it will be wonderful , keep us informed !
22 Oct, 2011
Will do!
23 Oct, 2011
How lovely to have one so close to you, the only big bird that comes close to my garden, is the local seaguls.
23 Oct, 2011
Yes, I know about those thugs, Clarice! We'll be visiting Partners' family in Cardiff soon and the seagulls' raucous cries will wake me every morning!
23 Oct, 2011
I think animals can sense more things than we give them credit for.
Sorry I couldn't read the other blog - bird phobia got in the way :o(
23 Oct, 2011
Sorry to hear that, Hywel. I know it doesn't help ..... but it was a wonderful experience - especially if the second sighting WAS 'my' bird showing me her foot's OK. :o)
24 Oct, 2011
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there was a programme called 'autumn watch' on last night in which they are tagging some osprey chicks and following them for the winter migration, some were spotted along with many other raptors over northern spain.
22 Oct, 2011