hello all
I am enclosing pictures regarding my lauren, of sorts, not sure which type it is, a few of you replied, but this may help a little more, I really hope so, some of the leaves too tall to harvest have been stripped down to the central spine. thankyou in anticipation. x
18 Mar, 2011
Previous post: lovely website
thanks t. I pul lauren didnt I but of course its a laurel.
18 Mar, 2011
Looks like Prunus laurocerasus - if its tall and woody then it is. Those leaves look pretty ghastly, and I'm not at all sure of the cause. in the picture, the leaf top right has something small and black present on it - what is that? Is it fixed to the leaf and does it stand up slightly from the leaf surface, assuming it's not an insect?
Otherwise, looks like some kind of leaf mining insect as a possibility - hold the leaf with the row of blisters up against the light to see if you can see anything like a small grub inside it.
18 Mar, 2011
ok bamboo I shall do that and let you know I did not notice the black dot, if we establish leaf mining insect can it be cured, and would they strip the leaf to the spine?
18 Mar, 2011
Glad Bamboo found this ... my internet connection was broken for 6 hours, so sorry I couldn't reply sooner ...
18 Mar, 2011
Possibly, Patricia, but shothole produces that more often - its just those brown blister/patches don't look typical of shothole, and its peculiar how the brown blotches on the bottom leaf are very distinctly between veins. If that black thing is part of the leaf, it could be pycnidia, associated with fungal infections, that's why I asked about it, but it does look more like some kind of invasion than anything else.
18 Mar, 2011
thanks bamboo, I am going to take some pics of the other one watch this space, oh good the fog is clearing.
19 Mar, 2011
incidentally I have e mailed the pics to Kent Gardening on sunday to see if they are of the same opion, it is a mystery isnt it.
19 Mar, 2011
yes, let us know what they decide please.
19 Mar, 2011
certainly will bamboo, I have today tried to cut quite alot of the bad stuff out, taken it up from the bottom, watered it well, and fed it and sprayed it. I will try and get a pic of it shortly. and let you know what radio kent say.
19 Mar, 2011
Well,Bamboo I listened but the answer did not come perhaps they did not have time for my e mail. anyway I have cut the laurel back quite severely took off all the deseased stuff well mostly, made it so the air can get thro. the only thing I can see on it is baby snails. I have sprayed it with rose clear, and soaked the roots. the one round the side of the house done the same, that one was mostly stripped not so brown and horrid, the last 2 ft were bare. I will let you know if the knew growth is hole and desease free. I am going to take a piece to the local nurseryman, who is very knowledgeable also. if I get a response from him I will let you know. I think maybe there are 2 things going on the holes maybe snails, and the brown patches lacking maybe or desease? thanks again for your help.
20 Mar, 2011
Well with some infections or infestations, you get tiny indentations, or small/large brown areas, which then fall out and leave a hole behind, but the presence of baby snails is interesting - a liberal application of slug pellets would be a good idea.
21 Mar, 2011
Got them bambo will sort that tomorrow. I can see new leaves starting to appear, I really hope they are not infected. the bush looks a sad old sight at the moment, and it used to look wonderfu. I really appreciated all your help. thanks
21 Mar, 2011
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Hello Patricia...
I've put a comment on your question to let Bamboo know you've provided pictures of the leaves here.
I hope this helps :o)
18 Mar, 2011