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Pickled Shallots and Beetroot


By Amy

Pickled Shallots and Beetroot

I feel like a squirrel stocking up for winter , we shall enjoy these in a few weeks time ........

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well done Amy, you have been busy

18 Aug, 2009


Great and yes you have been a busy girl.

18 Aug, 2009


~my mum always did onions and beetroot and pickled purple cabbage was a favourite~well done!

18 Aug, 2009


great amy and well done, yummy

18 Aug, 2009


Thanks every one , we do like our home pickles they taste so much nicer , the onions are crunchier the beetroot tastier , my grandchildren from up north call them christmas onions .. I dont know why !

18 Aug, 2009


thats because people use to just pickle them ready for christamas amy, friends of mine always did, dont know why, tradition i guess

18 Aug, 2009


Boiled ham.pease pudding and pickle onions were traditionally prepared for New Years Eve~I love Pease pudding but don't get it down here~will have to find a recipe!.The local Asda's near Bedlington where my ma lived sell it loose in tubs and it is gorgeous with ham in a bun.

18 Aug, 2009


Thanks for the info. Sandra ...... thats a good reason !

Arlene , I don,t think i,ve ever had pease pudding .. is it made of peas ?

18 Aug, 2009


i havent had peas pudding either

18 Aug, 2009


I am sure it is lentils Amy~at least that is what my mum used~boiled in a cloth in the ham stock,strained and seasoned and an egg beaten into it I think! and then left to set.I remember it from way back when my gran kept pigs.I have just checked an online Northumbrian recipe and it uses split peas

18 Aug, 2009


sounds yummy arlene, not good for my tum though :o(

18 Aug, 2009


It is Sandra~you don't need loads of of it in a sandwich but very nice with ham!Shame about the tum! I might just make some this weekend if I can get a ham.
My daughter does Ham in Coke a la Nigella and that is lovely too!

18 Aug, 2009


Sounds good Arlene .. I like lentils or split peas .. I think I will look for a recipe as well ....... I have a couple of very old books it could be in one of them !

18 Aug, 2009


uummm yum yum lol

18 Aug, 2009


I,ve found one !! it uses split peas , golly you have to cook it for 3 hrs. ..

18 Aug, 2009


will have lost interest by the time its cooked amy lol

18 Aug, 2009


I found this one but I wouldn't add any meat.
Recipe Two

Large Ham Shank
Salt Pepper
475g (about a one pound pack) Split Peas

Place Large sized ham shank in large cooking pot cover with water. Bring to the boil, then drain the water. Replace with new clean water, and bring back to the boil.

Remove the ham shank, break off very small pieces of the meat into your stock. Enough to your own taste. Not a lot though as this is a split pea recipe rather than a meaty recipe.

Add the split peas (475g to every 2 litres of water) turn heat off and allow to steep for 4 hours. Next bring back to boil and then simmer, keep stirring and checking, as you only want the mix, to reach a nice medium consistency, (not too thick or thin) as once this cools it sets thicker.

When cooled place in refrigerator. Chill and serve with, salad or - with cold ham sandwiches or even with Roast Potatoes beef and Gravy. Has many other uses.

Many grown up's today will remember waiting as children, for this being made, and then eating it hot, pasted onto fresh bread and butter.
Or crusty buns.!I am sure It didn't take four hours either~I am sure my mum cooked the ham through and then used the stock..
I wonder if Amble Alice makes it~will have to ask!

18 Aug, 2009


Do you think you can buy it in tins Sandra ...LOL...

18 Aug, 2009


no it is awful!!!!!

18 Aug, 2009


Thanks Arlene it does sound nice .. this recipe is different you have to soak the peas overnight 1 1/2 pts. , rinse and bring to the boil the next day with salted water an onion and a bunch of herbs .. simmer for 2 1/2 hrs drain well then rub through a seive add the 2oz. butter , the 2 beaten eggs ,pepper and salt ..
Tie tightly in a floured cloth simmer in the water for an hour turn out and serve hot or cold .......
I suppose if it,s in a cloth it would save you checking for thickness ....

