flowers off my son joe
By Sanbaz

10 Oct, 2009
my lovely son joe got me these flowers today when i got home from hospital arent they beautifull :o)
Comments on this photo
What a lovely welcome home gift Sandra. Well done Joe. x
10 Oct, 2009
Joe made a good choice.... Lovely colours :o)
Sandra... get well soon. xxx
10 Oct, 2009
thanx morgana, will try cuttings from carnations :o)x
joe is such a good boy dawn, always thoughtfull :o)thankyou x
cheers Terra he must take after me with the flowery thing lol xx
10 Oct, 2009
I'll look out for a new GoY member called Sanbazjoe..LOL.
10 Oct, 2009
Lovely Flowers Joe..get well soon Sandra xx
10 Oct, 2009
Good on Joe, hope you feeling a bit better now, just dont go over doing it, xx
10 Oct, 2009
Beautiful flowers, loves his mum. Hope you're not feeling too bad
10 Oct, 2009
lol Terra :o))
thanks deida x
cheers for the card carol, very funny lol x
cheers pipsqueak yes he is a good son, always showing his love with lots of hugs , im a bit tired so going for a rest now :o)
10 Oct, 2009
Lovely flowers San :)
Hope you are feeling OK....don't go over doing things, and take good care.
Di x
10 Oct, 2009
Beautiful flowers Sandra,Joe is a very thoughtful son. great to know you are back home again, hope you will soon be feeling well xxx
10 Oct, 2009
They're lovely San, hope your feeling better soon;-)
10 Oct, 2009
Lovely son. Lovely flowers. Look after yourself Sanbaz.
10 Oct, 2009
What a kind and thoughtful son, San :-)
As Di says, take it easy now.
10 Oct, 2009
thankyou Di, just a bit weary,
cheers carole, hes a good lad my joe :o)
thankyou user.. skillen and louise, glad you like my fowers to :o)
10 Oct, 2009
They are lovely.
10 Oct, 2009
thanx michaela :o)
10 Oct, 2009
Hope you are doing ok, sons can be very thoughtful, sometimes more so than daughters, as everyone says take it easy, and good luck. xx
10 Oct, 2009
gorgeous flowers Sandra xx
10 Oct, 2009
thankyou dotty, he is thoughtfull, not sure about girls i dont have one, x
cheers eileen :o) x
10 Oct, 2009
Glad your home safe and sound Sandra....Take it easy and rest up Let Baz doing the running round.....Beautiful flowers.....
10 Oct, 2009
Hi Sandra. What lovely flowers to make you feel better.
I hope everything went ok for you yesterday. I hope you'll be back to normal soon.
Take care, Hywel xxx
10 Oct, 2009
Get well soon sweetie! Did you get your necklace??? LOL!
10 Oct, 2009
Welcome home Sandra hope everything went smoothly ..lovely flowers to come home to shows you ve been missed.Those pots in the sink and the empty pizza boxes and cans can wait till you up and about ..great advice from Milky , Ray obviously exhausted running round after her as in latest pic ..
11 Oct, 2009
thanx maureen, baz is really trying, made me pizza, yak but didnt tell him i dont like meat feast pizza, then he fell asleep on sofa, a bit like ray really lol poor baz was stressed out with me having op :o)
thankyou hywel arent they lovely :o) everything went good and just need to rest and get back on track now x
didnt get my necklace mari :o(( dont give em out now, well so they say, think its health and safety lol joke isnt it
cheers jane/ray all went smootly yes just feel yakky now, so will be going back to bed i think, just wanted a quick GOY fix lol,so far so good with baz and joe looking after me :o)) seen milkys latest pic,,, great lol
11 Oct, 2009
Hi San....hope your feeling better, get plenty of rest &'ll soon be back on track. Take care big hugs Ali xx
11 Oct, 2009
hi Ali fed up all ready lol, painfull but im ok, got a good hubby looking after me :o)) thanx x
11 Oct, 2009
Best wishes for a speedy recovery Sanbaz.... the GOY fix is good medicine!
11 Oct, 2009
thanx antigone, it sure is :o)
11 Oct, 2009
Aw, shame San! But really, would you have worn it??? LOL!
Tell Baz my warning still stands, lol!
11 Oct, 2009
lol mari,, no i wouldnt but would have liked to see it,, baz is being so good, he`s so tired works 62 days without a day off,, we counted before,, i told him its to much and with me not being well was added pressure mari, anyway he`s off now for a week which im glad :o)
how are you mari,, is the uni course going well ?
11 Oct, 2009
I'm loving it thanks San! Working hard too, so not a lot of playtime :~( but I'll get used to it! The 3+ hours of travel on the days I go in to uni's a pain though!
Well if Baz has a week off, maybe you can BOTH get some rest!
