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bull frog in pond


By Flcrazy

bull frog in pond

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O Lordy ! Thems some BIG legs ! And what a big mouth ! Were you missing any fish that year? LOL ! My bullfrog Jeremiah wasn't that big yet.

5 Apr, 2008


Just love the cheeky slimy devil I can well imagine him jumping about the

5 Apr, 2008


Wow! He is big! I love his speckled underside, makes him rather nice looking. Looks like he would do well in a bullfrog race!

5 Apr, 2008


his so cute,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

5 Apr, 2008


Lovely pic. I know that the eyes protude, but can't help thinking that, here, they are doing so coz he's being squeezed so hard by that hand, lol.

5 Apr, 2008


heavenly days! My neice maintains that she saw a bullfrog catch and eat a sparrow in her pond! This is the same neice who has a segmented plastic alligator in her pond to keep away the pteradactyls (herons). lol.

6 Apr, 2008


Remember that cartoon (think it was Warner Bros.) that we watched as kids with the singing frog!? Haven't thought of that in years...thanks for the laughs.

6 Apr, 2008


Yes I do Lori,.... how hilarious...!! I haven't thought of it in years either, but I'm sure, from now on I will, everytime I look at this photo..!

8 Apr, 2008


Great pic

26 Apr, 2008


" ribbit! "Hello ma baby!, Hello ma honey!...Hello my RagTime Gal" ribit.

26 Apr, 2008


Oh No, Lori - THAT bloody frog! Now, you've gone and done it! I 've been "seeing" and singing the song for days now. This is my version:-

Goodbye my Baby, Goodbye my Honey, Goodbye my Ragtime Gal!
If you release me, Honey, you'd please me, now gonna be a pal?
I'll send you an e-mail (quicker than water snail), water don't mix with wire.
So, Goodbye my Baby, Goodbye, my Honey, (Sh**! This is getting dire).

closing shot of frog disappearing down hole cut by saw (for me) lol!

Still love this pic, Fl!

30 Apr, 2008


O hes lovely :) dont let my son see him cos he`l want 1 in my Pond & Frogs scare the life out of me when they Move/Jump ,I remember when my kids were small & we had a pond at that house back then, they came running in doors with their hands Clasped,Look Look mummy & i did OMG I nearly died they how ever thought it very funny & never let me live MY FEAR down lol

30 Apr, 2008


Dang glad to hear I'm not the only one who had that song stuck in their head..!!!!
You're killing me here Lori..!, you guys are cracking me!~

30 Apr, 2008


Well, Fl, Thank Goodness the car radio played another tune today that got stuck in my subconscience all day at work!

1 May, 2008


Lucky you.!!!, I'm still waiting.....

1 May, 2008


I'm not saying a hear?

1 May, 2008


Lori- Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime gal...croke...I love the old warner bros cartoons. The good ole days...
Flcrazy- nice catch!

16 May, 2008


I've never seen a bullfrog with those markings. He is lovely. My bullfrogs prefer toeat each other, rather than my fish. I'll never forget a morning last summer when I did a double take to see legs hanging out of one of my bullfrogs mouth. I didn't know they were cannibals!

17 Aug, 2008


Good Lord...!! I would have been doing a double take too, to say the least...hahaha. How freaky, I'll definitely be paying closer attention to the frogs from now I didn't know they were cannibals either. You learn something new everyday...!

17 Aug, 2008


My neice maintains that she saw a bullfrog eat a sparrow who was trying to drink from their pond!!

17 Aug, 2008


You guys are starting to scare me Lisa your were saying frogs didn't eat your fish, well I found somthing else though that will. I thought the only thing I had to worry about were the egrets and herons getting my fish, until a few weeks ago. I went out to feed the fish and caught a glimse of something slithering away, then I heard something flopping on the rocks, it was one of my fish...! I ran and picked it up and threw it back in the pond. A snake had snagged one of my larger fish for dinner and dragged it into the flowerbed to devour it when I apparantly spooked it. The fish was missing few scales, but other than that, it's doing fine ! I'm beginning the think these poor fish have the deck stacked against them. I noticed yesterday that we have a smaller fish missing now, and we are wondering if that snake came back for a second try. Hubby put a B-B gun at the end of the porch just incase we see it again, but the odds of our hitting it, or even scaring it off for good, are slim to none !

17 Aug, 2008


What And you still live in the same place..............i would have been out of there and gone lol

17 Aug, 2008


well if the fish survived the snake wasn't that's a plus...but sheesh...poor fish, must be a bummer being on the bottom of the food chain!!!

17 Aug, 2008


I'd have to move across the pond Buffiddler, There isn't any place in the States doesn't have snakes...seen any good real estate lately...?
Yea Lori, it would stink...! Though I have had days when I could have sworn I was scrapping the bottom of the barrel

17 Aug, 2008


LOL... I do too!! I often feel like the very smallest fish!! You'd have to go to Ireland to get away from snakes!! The green and blessed Isle!!

24 Aug, 2008


Found the frog.
What amazing markings !

16 Sep, 2008


AND frogs !!

30 Aug, 2009

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