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My family, our last holiday

My family, our last holiday

It's the anniversary of my mum's death today, she was 27.
I've put this memory of our last holiday together up to cheer myself up! Totally self-indulgent, but..........

Comments on this photo


How lovely - eventhough she died young ( and that's sad ) you still have happy memories.

23 Oct, 2009


It's lovely, Marie, and what a treasure for you to have by you, though a photograph can never take her place. It's tragic to lose a parent at so young an age and if they're you're brothers ( are they twins? ), they were younger than you, it seems. Thank you for posting it, and even if it is self-indulgent ( I don't think it is ) so what...good on you.
Lots of love,

23 Oct, 2009


what a happy picture mari, your mum was a beautifull lady, how sad the loose her so young, i`ll be thinking of you today, take care, she would be proud of you xxx

23 Oct, 2009


It's not self indulgent it is called love and honouring her memory and it's good to remember the happy times. You know we are all thinking of you today

23 Oct, 2009


What a lovely happy picture, I agree with Sandra and I can see where you got your good looks from.

23 Oct, 2009


What a lovely picture of all of you, sorry you lost your mum so young, but as all say you look so happy on the photo, looking at your mum's hair i can remember having mine like that when i was about 16-17 in the early 60s. Am thinking of you. xx

23 Oct, 2009


Lovely memory to have, she was very pretty the picture is lovely, where was it taken. You could have it blown up and framed

23 Oct, 2009


Oh Marie what a happy and sad picture, it must have been traumatic for you to lose your dear Mum at such a young age, thinking about you to day and thinking how proud your Mum would be of you Take Care x

23 Oct, 2009


How sad to die so young Marie must be mixed emotions for you today! you're very like her in that lovely happy photo where she is looking across at you with a mothers love. take care

23 Oct, 2009


It's good that you have such a lovely photo of a happy time.
Sad that your mother died so young... xxx

23 Oct, 2009


Ooh err our kid !! Thought I had it bad (not until MUCH later when you understand it ) when I lost my Mom a week before my 21st. But to lose at your age ...... Bless me babby xx Mind you..... DEFINITELY makes you stronger though doesn't it ? xxx

23 Oct, 2009


Thanks GoYs! It is my favourite photo, & I remember she was laughing because I'd just told my dad (who was taking the pic) that his trousers were falling down, & we were all laughing at him.That was taken a couple of months before we lost her.I was 9 & the twins were 8. Your comments have made me laugh and cry. thanks! Yes, Bob, I do look like her, though more like HER mum!
I suppose it does make you stronger, Sue! It had to, I was the big sister & my wee brothers didnt understand what had happened! I think I WILL blow it up, Morgana!
Although its been a very long time, I still miss her, but I know she's with us all now, probably telling me to wipe my eyes & remember I'm a woman, not a wimp! I'm luckier than the boys, I have more & stronger memories of her, we were really close.
Thanks All!

23 Oct, 2009


Even us strong ones can be wimps sometimes xxxxx

23 Oct, 2009


Wimps don't cry.
Strong people do because they're not afraid of being in touch with their true feelings.

23 Oct, 2009


Aww! Thank you both!

23 Oct, 2009


Hywel my love, I was talking girl stuff . For you to say what you have just said makes me SO proud of Welshmen ! Not many men understand ..... xxxxx

23 Oct, 2009


I agree Sue! My dad's Welsh, but is of the 'men dont cry' school, yet he WILL cry in front of me, but NOT in front of my 4 brothers!
You are right Hywel, it DOES take a strong man to show his emotions (unless he's p****d, then its just silly!)!

23 Oct, 2009


My dad didn't show he cried either. It was the fashion in those days to be a 'tough guy' I think.

23 Oct, 2009


But for you to say what you said Hywel .... for a man to say it ........lovely ! Thankyou xx

23 Oct, 2009


Hear hear!

23 Oct, 2009


But shall I tell you this from my experience - - many women don't understand either. Especially if a man cries. They can be rude and insulting.

23 Oct, 2009


Perhaps my lovely boy ... you've met the wrong ones ! I've read your blogs since day one are a LOVELY man ! xxx

23 Oct, 2009


That's true! I have heard people laugh about their men crying, calling them names & stuff! Not me, unless theyre drunk & just being maudlin, but I would just ignore that, not riducule it!
Posted at the same time there Sue!
I agree, He IS a lovely man!

23 Oct, 2009


Worked with men for 30 years Marie ........ understand them x

23 Oct, 2009


Fair point, NOT being seen to cry has a very long history, doesn't it? From the days when they were expected to show strength, calmness, etc., and I think that still 'goes' for the older generations.
Time we all got over that, now, and accepted that all people, regardless of gender, hold the same emotions and get upset and saddened by the same events. Some women can be as obnoxiously sexist as some men, can't they, it's just that they don't even seem to see that their response shows a lack of intelligence. I hate to see one gender bashing the other...except in well-meant fun, of course!

