Welcome to Wales, a land steeped in history.....AND RAIN!!!!!!
By oddbillie
Well, I was out the garden earlier and I saw something unheard of here in Wales. I thought at first, it was aliens….a bright light hurting my eyes. They’ll think I’m mad when I tell them…What happens if they beam me up and take me away? Close encounters sprang to mind so I rushed indoors and in a blind panic and did some research….
As my fingers moved over the keyboard, my brow was riddled with a panicked sweat, my hands shaking at the thought of what might be….
And then it dawned on me. The bright light that blinded us welsh folk was in fact……..THE SUN!!
Oh what fun I had. Raced through fields of gold. put me shorts and t-shirt on. Sat on a donkey and ate candy floss….
Okay, so I jest but I did race out and, cut the front lawn – I know, not good to cut it when damp but it had to be done and we hope to landscape it next year so not all bad.
After the lawn was done, I had to do something to fill the ‘hour’ before it disappeared….I feel some photo’s coming on!
Luckily for me, our friend, Nutty the squirrel came out for lunch and as he’s the only one of the 3 who has sussed the feeder, it gave me a perfect opportunity to snap away….
Mine all mine
Take the money or open the box?
You just lift the lid…..
Time for lunch boys!!
AAgh! Rumbled….
So, whilst I’m changing batteries in the camera, so Nutty’s buddy appears on the garage roof and flies across the fence and up into the Rowan tree….
Rowan Berries all round then….
Look me in the eye and tell me I’m not cute!
Back down and foraging…
OOOOOYYYYYY!!! I only planted that Buddleia last night!
Compare the Meerkat.com!!
This is handy!!
And then the clouds started to re-appear and it was time to retreat back inside. But, time for 1 more photo…..The second Orchid from ALi’s pot of mixed Orchid bulbs has flowered so I held the camera underneath and took this one…
And that was it. But oh mother, we did have fun that summer. All 64 minutes of it. Word is that Sun thingy is due back over Wales in 74 years time so something to look forward to…..
28 Jul, 2009
Previous post: Sunshine on a rainy day.........
Next post: ALLO ALLO....Listen very carefully, I will say zis only once!
Fab. blog and photos... :o)
28 Jul, 2009
Thinking of putting the whole garden over to paddy fields right now :0)))
28 Jul, 2009
Simples :o)
28 Jul, 2009
Great blog Oddbillie! Sorry you having lots of rain.Not much better here in Yorkshire,but hear there is an August heatwave on the way !
28 Jul, 2009
Great blog great photos, just seen weather forecast for tomorrow......i hate to tell you this but forecast is for up to 2" of rain in Wales......Sorry! :o(
28 Jul, 2009
Yes Bonkersbon, I heard about that heatwave too.....I believe it's between 1.17pm and 3.04pm on Saturday, 15th August!!
Better get me bucket & spade ready by the back door...
Only 2" Sewingkilla? What a disappointment....:0((
So there's me, off an extra week coz my staff won't let me return to work in case Ali has given me the old Pig cold and I'm sat indoors......still, it lets me feed my addiction for GoY... Ali been up today and looking through it as well and think she's hooked also....
28 Jul, 2009
Lol...great blog again OB :) The squirrels might not be so cute when they dig up your flowers and veggies though...:((
Pouring down here in Cheshire too!! I'm fed up of all this rain...when's it going to stop????
28 Jul, 2009
Smashing blog and photo`s are a real treat to view,pleased to say we have also had a sunny day so I`ve cut the lawns, tidied the borders and removed some Iris`s from my pond,mind you its really grey outside now so think we`re in for a rough night,sorry your off work but good to hear Ali is recovering,fingers xx you dont get it...........
28 Jul, 2009
....when's it going to stop????
2011 so I'm told!! Can there be much more up there?
We are def twinned with a Nimbus cloud here in Wales...
Thanks for the comments Linsclass. hoping to get out again tomorrow to tidy around the conifers etc.
28 Jul, 2009
LOL...must have sent it our way...teeming down..again !
28 Jul, 2009
Sunny today in Dorset! But very windy...good blog...love the squizzle photos. :0)
28 Jul, 2009
Like the compare the mer cat
28 Jul, 2009
Well we've had no sun in Carmarthenshire. It hasn't stopped raining all day long and it still is :o(
I used to have squirrels in my previous garden but none here. Yes they are cute :o)
28 Jul, 2009
What is it with Wales and the rain? Man, it's like the sky says, 'Right, what can I do today in Wales? Ah yes, the same as yesterday and every other day - RAIN!!!
28 Jul, 2009
lol. I think it would feel very strange without it :o)
28 Jul, 2009
Strange but.....DRY!!! :0))
We live in hope, eh Blodyn!!
28 Jul, 2009
Wales here too...No sun and rain all day as well. It's 9.15pm and finally stopped.... :o))
No squirrels either....2 in Spring but they disappeared never to be seen again...
28 Jul, 2009
Reckon they might have found there way here PG....
I'll try and keep my blogs updated with pics of our squirrels so you can share their exploits with us.
I'm guessing that the toll on the severn bridge is a hidden water rates charge for all the rain in Wales...:-))
28 Jul, 2009
~it stopped for a short while this afternoon and I thought I will get out and do that...oops !too late....
28 Jul, 2009
well I don't mind having less~can I come over the bridge for half price do you think?
28 Jul, 2009
You weren't far wrong Sewingkilla - 2". Only I reckon it was more like 10" !! :0(-
29 Jul, 2009
Great blog! Very funny. the squirrels are cute, v cheeky, but they aint meerkats!! Lol :~)))
2 Aug, 2009
Take a closer look behind the Buddleia in the 10th pic MP......Lol!
2 Aug, 2009
Very good! LMAO! Not too observant tonight!! :~)))))
2 Aug, 2009
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i'm in wales but we had nothing but monsoon today...
love the photos...
28 Jul, 2009