18 Aug, 2009


~that sounds better than the one I found Amy but I think the ham stock is used instead of salted water as it can be too salty.
I remember she soaked the ham for a few hours and then threw the water and used fresh to cook it so that it wouldn't be too salty. and not sure about the onion!We should both try it and see what it's like!

18 Aug, 2009


gosh your making my mouth water arlene, sounds great

18 Aug, 2009


That brings back memories of my Mum....boiled ham , mashed potatoe and pease pudding........oh yum..................

18 Aug, 2009


It only said a small onion Arlene , I might try this ...
when I cook ham , I usually soak it over night then bring it to the boil , tip that out and then bring to the boil again , sounds like your mums way Arlene .. then I leave it in the pan of water to cool overnight it is I think juicier , not so dry ... ...

I wonder how much 1 1/2 pints of split peas is in pounds and ozs.. ?

18 Aug, 2009


Can you remember how she did Pease pudding Milky ?

18 Aug, 2009


are you sure Amy ~that sounds like a lot!

18 Aug, 2009


I have just been cooking fresh blackberries in the oven~smelling gorgeous and my daughter rang me for info on baked stuffed apples which I
always used to serve with fresh cream.We all like good food!
There are lots of blackberries around at the moment.

18 Aug, 2009


I,ve checked Arlene it does say 1 1/2 pints split peas , they did have big familys maybe I could do half that amount .!

Arlene we have a field in front of us and up the lane overflowing with Blackberries , huge ones , my hubby saw a couple picking them this evening they said they were making Blackberry Vodka , we make Sloe Gin with Sloes , I,ve never had Blackberry Vodka ....
My son is coming on Sat. with his boys for a holiday and I know the first thing he will do is take them to pick Blackberries for me to make them a pie ..LOL..

18 Aug, 2009


~ Caz and Gary have lots of fields surrounding the Centre where they live~My son Andrew took Dexter for a walk and came back with a large ice cream tub full.I will be making a crumble tonight!
I wonder how to make blackberry wine?
When we visited the local vineyard we bought a bottle of Bramble Liqueur which was lovely,some elderflower wine ,rhubarb and ginger and black cherry~we used to make parsnip wine and elderberry and I have two demijohns in the kitchen cupboard which have been there for about 30 years~I should check it out and bottle it if it hasn't gone totally off~might be lovely or disgusting!
We went for a walk last night through the woods in the opposite direction to where we usually go and there were absolutely loads of beech and hazelnuts lying on the ground~the hazelnuts were all green still and I thought they had come off too soon or will they ripen on the ground?
Does a bumper harvest mean a bad or a good winter?Some of the hazelnuts had the nuts removed already so maybe some squirrel is feeling a bit green!
Do let me know how you get on with the pease pudding.
Will be having a go this weekend!

19 Aug, 2009


Crumble is a favourite here as well Arlene.. We use to pick the blackberries for an elderly gentleman ' Len.' . to make blackberry wine , sadly he passed on last year , I don,t think his wife had anything to do with it .. I don,t think she would know the recipe , he use to win prizes for it ..
I,m surprised your demijohns haven,t exploded .. LOL .. you must open one to try it ...
let us know if you have a headache the next day ! .. :o)

I love beech nuts when we were young waiting in the lane for the school bus to pick us up , we use to fill zube tins with beech nuts to eat in the day .. what a memory ...:o)
Some say plenty of fruit nuts and berries is a sign of a bad winter to come , others say it,s a sign of a good summer we have had , who knows we will wait and see ...

If you find any young small puff balls on your walks they are nice sliced ,dipped in egg yolk and then in flour and fried ..
I am going to buy some split peas Arlene but it will have to wait another week or two as my grandchildren are coming for a holiday , there is no way that you can find the time once they are here ..LOL..

19 Aug, 2009

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