Oh dear, destruction, has anybody else been destroyed by the wind, I have lost clematis – roses have all snapped, delphiniums, well non existent. what shall we do, it is soooo disappointing…….. x
2 May, 2011
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Next post: back from holiday
Very windy today and chilly too at times !
That's a pity about your clematis and roses ...
I hope they put out new shoots...
2 May, 2011
March winds are very late this year, Lol.
Yes, all the flimsy flowers have been blown to bits and the petals all on the ground. However, the sun is lovely in a sheltered spot.
2 May, 2011
Iam glad you have noticed its windy!!! love your dog xela, has he got some sort of bedlington in him, I have 2 bedlingtons, you can see on my pictures. he looks like the emmerdale dog lol!!
2 May, 2011
It's such a trashy wind this time of preying my clems are ok, luckily they are slightly sheltered by a wall.
I can see my dogs ears blowing wildly in this wind!
2 May, 2011
Luckily I have a walled garden surrounded by trees, but the Soloman's Seal is lying in a rather horizontal position.
So much of the growth is young and easily snapped.
I too have been tying up my Clematis. It is to be less windy here tomorrow thank goodness.
2 May, 2011
oh what a shame ~ its always sad when things get spoiled. didnt get the wind here ~ maybe tomorrow??
2 May, 2011
Fingers xx, mine are still standing, its a wonder because its blowing well here also and very cold.......
2 May, 2011
just been out ~ it is cooler and there was a breeze!!!
2 May, 2011
i was more prepared this year Patricia after last year, i staked all delphiniums, and extra canes against my clems on trellis, certain things are having to take their chances like my little acer tree getting blown to bits, my bamboo wind blown and burnt, its heart breaking isnt it, my neighbour will water my pots while im away as its drying out in no time, but best not to think about it while away, deal with things when we are back, hope you dont get anymore damage.
2 May, 2011
We've had some wind but no damage. Sorry to hear it's been bad with you Patricia :(
2 May, 2011
poor you ...the wind has been relentless here all day..hopefully calmer for all tomorrow...
2 May, 2011
It can be rather soul destroying when things are going so well and then the wind reeks havoc. I just managed to tie up my climbing Hydrangea as I just got home as it was torn from the wall.
2 May, 2011
It has been really bad here too,but luckily got most of mine staked too,especially the Delphiniums..Haven't been to look at the Clematis yet,but think it seems ok..from the window,anyway..
2 May, 2011
The wind is very keen here, near Chepstow, as well. I have to just go and tie my clematis in a bit more - it's making good growth with this sunny weather. I am waiting for the worse winds. They ALWAYS occurs at the end of May just after I put my hanging baskets out! I get so cross every year when I see them taking a real battering. I am sure the wind waits for me to put them out. So frustration yet to come!
3 May, 2011
Cant say I am glad I am not the only one, but I see I am not alone, I put a few new perrenials in but they are lost underneath the stuff that has blown over. Oh s... I have just notice more rose damage. grouchy me. x going to devon soon, perhaps I can forget about it. x
3 May, 2011
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luckily I saw how windy it was and ran around the garden, putting in canes and extra support in places- hopefully got there in time and I was glad I wasn't at work.
2 May, 2011