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After Seeing Pic Of Hollyeves stripy Socks..........

After Seeing Pic Of Hollyeves stripy Socks..........

It made me think of the photos I took of Graeme the other day (I couldn't resist a close up of his silly,Children's entertaining socks!)

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Very jazzy !

27 Oct, 2009


Very neat ankles there Paul!! Wow fab shorts too....:o)

27 Oct, 2009


very cool lol

27 Oct, 2009


This has to go on GoYpedia Wellies and Footwear...:o)

27 Oct, 2009


~Just don't go out in them~would that destroy your street cred or improve it?

27 Oct, 2009


I think these are your legs Paul.......your just too shy to say so......Lol Love your Socks.........

27 Oct, 2009


If I knew this last year he could of joined my daughter up in Halifax night out party round the night clubs, dressed in illuminous gear she had a toto he he this colour green

27 Oct, 2009


LOL........... love the socks and shoes paul............

28 Oct, 2009


It's not me , honest!! I wouldn't be seen out in the gear he wears normally, let alone his children's entertaining outfit!!!

28 Oct, 2009


lol paul :o)

28 Oct, 2009


I haven't got any street cred Arlene.....lost that many years ago!

28 Oct, 2009


Dont believe its not you, Paul!!

2 Nov, 2009


Well, if you saw his face and mine Madperth, you'd have a job to tell us apart (well when I was younger anyway) but I can assure you my legs are a lot skinnier, as Graeme very often points out!!!!!!

2 Nov, 2009


Lol! How's his comedy stuff going (the driving test saga?)? And the stand-up?

2 Nov, 2009


Well, driving test, we try not to talk of that too much!!!! 8th attempt in couple weeks time!! I'm not holding out too much hope! Some real promise with different agents etc for his comedy but it's a funny old game(as they say) and you don't always see the bookings the agents talk about! He's got a very big agent's showcase coming up on 17th November in Bognor Regis. It's one that a lot of trade people go to. Ie other agents, bookers from holiday camp/cruise/package tour companies etc but also the dreaded reviewer from 'The Stage' (the trade paper.) So, we'll have to hope for a good reveiw this time. Last one was very bad for his career, but he's come on an awful lot since then and he's still extremely young for a comedian(only 25) .Most on the circuit are much older. So we keep our fingers crossed and hope he gets lot's of work out of it. Particularly work in the winter time which is a bit thin on the ground as most ofl the Holiday Camps are closed! Thanks for your interest MP.

2 Nov, 2009


Well wish him luck from me on BOTH counts!!
I only sat my test once (failed) but I went to bits!! It was awful!!

2 Nov, 2009


Oh dear. Julies was a bit like that .Failed first one then nearly hit a stationary bus oin second. She gave up after that.!! We can talk about it now , it was many years ago!! Off to bed now Good night!

2 Nov, 2009


Goodnight! I''m off to study!!!!

2 Nov, 2009


Love the legs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6 Dec, 2009


Thanks Judz. They're my son , Graeme's' legs .He's an entertainer(comedian and Childrens parties). He was wearing them today as he entertained children at their Christmas party at a social club locally!

6 Dec, 2009

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