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Centaurea chieranthifolia


By Louise1

Centaurea chieranthifolia (Centaurea chieranthifolia)

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Oh thats pretty Louise

18 Aug, 2009


Even better :)))

18 Aug, 2009


Lovely - you can see it's a Centaurea, but slightly different. :-)

19 Aug, 2009



22 Aug, 2009


Very nice.

29 Aug, 2009


Never seen a white one Louise, its even prettier than the purple one.

31 Aug, 2009


Thanks everyone :)
I adore these plants and have several clumps :)))))

31 Aug, 2009


I've got Centaurea montana 'Alba', but this is slightly cream, isn't it!

I shall be asking you where you got your plants, Louise! (please!)

31 Aug, 2009


I use several nurseries that send plants out in the mail, these came from Special Perennials who are in Cheshire.

31 Aug, 2009


Ah-ha! Thanks - I think this is one for the wish-list. :-))

31 Aug, 2009


lovely and spiky,want one:-)

31 Aug, 2009


They're so pretty Bornagain :)

1 Sep, 2009


Is it perennial then? Was gifted with a brown/ maroon Bachelor Button "Black Magic" with silverish foliage that's gone to town, and figure it will reseed. Am looking, however, for one I saw with filigree silver foliage in a good 3 ft mound with purple thistly flowers (like the perennial Mtn BB). Told it might be a dealbata?

23 Sep, 2009


Definately perennial Orgratis, i love these !
Yes, Dealbata is purple but then so are several others.
Have a look at because they have such a lot of them.

23 Sep, 2009


So they do. Merci. Have always wanted to try Centaurea macrocephelia...

23 Sep, 2009

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This photo is of "Centaurea chieranthifolia" in Louise1's garden

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