The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Solanum rantonneii 'Royal Robe'

Solanum rantonneii 'Royal Robe' (Solanum rantonneii (Royal Robe))

This lovely plant isn't hardy, so I shall dig it up to over winter it.

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Oh Spritz....Its so lovely...:>)

18 Oct, 2009


It would be a shame to lose it, wouldn't it! I managed to over-winter one 2 years ago - but then I lost it. :-((

18 Oct, 2009


What a shame , I hope you manage to keep this one it's beautiful ......

18 Oct, 2009


Very pretty, good luck with the over-wintering.

18 Oct, 2009


Thanks. I found little plants this time - so it should be easier to pot up.

18 Oct, 2009


I think next year id plant it in a big plastic pot then plunge that in the ground. would making lifting it easier in the autmn. its too nice to lose.

18 Oct, 2009


I've done that with my Coprosmas, Sbg. Oh, and the Allium christophii, as well, as they arrived potted up.

18 Oct, 2009

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This photo is of species Solanum rantonneii (Royal Robe).

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