my gardening shoes and wellies for TT
By Sanbaz

11 Oct, 2009
these are my pink croc copys lol, so comfy for summer and my new hot pink wellies ready for winter,
Comments on this photo
yes im a very pink girlie lol, im a bit weepy and down today buy just keep popping on here and cheers me up,, hows conker today, getting better i hope after the extra chemo :o) xx
11 Oct, 2009
They are lovely Sandra. I especially love the pink colour. Thinking of you, as the days goes on, you will start to feel better.
11 Oct, 2009
Hi Sandra...
As Michaella says.... we hope you'll feel a bit better each day.. you're going to have a few ups and downs... Conker is doing well thanks... the new tablets helped him a lot...he's eating even more Malt Crunchies...LOL. I bet Angelina is thrilled to have you home...:o) xxx
11 Oct, 2009
thanx michaela so kind ;o)
angelina has been on the bed sleeping with me , she`s not herself Terra and feels like she is loosing more weight but eating just as much, will have to take her back to vet next week when im a bit fitter, but she isnt in pain which im glad xx
11 Oct, 2009
I need sun glasses lol Pink to make the boys blink lol releases a sex ormone in the men when they look at pink. Nice ones
11 Oct, 2009
better not put them on with baz here then,, wont get the garden done lol
11 Oct, 2009
That's good to know Angelina is not in pain... your convalescence is a special time when you can give Angelina lots of extra attention and cuddles.. xxx
11 Oct, 2009
lol no you won't he he
11 Oct, 2009
yes im giving her lots of attention Terra, even baz has noticed her weight loss, i love her to bits :o)
lol morgana :o)
11 Oct, 2009
Lovely pink wellies and crocs Sandra,how are you feeling today?
11 Oct, 2009
Hehe Just knew you was a pink girl, you would love the pink in our lounge, still trying to get used to it though.
11 Oct, 2009
Hope you'll soon be 'in the pink' Sandra. So these are Baz's gardening gear then, where are yours? Lol
12 Oct, 2009
hi janette just getting myself together, not sleeping well, quite alot of discomfort so its hard to settle, but each day is a little better :o)
yes bob im a pink girlie lol and would love your pink lounge, baz wont let me have any pink pain etc hehehe
lol lily yes you guessed it these belong to baz heehe :o))
12 Oct, 2009
Each day will be a little better Sandra , the thought of getting outside in those shocking pink wellies will spur you on , they will brighten any dull day , take care , take it easy :o)
12 Oct, 2009
...Could spur you on even more with the thought of Baz going outside in those pink wellies...Lol.
Hoping you feel stronger today. :o)
12 Oct, 2009
thanx amy and Terra, can just picture baz in pink lol, seems to be forever when your waiting to feel better :o( but it will come x
12 Oct, 2009
Of course Sandra...these had to be yours......They are lovely even if they are pink Lol x x
12 Oct, 2009
wow what dazzlers! hope you wil be soon feeling in the Pink too Sandra Im sorry to hear Angelina is not too well hope you both improve soon. xx
12 Oct, 2009
lol carole, yes very pink,, im not doing to bad, i am worried about angelina, hope to take her to vet next monday for blood test, so at the moment we are having lots of cuddles :o) hope your ok :o)) xx
13 Oct, 2009
Fingers crossed Alls well with Angelina, its such a worry isnt it especially when you are not to well yourself, the cuddles seem a lovely idea!
14 Oct, 2009
hi carole, yes its hard when im not able to take her to vet, and i would rather take her myself as baz bless him doesnt ask the questions i would like, so hope to go next week, the cuddles are working wonders :o))
14 Oct, 2009
Are you feeling any better, Sandra ?
I can understand your wishing to take Angelina to the vet... week sounds like a good idea, when you're feeling stronger. xxx
14 Oct, 2009
hi Terra im getting better each day thankyou, i went to dentist today, baz took me but that was enough, so uncomfortable sat in waiting room for almost an hour, so had a sleep this afternoon, feel better this evening, hows conker doing xx
14 Oct, 2009
Hi Sandra...
Conker is sleepy, but okay, after today's chemo. He also had fine needle aspirate for his cheek... More about it on his blog...
Dentist's waiting rooms are uncomfortable places, even when you are feeling fit !!! You did well to go there today. :o)
Kisses for Anglina... xxx
14 Oct, 2009
read update am so pleased conker doing well take care xx
14 Oct, 2009
Pink to make the boys wink, think thats the saying.
15 Oct, 2009
lol carol,, cant wait to try them out then heheh
15 Oct, 2009
What a fab colour - had to look cos I couldn't believe how clean they were, and now I know they're new, that's why. Be difficult to lose you outside in those...
18 Oct, 2009
lol bamboo, yes the wellies are new, i didnt have any last year and my tootsies got cold and wet lol,
18 Oct, 2009
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Sandra... you like PINK... your really like PINK Lol.
I hope you are feeling better today ?
These are now on my favs. and on GoYpedia wellies....
and heading for my Welliepedia blog. Thank you... good ones...:o)
11 Oct, 2009