23 Oct, 2009


Of course, Brenda! When its in fun, its fine, but when its nasty its just wrong!

23 Oct, 2009


Got it in one, Marie!
Hope you're okay.

23 Oct, 2009


Yes, thanks. Its never an easy day, but you just get on with it!

23 Oct, 2009


Hello our kid !! So very true ... everything that you've said ! BUT .....I know that Hywel is an early riser ... AND .... would like to say to Hywel and Blodyn ...... "Good Morning from Brum ..... xxxx

23 Oct, 2009


Obviously just missed loads ! Marie, our kid...... come back .......humour .... the ONLY way xxx

23 Oct, 2009


Thanks for the compliments :o)
Don't know if I agree with you though ... lol

Good Morning Sue :o) I'll be geting up in a few hours !

23 Oct, 2009


LOL! As long as WE (Sue & I) agree, you're ok!! LOL!
Yep Sue, you're right!

23 Oct, 2009


Hywel ...... I'm SURE that WE (the mad Scottish person and I) agree ...... you are definitely OK !!!!
Good Morning !! xxx

23 Oct, 2009


LOL! You just sent the mad scotswoman her 3,000th message!

23 Oct, 2009


Well I'd better shut up then.. lol. I'm out-numbered :o)

Congratulations Marie.

23 Oct, 2009


Ain't this place grand ?? See you in the morning Hywel ! x

23 Oct, 2009


It just shows what a yap I am!!!
Night Hywel! Sweet dreams!

23 Oct, 2009



23 Oct, 2009


Night Night all :o)
Now that makes me sound too nice :o( lol

23 Oct, 2009


Night john boy!

23 Oct, 2009


lol :D

23 Oct, 2009


Lovely photo Marie....................

23 Oct, 2009


Thanks Milky!

23 Oct, 2009


A very precious pic MP....
Hope you are OK? Thinking of you, as I'm sure all the other "Mums" on GoY

23 Oct, 2009


Thanks Di, I'm fine! It's been 41 years now! It gets me a little down, but as I said earlier, I know she's around somewhere, watching over her brats!

23 Oct, 2009


Glad you are OK. And yes, she'll be looking down on you....and smiling that lovely smile :)

23 Oct, 2009


Yep! :~))

23 Oct, 2009


Aw Marie what a lovely photo and the memories it conjures. How tragic for you all to loose your lovely Mum when you were all too young to have such sadness.
She would be so proud of you. Thinking of you and sending a hug (sorry I've only just switched on 11 25pm)

23 Oct, 2009


Lovely photo Madperth...sorry that you lost your mom when she was so young...thanks for sharing this w's very special :)

24 Oct, 2009


Thanks Neena & Tastey!
I went to bed early for me last night! Sorry Neena!
Its my favourite pic of us as a family, & brings back wonderful memories & quite a few funny ones too! Always cheers me up!

24 Oct, 2009


aw that's nice and it is a lovely photo to treasure

24 Oct, 2009


:~)) I'm going to put it on my facebook pics for my brothers to share!

24 Oct, 2009


Aw they'll love that !

24 Oct, 2009


Not sure about the younger 2, but the twins will!

24 Oct, 2009


Sure to :o)

24 Oct, 2009


Lovely photo and understandably much treasured ..27 how difficult that must ve been for you and your family.

Janes Mum very young too when she died leaving four girls 2 of which were twins so sends special thoughts to you ...x

26 Oct, 2009


Thanks Ray! That's sweet! x

26 Oct, 2009


I think it's wonderful you remember your mum's passing on day & passed it with us. People we love live in our memories & stories, as well as the way we walk or tilt our head. Blessings to you and your family.

26 Oct, 2009


Thanks OG! She's still with me, as long as I still remember her! I sometimes hear her in my own voice!

26 Oct, 2009


~love to you Marie~ I am sure your mum is very proud of you~

27 Oct, 2009


Thanks Arlene! :~))
How are you? Those nutty dogs ok? When does Caz go to NZ?

27 Oct, 2009


~not too bad Marie!
Caz has been in NZ for a week and we have Dex staying with us~quite a handful but great when you come in~ all that tail wagging!

27 Oct, 2009


Hope she's loving it! One of my closest friends is going there to live next week! :~((
He does look a character! I love that 'bracken' pic! But Harv is cute!

27 Oct, 2009


~ Thanks Marie ~ he is cute! Off now as up early for work tomorrow~have a nice day~xx

27 Oct, 2009


Me too! Uni all day tomorrow!
You have a nice day too! xx

27 Oct, 2009


I love black and white family photos!

9 Nov, 2009


:~) Thanks! Its an oldie!

9 Nov, 2009


Have just found this lovely picture you posted, sorry to read that your Mum died at such a tender age. xxx

3 Jan, 2010



4 Jan, 2010

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