my tropical fish tank
By noseypotter
i was asked on here bye someone to get some photos of my sterlet in my ive only got a camera on my phone thats pretty good mind i believe you would need specialist expensive kit and a lot more camera knowladge than me .i hasren to add that i couldnt get any photos.what i did do however is take hundreds of photos of my fish in my tank instead.sorry about the quality.ive had this tank since i moved in this house about 13 years ago.i got a friend to make it up for me in the glass trade for £100 and another friend to build a welded stand for £80 pounds which was handy .ive built it in with mdf to look like part of the wall.the tank is 30″ × 30″ × 72″ and holds about 190 gallons.a gallon of water weighs 10lb if you didnt know.i had a tank the same length and hight but 18" wide before this from 16 years of age .i had the tank made bigger as i had a gourami 2` long and it needed to turn round easier though it seamed happy .it died at the age of 12 years of old age in the end .the smaller one i had before that lived 12 years to.i never fully clean the the tank or filters out.the filters are a pond pump running up to a header tank and joined into another header tank and back in the tank.the pond pump and heater,wire etc is all hidden bye the heads.some perpous built but some pieces of pottery with air bubbles that blew up .so as not to waste them i put them in here.i have taps on bothe filters so i can do a water change and clean the bace of the filter/header tanks out at the same time with know priming.also this water i put on my grden which seams to make great fertiliser.i take about a quarter out without fail every 4 weeks and slowly top it back up with unwarmed untreated water.the fish are the hardier types and because of the size of the tank they aclimatise well.touch wood ive never had a problem in over 30 years and the same for my pond.i wouldnt do this with marines or a much smaller tank as it would be to much of a shock to them.i do the same with my pond to.the wide striped fish with a hint of blue are called frontosers or elvis presley fish.they get about 12" and have a very gentle this size 2-3" there normaly about £30-£40 each. its normaly my pet hate staff not having a clue what there this case i did realy well and got all 3 for £16 which was brilliant.i hope you enjoy the pictures ,sorry about the quality but i did my best take care bye for now x x
ps any questions dont hesitate to ask regards leigh aka
when melly my partner moved in with her kids 5 years ago i had to move the tank for practical reasens seating etc as it used to be like a room devider.i had to get my bath nice and ready .when id moved the tank i filled it with cold about two thirds the way then boiled kettles till i got it up to temperature.i then put the fish and little tank water i had left in.the next day i topped it up to the brim.
23 Feb, 2010
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ow its only clay joaello lol did i ever tell you i was a nut lol.the fish love it xx.
23 Feb, 2010
That is so funky Leigh, the heads look gruesome and beautiful at the same time. Lovely fish :o)
23 Feb, 2010
thanx jungle
24 Feb, 2010
great job on the aquarium leigh!
does it take alot of maintaining???
24 Feb, 2010
no i do a quarter water change without fail once a month from out the bottem of the header tank/fuilter and thats it.just feed them .ive made it easy for myself yellow sometimes less realy is more and why mend something that isnt broken ? take care bye for now .
24 Feb, 2010
your fish are the tank...;-)
24 Feb, 2010
Amazing pics. NP :o)
24 Feb, 2010
fascinating Np-- thepots remind me of Easter Island -- and the fish look happy to have so many places to hide-- my only ' fish tank' is a screen saver!
24 Feb, 2010
lol :o)
24 Feb, 2010
well pamq yours is definatly the easiest tank to look after lol.i did these heads before all the garden centres started getting easter island . they copied me but hay ho.glad you like it take care bye for now xx.
24 Feb, 2010
It looks great Leigh .. you did a good job of moving the tank and expertly boxing it in to make an attractive feature of it .... if I was a fish I'd be frightened of all those skulls .. :o))
24 Feb, 2010
they just nice caves amy your giving the fish human atrubutes lol . i dont know why i have this thing about skulls realy i dont . im just drawn to them .not to worry were all different and im not a bad old for moving the thank it was the tiles round it and all the fittings that made it harder.tha actual tank i slowly leverd round with a jemmy bar a half inch at a time .was thinking of moving it back maybe lol but further up the room so i have a bigger sitting area and a smaller computer /drawing area. its cool when you can see right through the the fish are floating.anyway take care amy lots of love leigh see you soon xx .
24 Feb, 2010
Very surreal Np...lots of hidey holes for the fish...they wont see them as skulls...but shapes to hide among ! Amazing !
