my front garden in winter
By noseypotter
i just had to realy . i know its well overstocked and overcrowded but i love it just so . everything stays in this garden i never tidy it up as such thow i will pull the odd weed out lol .
22 Nov, 2010
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Yur front garden is so different Nosey. We walk down the street and the gardens are neglected or full of weeds or rubbish or wheelibins and its all very boring. Your frontage is packed with imaginative artworks and jokey structures.I wonder what the teeth are made of? Did you visit a dental technician and come away with a sack of tooth making powder?
22 Nov, 2010
Lovely blog Nosey. Your garden could never be called boring with all those lovely plants and hidden sculpures. I bet all the passing children love to look at them! I know you want to let your plants do their own thing but I think you might need to intervene around the upstairs window, or are you planning to throw out the curtains? LOL
22 Nov, 2010
Lots of interest in your front garden, NP. I would comment as Lily has...I think you'll soon have to give the climbing plant a haircut before long! lol
I like the mushrooms too :)
22 Nov, 2010
So like your front garden, mine is on hold till next year now as it is too wet and the soil is too sticky, I will cover it in wood chippings though for the winter. :o)))))
23 Nov, 2010
the teeth and eyes were made indoors on the side of concrete and chicken wire dorjac thats why there so bright . for the eyes i cut a foot ball in half and filled each half with cement and put some wire in so i could join them to the rest of the sculpture . my first ever concrete creation lol . i needed something to put inside my swing frame that was left cemented in . the reasen the rest is green in the most lovley colour green is i mixed the last layer of cement with a grow bag . its only been built about 3-4 years at the most .
im not botherd about the windows to much lily as you say it saves on curtains and i get loads of wildlife breeding in there from pidgeons to little wrens . i get adults even turning up and just looking at the front . ive got used to it now not that i can see much out the front window lol .
i do cut the ivy back a bit but only as much as i have to if i have to . the next hair cut soon i believe before it ingolfs my satalite dish lol x .
thanx im glad you liked it .
23 Nov, 2010
your right about front gardens to dorjac there always overlooked or just grass with a single plant like a cordaline in the middle . its because people dont tend to sit out the front so i thaught id break all the rules and completly overstock it and it seams to work with out much work . ive lost a couple of plants but generaly i use nothing to kill slugs ,snails or anything like that and the weeds dont stand a chance . its always evolving to . i love it maybe more than the back garden in some ways .
23 Nov, 2010
Really enjoyed your blog and photos
23 Nov, 2010
nice one leigh so interesting, one thing the climber could do with a nip just so you can see out lol, love the mushrooms
23 Nov, 2010
Love the toadstools, just the thing for my garden they would do just great. Love them.
23 Nov, 2010
thank you so much . what do i want to see out for lol . id rather go out there .
24 Nov, 2010
lol leigh :o)
24 Nov, 2010
26 Nov, 2010
i have killed the climber ie the ivy as its growing on my roof which means leeks . i just chopped it at the base and will leave the skeleton of the ivy there for the wildlife and for my chinese virginia creeper to climb up . its been cut nearly a week and still isnt showing much sign of gowing even limp . im assuming it still has a lot of water in it as its well established .i did realy like it but its time had come . i could of got someone up on a ladder to trim it but id of had the same problem repeatably so i had to do what i had to do .
13 Jun, 2011
Well, ivy has a habit of you may find you get it back again, NP....but it's good to try and tame it even if it doesn't totally disappear!
Nice to see you posting too, NP :)
15 Jun, 2011
ow everyone has to ask aquestion once in a while lol whistonlass . i apreciate that it can come back and will keep my eye out for it . its the huge plant growing over the front of my house that i chopped threw the base of just over a week ago im wondering about .
15 Jun, 2011
That is one amazing garden NP! I would have been there all the time looking at it when I was little! So much talent in one person - I was a Friday afternoon job when they'd run out of the artistic stocks.
18 Aug, 2011
Thank you so much steragram lol x x .
19 Aug, 2011
19 Aug, 2011
If you look under nosey potter ln utube there is some films of my garden dogs etc . bye for now x .
20 Aug, 2011
Just spent half an hour fascinated. Your garden is not like any other anywhere! I liked especially the three little jugs and the picture of the two chimps. Not quite sure about the chaps with lots of teeth! Liked the elephant and the puma, and the soldier was great. Mind you, the pup in the food bowl stole the show...
20 Aug, 2011
Pfcourse he was lol . thank you so much x x .
24 Aug, 2011
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Love it NP. So fascinating. I love the mushrooms especially.
22 Nov, 2010