11 Oct, 2009
glad your enjoying uni mari,, travel is a pain isnt it, but will be worth it in the end :o) yes a rest for us both i think, :o) x
11 Oct, 2009
Good stuff! You could both do with it!
The course is really interesting, & is going to be hard work, but after talks with some social work professionals in our joint studies class, I'm glad now that I DIDNT go for social work! (I was swithering between the 2!). If I could get a place with a garden, I'd consider moving closer to Dundee, cos 4 years is a long time to be spending that much time on a bus!!
11 Oct, 2009
What a great word swithering is, not heard it before but I understand its meaning! Just started a job which involves 4 hours travel a day, only a couple of days a week and its a really good job, but the travel is taking some getting used to. Before I just walked......
But it'll definitely be worth it - education is the greatest boost - I got a degree as a mature student and it was the best thing I ever did
12 Oct, 2009
sorry iv just got back mari, couldnt stay on any longer lastnight, yes 4 years is a long time with all that travel, will you see if you can get an exchange closer to dundee, i surpose its worth looking into, ,my ex did social work and its hard going but its paid off for him, he worked with kids then at the local hospital now with old people, he`s now a manager of the local area office, long long hours but like most things in that area a lack of staff, always cut backs, so hope you do well with what you choose mari :o))
12 Oct, 2009
Beautiful flowers Sandra ... I did think of you on Friday as I was pacing up and down waiting impatiently for my visitors to come from Australia , I wondered if you were doing the same .. LOL.. but for a different reason !
I hope you will soon be up and about again and in less pain , it sounds as though you are being well looked after , take care , and get plenty of rest xx
12 Oct, 2009
Lovely when they think of you, re-pays all those years of us caring for them. Hope you are feeling a little better Sandra. x
12 Oct, 2009
thankyou amy, hope your enjoying your visitors, how long they staying? im a bit rough so just pop on for a few mins here and there :o))x
hi potty yes it is all worth it, at times we dont think they care but they do, :o)) x
12 Oct, 2009
Hope all's going well for you Sanbaz. Flowers....a lovely thought from your son.
12 Oct, 2009
im being a pain lol,so baz and joe say, they are trying but im just always on top of the cleaning,,why does it take them so long to do anything
12 Oct, 2009
Hiya! Sorry, was working tonight, not long in!
Yes, Antigone, it IS a good word, isnt it? I'm a 'mature' student too, well, chronologically at least! Dunno about mentally! Lol!
4 hours! What a pain! Mind you, if my afternoon tutorial doesn't end before 4, I dont get home til after 6!
San, no worries, I had to go off to bed too! I was bushed!
Yep, there are never enough staff in any care professions, but theres never enough staff hours allocated!
As for the boys taking so long to do anything, maybe its cos theyre too used to you doing it for them?? Lol!
12 Oct, 2009
your so right there mari, i spoil them and dont think they realised how hard we work to keep everything shipshape , but they do now lol
13 Oct, 2009
Hee hee! I used to remind mine regularly! Every so ofter I'd have a day where I'd go on strike & make him do it all! He didnt take me quite as much for granted then!! ;~)
13 Oct, 2009
i have a rule that i dont cook on a saturday,as i only work till 12, i get my late breakfast after work by baz then we go out to eat for dinner, its lovely to have one day with no cooking :o)
13 Oct, 2009
I have a rule that I only cook if absolutely neccessary, or a special occasion!! LOL! I CAN cook, but cant be bothered with it, & usually have gone off the idea of eating by the time its done!
13 Oct, 2009
lol mari, better if your cooking for friends or someone else to, not the same if just on ya own, i cant be bothered if im alone,love it when we have people round though, i like to show off lol
13 Oct, 2009
Exactly!! Maybe I should batch-cook, then I could just reheat it when I want it, but its an effort! I'm not that interested in food!
My ex was a really good cook, so the first time I cooked, I burnt the meal ;~) & he told everyone I couldnt cook, so I never had to bother! Why have a dog & bark yourself??
13 Oct, 2009
lol mari, well i will be glad to cook again, poor baz will not be going in for master chef this year lol
13 Oct, 2009
Ah, well if its self-defence, you just have to cook then! Get him cooking lessons for his Xword pressie! Lol!
How you feeling today??
13 Oct, 2009
im a bit better today thanx mari, slept well lastnight, think its the painkillers knocking me out, each day is better ;o)
13 Oct, 2009
Thats good, sweetie! You'll soon be back up to speed! But you still need to take it easy!
13 Oct, 2009
yes baz wont let me do anything, even get told off for being on here typing to long lol, anyway im off now to REST :o)) nite mari x
13 Oct, 2009
Sweet dreams! Have a good one! xx
13 Oct, 2009
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They are georgous and he has a fine taste too if that is statis the purple you can dry that out and keep it and take cuttings from the carnation and pinks.
10 Oct, 2009