24 Feb, 2010
yes so we bothe benifit.though latley they are doing some nice fish tank furniture i always found they did them more for the humans than for the fish.the thing about the fish though is that if you make them more comfortable they will act and be a lot more natural and healthy.once in a while i mite put a teaspoon of salt a gallon in my tank or pond and touch wood ive never had any serious deseases in either feacture.with fish you look after the water and diet and living conditions the fishes health looks after itself. its not a matter of keeping germs and deseases out as to making the fish healthy enough to fight them of.the same for people to realy.germs,the flu etc are all around us no matter how we scrub but we dont have constant colds.your averadge hand rail in a town centre .can you imagine what germ ridden hands have bean put on them.or the handle to get into your local dotors.the salt thing per gallon equates to 3 full cup fulls in my tank and one and a half washing up bowls in my pond.i only do it once in a while maybe if a fish is a bit down or as a bit of a tonic after a long winter.anyway ill stop running on lol.take care bonkers and look after yourself bye for now .xx .
ps am i missing something or is there a destinct lack of a sense of humer of late.i thaught smiling laughing was good for makes me feal better lol xx.
24 Feb, 2010
:o))) One for you Leigh!
24 Feb, 2010
thanks junglejen xx.
24 Feb, 2010
Humour is definitely in short supply Np...sure it will re appear soon x
25 Feb, 2010
i hope so i like a good laugh it makes every thing seam better .trust me when i say i know what depression and being bored is like.i think its good for you it definatly makes me feal lets your natural endorphines kick in so you litteraly get a little kick out of being happy.your lucky im being tactfull lol. anyway bonkers if it comes to it we will have to keep each other happy with jokes that is lol.if you want me to send some of my funny pictures and or jokes i get ill send you my email at . i will understand if you dont want to so dont worry. the last thing i want to do is upset anyone.if you do decide to mail me let me know your limits so i dont offend.anyway keep ya pecker up love i am lol xx .
25 Feb, 2010
Scary but lovely, they are very lucky fishes!
26 Feb, 2010
thank you patricia xx
26 Feb, 2010
It was me that wanted the pic of the sterlet -lol! Never mind Nosey i can imagine it wouldn't be easy to get one.
Your fish tank is brill- I love all your sculptures and skulls in it and obviously so do the fish. What a fantastic job you've made of building it in to a wall- I love it!
I've got a 350litre corner tank that's bowed at the front and I know only too well how much effort and time is put in to keeping it clean etc. Do your sculptures go green after a while and then you have to take them out and scrub them? I have a lot og those plastic plants and find they look really grotty after a while. Even when scrubbed they don't look brilliant.
At the moment my tank is full of guppies which breed like -eh well - guppies I suppose! I would like to get discus but there are too many guppies and I couldn't possibly take them out and kill them. I've tried asking pet shops if they'll take them but they won't. Any ideas NP?
26 Feb, 2010
well skillen firstly the the plastic plants are ideal for algi to grow on and you can see i dont have any.i would get a few bristlenose plecos to keep the algi down .id get the plants out and wash them in hot water that you can get your hands in with a little bit of bleech as it will stop the algi getting back on so quick .rinse well tank doesnt get much if any direst sunlight as yours probably does.the guppies could do with the discuss put in there as is as they will naturaly predate on some of the young the natural way and make great live food.its worth taking some out once in a while and getting some new stock as they soon get inbread.obviously its a happy mediam.if you get to many discuss youl never get baby guppies if you know what i mean.the lights in a tank unless there are naturaly growing plants are for the humans looking in not the fish but they will also pramote the algi.i realy do a quarter water change a month of fresh water and that is that .no more no less.if the odd little one dies i leave it to be used up int the tank.i have 3 plecos and to indian sucking loaches to keep the glass clean.i dont get young the my congo tetras breed the other fish just follow and eat the eggs.i feed pond pellets,flake and blood worm.the odd chopped up shrimp or a couple of squashed peas but not sound like maye getting some real plants mite help rather than plastic.algi does need food and a surprising amount of the right kind of light which your obviously getting.if you just get a couple maybe and a couple of the smaller plecos so they dont get huge and maybey slowley change over.remember the fish dont care about light or algi and the same for a pond.ive actualy just baught a couple of lillies that will hopefully end up at the top flowering like in a pond.i cant even reach the bottom so i wouldnt be able to get the heads out if i wanted to.i hope ive helped and glad you like the fish take care good luck and bye for now.any questions dont hesitate to ask ok xx .
27 Feb, 2010
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like the way you have built it in leigh, looks really good but have to say tank looks a bit like lost tribe beneath the sea, im a bit frightened of scary wide eyes lol :o)
23 Feb, 2010