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Showcase My Carnations

Showcase My Carnations

I did pull one up and bring it in to enjoy inside. Carnation wont overwinter, but perhaps I can just increase stock indoors.q

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lovely gt, carnations are one of my favourite scented flowers along with roses. :o)

1 Oct, 2009


Lovely lot of buds still to come, how much longer can the flowers survive your weather outside?

1 Oct, 2009


Thank you Ali and Bjs. I love carnation, the whole dianthus bunch is wonderful.

These are already cut and frosted a few times now Brian even had a few snows. I brought one in to spend winter. If I get more blooms earlier next year that way, I'm collecting. I love them.

1 Oct, 2009


looks like a bouquet.

1 Oct, 2009


They look great.

1 Oct, 2009



1 Oct, 2009


Thank you guys. This dianthus bed came out wonderfully, except for the carnations having such a long season, didn't quite all make it.

2 Oct, 2009


there are a bunch of buds there... wil them open before the frost?

3 Oct, 2009


Frost has been on them for almost three weeks. I dug one and brought it in the house. :-) The rest just didn't make it.

4 Oct, 2009


awww..... :(

4 Oct, 2009


You should be able to take cuttings into pots from dianthus and carnations. If you keep them warm and on a windowsill in the light.If there's not enough light then put white paper at the back round thepots to reflect the light back at them.

5 Oct, 2009


Ooo, the white paper is a good idea. I brought in one whole plant and it is still blooming. I'm going to have a garden of them upstairs if I'm not careful. The others have a chance to come through, just not the carnations.Thank you for the information Linda.

5 Oct, 2009

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