Booked in for the night.
By Bonkersbon

25 Jul, 2009
Late evening and this chap showing no signs of going anywhere.
Comments on this photo
lots to be done while the weather is good
25 Jul, 2009
Let's hope his friends all visit tomorrow... :o)
25 Jul, 2009
Nice one, hope he dont fall off while he's asleep .....
25 Jul, 2009
Thanks his friends back on lavender today,and he had gone by this morning !
Checked he hadnt fallen off Clarice !!
25 Jul, 2009
Thanks BB lol.
25 Jul, 2009
must be starving BB
25 Jul, 2009
Think they get drunk on the nectar Deida...theres another one asleep there this evening !
25 Jul, 2009
When you've paid your money you expect the service!
25 Jul, 2009
Must be cosy there then.
25 Jul, 2009
Ray/Jane: I've bought some lavender seed - I think its a 'must have' for every garden :-)
25 Jul, 2009
Tired, drunk bees - whatever next?
25 Jul, 2009
Gee you only get that on GOY...believe me
25 Jul, 2009
LOL Toto...they certainly helped themselves from the lavender last few days.Covered with them and welcome
Gee and Deida..cheers !
25 Jul, 2009
Must be the amber nectar, lol.
25 Jul, 2009
Cheers everyone, think the Bees have the right idea, get it while you can lol
25 Jul, 2009
nice lavenders are full of bees at the moment..........
26 Jul, 2009
Great isnt it..every day go out and the bees are covering it !!
26 Jul, 2009
Lovely photo at least you are getting bees which is nice to see.
27 Jul, 2009
Yes still getting them all over the lavender.Counted 15 in one go yesterday by the way !
27 Jul, 2009
In our newspaper yesterday there was an artical saying how continental Bees are so much more layed back than ours , it seems that they don,t start work until late and finish early...
Our Bees start in the early morning and often don,t finish until , this is true .
Your one is obviously English BB ... LOL..
27 Jul, 2009
LOL Amy..true ! This fella had finished about 9.30 pm and fellasleep ! Kept going to look at him until darkness fell and apart from occasionally flicking a leg h didnt move !
27 Jul, 2009
Oh BB ... the things we do , are we normal .... lol.... !!!
27 Jul, 2009
Probably not Amy,but who cares !! Lol
27 Jul, 2009
I reckon Amy he had tv out side pint in one hand remote in other watching match of the day he once called me Donna when does Donna sound like Morgana.or come to that even look like it the mind boggles. lol
27 Jul, 2009
Maybe he had had a few of those pints Morgana , lol... ..
27 Jul, 2009
I reckon so I think secretly he belongs to AA meaning antena and ale lol not BB lol
27 Jul, 2009
apologies Donnah ! Lol....Sorry..Morgana ! Now how many glasses of wine have I had ! Lol.
No Match of the Day for another couple of months ! ( Jane delighted ! )
27 Jul, 2009
I sympathise with her greatly as I know what it s like perhaps thats why I live alone lol
27 Jul, 2009
Antenna and !
Jane gets exclusive rights to computer then Morgana !
27 Jul, 2009
Took a while for you to catch on to what AA stood for of course she has exclusive rights to pc does she come on GoY I dont know as I am newish. what is her handle if she does
27 Jul, 2009
no she just asks me to submit her photos,and if you look back will see I always put "by Jane ".Sometimes pops on for a chat,but spends lots of time outdoors,enjoying the wildlife !
27 Jul, 2009
Thank you I dont blame her make the most of out doors while you can.
27 Jul, 2009
She works indoors so cant wait to get out in evenings.I work outdoors so vice versa ! Lol
27 Jul, 2009
Tut tut tut naughty naughty Bonkersbon and there s you trying to con us all that your wife has you at beckon call I dont know If I was a teacher I would make you sit in the corner lol But I understand visa now you belong to VV he he
27 Jul, 2009
She does make me sit in corner , Morgana. since seeing what Toto has to contend with would also like to put me in shed too but she needs lifts to and from work so has to let me out ..heaven help me when she retires !
27 Jul, 2009
lol Bonkersbon she will then become the nurse in one who flew over the cukoos nest and then it will be medication time. lol What does Toto have to contend with you ve lost me.?
27 Jul, 2009
Oh my god Nurse Ratchett ..dont wish that on me Morgana see why Toto has a male nurse now
1 Aug, 2009
lol I would nt wish her on any one at all even my worse enemy lol.
1 Aug, 2009
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A very busy bee !
25 Jul, 2009