concrete fence no2
By noseypotter
ive been planning this for two years . first I bought some Perspex off of ebay to sandwich in between each side of the cement . this is to stop the dogs getting into my part of the garden but still give the open appearance . I also broke up the edge to lose the Perspex as much as possible . I was only going to do one side but when I went to prop the rest of the room up with the 4″ × 4″ it didn’t look right so as I had some metal left I added to the other side for support and asthetics . its not finished yet as I have left 6 spaces for future sculptures . I used Perspex so I could drill and wire together all the components before cement coverd it all up . I hope you like it as much as my older round shape concrete fence .
29 May, 2015
Previous post: my garden so far
Next post: my garden remodled
Thank you junta x
29 May, 2015
Sorry junna
29 May, 2015
its ok :-)
29 May, 2015
Fantastic idea Leigh I too cant wait to see it complete absolutely love the faces.
29 May, 2015
thank you so much
29 May, 2015
Gosh, Leigh, what a good idea to use perspex. It looks great! I love the figures.
29 May, 2015
You are one of a kind NP - its brilliant! Not sure why you've given Tree Man an emetic though...
29 May, 2015
thank you melch . is that a complement stera ? lol and what is an emetic ?
29 May, 2015
Great artwork NP. What is an emetic? For me an emetic would either be hummus or kidney in onions.
30 May, 2015
thanx ls and thanx for telling me what an emetic is though I don't know how that's in context with my tree man .
30 May, 2015
I think it's because he looks as if he could be regurgitating his plants! (An emetic is something that makes you sick!)
30 May, 2015
ow I see melch well that's brilliant as that's just what I wanted lol .
30 May, 2015
Job done then, Leigh!
(I should have added that an emetic is used like a medicine - it's not just something that gives you an upset stomach!)
30 May, 2015
I see he does look like he needs it lol .
30 May, 2015
He looks a bit distressed, admittedly, but I rather like him!
30 May, 2015
me too lol
30 May, 2015
Yes it was a compliment NP. I'm glad you now know what an emetic is....
30 May, 2015
lol thanx stera so am I
30 May, 2015
Being a tree man I thought he had a green beard. Easy to paint it another colour but green is more appropriate, to use a currently part misused word appropriately rather than inappropriately or whatever. Love the support to your canopy. The concrete settee looks soooo cosy as well.
31 May, 2015
thank you dorjac
31 May, 2015
Very good!
31 May, 2015
thanx again
31 May, 2015 it looks awesome
1 Jun, 2015
thank you Sandra im getting it ready for my open garden on the 14th of this month
1 Jun, 2015
Love this it looks very Gaudi ish fabulous:)
10 Jun, 2015
thank you nana
10 Jun, 2015
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bright ideas, Nosey :-))) can't wait to see the outcome :-)
29 May, 2015