It's got a flower....
By pamelaanne
I started making it back in June for her birthday, so she’s getting a very late birthday present :D It took far too long but I know she’ll love it. The box was readymade but I did all the design and decoration myself – it’s pyrography, special ink pens and varnished and the verses are on card in brown ink.
In other news – well yeah I bet you all thought I’d fallen off the edge of the earth (if you thought of me at all) Just been really extra exhausted so haven’t had all the time I’d have liked to have done everything I’d have liked to, which includes being here.
However, I’m surviving and not suffering too much, and social life is pretty good (probably why I’m extra exhausted) and in the background of the photos you can see my latest venture which I am in the process of establishing in my hallway. Monday is go to buy fishes day….
So hopefully I’ll get some more time to catch up a bit here and in the meantime I hope you are all well and happy and enjoying your gardens :) xxxx
12 Oct, 2017
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Next post: Rememberance Sunday flowers
Are all the promises jobs that you promise yourself you will do in the garden ?
13 Oct, 2017
It's lovely. I have never heard of a promise box before. It could have been made for me lol. My name is Jeanette but when I was very young, my family all called me Jen. I'm sure she will love it! :-).
13 Oct, 2017
I've never heard of a Promise Box either. Bit late in the day for me to have one now! You are clever1
Are you going to keep tropical fish or saltwater fish? OH still hankers after the latter. We had one, (also in the hall), many years ago and loved it. The offspring nicknamed the shrimp "Bobby" and wept when it ultimately vanished. I loved the anemones and the brightly-coloured fish that lived in them.
We still have a tropical fish tank.
13 Oct, 2017
Thank you all for the compliments :)
Stera, I heard the name promise box before but I don't think I ever saw one so I didn't know that's what this was. In it is not promises though, but affirmations of love and peace to go with the dove and the rose and help my friend feel better about some things that are hard in her life. And I put it on the table tonight at our singing group that she leads, before she arrived, so she saw it when she got there, and yes she loves it. I was very blessed seeing her face light up when she saw it.
lol Diane, that's a great idea to make a gardening theme one!
Eirlys it's a tropical tank and I'm aiming to get 4 young female platys first, then later when they are settled put a male betta in, one that's been in a community tank not a loner. I've only had coldwater before so this is new to me and I've been doing loads of research to get it as right as I can. That's about the most fish I can comfortably have - it's a 45 litre tank and hopefully the platys won't be pregnant but if they are it won't be a disaster.
I have some plants on order too so it should turn into a water garden with "wild"life in it.
13 Oct, 2017
Pam the promise boxes I've seen are Bible quotes like yours but are all promises of one sort or another eg "Lo I am with you always" Your version sounds lovely. I think the idea was that when you felt the need you drew one out at random without looking first.
13 Oct, 2017
Oh yes Stera, that's the same sort of idea, definitely. Mine are not direct quotes - here are what is on them (I have them up in my kitchen as well)
The Lord is my light and my strength. Micah 7:8
The Lord gives me grace and glory. Psalm 84:11
I will let God’s peace rule in my heart and be thankful. Colossians 3:15
I will allow God to fill my mind with peace, courage and calm assurance. Psalm 31:24
I walk in the path of the Lord. Isaiah 2:1-3
I trust in the serenity my God provides. Psalm 90:10
I treasure God’s Word. Psalm 119:162
I serve God gladly and sing praises to Him. Psalm 100:2
I meditate on the good God is doing in my life. Isaiah 43:18
I know God and believe He will carry me through the sad times. 1 Peter 5:7
I am rooted on good ground and bring forth fruit for Jesus. Matthew 13:1-9
God said we are blessed when we serve Him in a world that hates Him. Luke 6:22
God is with me no matter where I go; therefore, I will not be afraid. Joshua 1:9
God is my sun and shield. Psalm 84:11
God is my strength and my savior. Isaiah 35:3-5
God is keeping me calm and peaceful. Genesis 27:28
God is good. He never fails me. Psalm 89:33
God is my strong tower and I am safe. Proverbs 18:10
14 Oct, 2017
Well they are nearly quotes - just paaphrases. I hope your friend is helped by them. Tell her the trad was was to just pick one at random without looking to see what it is first.
I think I need no.4!
14 Oct, 2017
I dont like modernised Bible quotes, or referring to my Lord as a magician so these would only annoy me.
Sorry. You have only to look at a flower to believe in
Him and trust Him.
16 Oct, 2017
Magician? Never seen that. Have to say I prefer the RSV to the new ones even though the best are more accurate.
16 Oct, 2017
It's a very nice present :)
19 Oct, 2017
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Wow its a promise box! Haven't seen one of those for a very long time, and how beautifully you've made it! I hope it will be really appreciated!
12 Oct, 2017