The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

The David Douglas Pavilion in the "Explorers - The Scottish Planthunters' Garden


By David

The David Douglas Pavilion in the "Explorers  - The Scottish Planthunters' Garden

The David Douglas Pavilion. Commemorates a very important Perhshire-born planthunter who, in his short life, introduced over 240 species to the UK and Europe, mostly from USA and Canada.

Comments on this photo


Looks familiar!

3 Sep, 2009


What does that 'cone' grow into!?

3 Sep, 2009


Check MY pics & you'll see! LOL!

3 Sep, 2009


Have looked, Marie, but can't see anything. Should say if a pic was taken at the Explorers Garden. So far. only myself has said on the Explorers Garden page that I've been there. ???????

3 Sep, 2009


I've looked too and am still mystified! Help - more clues please :)

3 Sep, 2009


Gee, am a bit suspicious of that "LOL" at the end of Mariie's comment. Trying to figure, and sort, it out. Btw, The imagination boggles as to what that giant cone could grow into. :-)

3 Sep, 2009


Ahem........I can see you David on Maries pic of the pine cone.......:o)

3 Sep, 2009


I'll get you to check it for me if you have a mo on Sunday, David.
Suspicious? Whyever would you be suspicious of me????
You KNOW I'm all sweetness & innocence!! LOL!
Gee- Look for a pic with a gnome on a cone!

3 Sep, 2009


Whyever not, Dear M?

And, btw,I found THAT pic.....Ages ago!!!!!!!!!!!! No comment! :-)

Will check Sunday!

3 Sep, 2009


LOL! My pc's really slow tonight! MOST annoying!

3 Sep, 2009


I found that photo too but didn't make a connection - it must be time for bed!

3 Sep, 2009


I just meant that it would grow gnomes!!
Goodnight Gee!

3 Sep, 2009


Beautiful building complements its enviroment so well .. only really aware of douglas fir but he must be the chap that plants ending in douglasii named after .

4 Sep, 2009


That's him!! So David told me!!

4 Sep, 2009


I guess you have huge Christmas trees in Scotland..
but just think of the size of the chocolate decorations...Lol...:o)

8 Sep, 2009


LOL!! Well it IS big tree country!

8 Sep, 2009

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This photo was taken at Explorers - The Scottish Planthunters' Garden.

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