Half way down the garden - July '09
By Nickya

5 Oct, 2009
More of the same. Another shot of the pond. The Knifophia looked stunning earlier on, and on the left that's my experimental Rheum which thinks it's a Gunnera and keeps fighting with the Rodgersia Pinnata behind. Will move the Rodgersia. On the right is a bunch of Alchemilla Mollis which looked stunning earlier with its flowers. Will grow orangey red Nasturtiams through it next year after I recently saw it done beautifully. The pale young Hosta in the middle, has been happily moved to a shadier location and in its place I've planted a young Astelia Chathamica 'silver Spear'.
Comments on this photo
Looks lovely Nickya, are the Astelia hardy ? bought one myself couple of years ago, have it growing in large pot haven't dared leave it outside as not sure whether it will survive.
6 Oct, 2009
Hi Simbad, Crocus.co.uk (where I got mine) say it's half hardy and needs protection from frost. Having said that, I bought my two Astelias last summer and they survived the winter. I think I gave them a blanket of manure before the frosts kicked in. You could give it a go. I think you're meant to acclimatise your plant first by putting it outside during the day and then in at night for a week. What do others say?
6 Oct, 2009
I have Astellia and i fleece it every winter but i live up north and fleece quite a lot of plants lol so it depends where you live.. Its a gorgeous plant with rather ugly flowers which i cut off..I split it this year and planted the offset in the front garden and its growing away happily..
6 Oct, 2009
Thanks Youngdaisydee :) Hope that's encouraged you Simbad.
6 Oct, 2009
I like that , it's a very attractive layout Nickya .. :o)
6 Oct, 2009
May try it in ground next spring then, and cover with fleece in winter,thanks for advice youngdaisydee, never knew it flowered.
6 Oct, 2009
Lovely design :o)
8 Oct, 2009
Yeah sinbad, theres a pic in my pictures. First page, bottom row, second one in...Its not a pretty sight lol
8 Oct, 2009
loovely garden
27 Jan, 2010
beautiful garden, very inspirational
17 Apr, 2010
Thank you Preeti and thank you Daylily. I've been out there again these past few weeks after what has felt like the longest and coldest winter in years. I had to cut back my tall euphorbia characias and malifera after winter damage and my hebes didn't do too well either. As for my new Honey Bush (melianthus major) I'm not sure that has survived despite a good mulch. Otherwise, my next project is the redesign and thickening of a circular border after my other half agreed to give up more lawn :) I'm going to take my time on the design so I won't be planting until the autumn.
17 Apr, 2010
it has been a cold long winter with losses to us but will be looking forward to what is yet to come
19 Apr, 2010
what a lovely garden!
15 Jan, 2012
lovely garden
3 Jul, 2012
Thanks :) I better put some more recent ones up. The garden's changed alot since this one. Nicky
3 Jul, 2012
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Nymphaea 'Aurora' (Water Lily)
£22.99 at Crocus -
Easy Clear Filter And Fountain Pump
£139.95 at Ferndale Lodge
Ps - yes, that edge was cut with my kitchen scissors.
5 Oct, 2009