The Gate is Hung
By Greenthumb

18 Nov, 2009
Sorry about the snow, and this was almost 2 months I have the gate hung and ready to serve me all next summer. It will keep the snomachines from racing across the garden too. lol (evil plotting laughter)
Comments on this photo
Thank you Louise. I think it came out very well. And as far as snow, there far more than that now. lol. I wont mention the temperature.
Last year I stood outside while the neighbors son drove around and glowered at him. Still got too close for me. SO the fence and gate is a ploy. :-)
18 Nov, 2009
Don't you just hate idiot sons ? Grrrrrr.
(why not erect an electric fence?)
18 Nov, 2009
Ohhh ! lol
Well we have heavy rain this morning, and it's very windy. I hope you're coping with your weather.
I'm glad you've put the fence now. It will give more privacy. I like the gate.
18 Nov, 2009
This looks Fab GT so glad u got it finished :)
18 Nov, 2009
It looks great love to see snow pictures lovely area where you live
18 Nov, 2009
It looks cold out there, Hywel we have got bad weather, last night it blow quite a few fence panels out of next doors, so glad i have hedges and dont have to keep replacing them.
18 Nov, 2009
it does soon come to you the snow doesnt it GT, one day nice the next you have your snow boots on :o)
18 Nov, 2009
I hope the gate and fence defend your property ! :o)
18 Nov, 2009
Greenthumb...Its a brilliant gate ....I love it......hope it does the trick for you.....
18 Nov, 2009
Oh, thank you for all the comments. :-) I'm so glad you all like it. Just a dream all summer, I'm so glad it went right in and looks good. I thinks it will keep a good defensive line from all the snomachines too. :-) We have been spoiled with a mild fall and early winter so I'm not complaining. Now its about normal, cold and dark. Just a few more months and the sun will return to me though.
So pleased you all like the gate.
20 Nov, 2009
Ahhh! There is is..I am loving this gate GT! Good way to keep the SM's out too!
20 Nov, 2009
Love your gate and arch, well done.
20 Nov, 2009
Thank you both. I'm proud that it has turned out well and with a good reception. :-) I'm excited for planting, come on winter.....grrr. :-)
24 Nov, 2009
Wow....I love your gate GT. I hope the neighbours boy takes heed that there is now a fence and gate there and doesn't snowmobile over top of it.
2 Dec, 2009
Thank you Gilli. I am very pleased. With even the extra snowfall we had last year, the top should still be pertruding. If he does come racing across this year, there will be plenty of evidence and it will stop altogether. He has grown up and moved and his parents would not be pleased he has come over to visit and wrecked their tenants stuff. I'm in good standing with the improvements and care I've taken with their place.
2 Dec, 2009
love the gate GT. and love your plan to keep the the lad away....
3 Dec, 2009
Thank you Sandra. Now that is up, bigger and better plans keep flooding my mind to improve the meager fence its attached to. :-)
3 Dec, 2009
thats always the way.....i build things then plans change and i have too moove it all again. iwe are hopeing to let some yurts in the garden next year and that means soooo much has to move...including my tyre circle.....but it will be a way of making some extra money hopefully....
4 Dec, 2009
Your gate turned out gorgeous, GT, I love the birchwood!
4 Dec, 2009
Love gate GT, looks festivw w the snow :) Seasons Greetings :)
6 Dec, 2009
Thank Grammazoo and Tasteyg. I do think it came out well. :-) And now the season is ripe, it does look a bit more festive, though holidays here are in the dark. :-)
Sandra, that does sound like a bunch of work. But that is the evolution that I love in the garden. Always moving things about and bringing new ideas. :-)
8 Dec, 2009
Looks GREAT. Perfect for your house.
14 Mar, 2010
Thanks Mike. It was fulfilling to get up and does merge with my nature cabin setting. Now I'm hoping to have a summer contrast with formal flower displays all around it. :-)
14 Mar, 2010
I just love this GT it really ties in with the surroundings.
6 Apr, 2010
Thank you Stroller. I got the birch from my friends property. I'm going to grow some sweet peas up two still with the branches on each side this year. I'm pleased you like. :-)
6 Apr, 2010
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My god :-(
All that snow already :-(
Your gate though ..... i love it :-)))))
And i love and agree with the evil plotting too ;-)
18 Nov, 2009