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Salvia and Fuchsia


By Wagger

Salvia and Fuchsia

Still going strong

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Beautiful :o)

29 Nov, 2009


That was quick! Thank you Terra. I hope you are all well and relaxing this evening.

29 Nov, 2009


Cream-crackered... just about to sign off for the evening... but couldn't leave without putting your nice pic on GoYpedia Salvias... x

29 Nov, 2009


Thank you. Hope you have a very good night, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite, lol.

29 Nov, 2009


Lovely picture, love salvias which variety is this one Wagger? looks nice and tall.

29 Nov, 2009


That's a lovely blue.

29 Nov, 2009


Wonderful colour

30 Nov, 2009


It's Mystic Spires, Simbad, about 2ft 6ins tall and I'm besotted with it. Definitely one I will try to propagate.
Thanks, Hywel and Morgana.

30 Nov, 2009


I shall remember that one, I shall be looking out for it thank you Wagger

30 Nov, 2009


Me too Morgana, amazing colour.

30 Nov, 2009


I've kept it in a pot as although the label says it's a hardy perennial most sites state it's not frost hardy - must run out and bring it in, frosty night forecast.

30 Nov, 2009


I bought a packet of mixed salvia seed last year from plantworld ,usually when it says mixed seed you end up with nearly all the same plant, but ended up with 8 different varieties, all of which flowered this year mainly blues except for glutinosa(yellow) and a white one which must have a look and identify, my real favourite was sclarea turkestanica(clary) which was amazing and grew to nearly 5ft tall.

30 Nov, 2009


Yes its maddening when they say its hardy one place then another says not frost hardy, wish they would give more info on plants when we get them. Hope its all ok Wagger don't want you to lose such beauty.

30 Nov, 2009


That was a good mix you got, Simbad. I've never grown clary but have admired it in others' gardens and it looks good for so long.
If I do lose it, Morgana I will get more young plants early next year - once found I don't want to be without it. There's a nursery online which supplies it as bedding plants - much smaller but would soon catch up.

1 Dec, 2009


That is good then Wagger, its good if you know if you lose some thing you really like its obtainable again.

1 Dec, 2009


I love that blue it is so vibrant, are they not hardy then?

4 Dec, 2009


According to the label, hardy. According to Shootgardening, tender. I will err on the side of caution.

4 Dec, 2009


Goo idea Wagger.......I find Shoot a useful little website.

4 Dec, 2009


Yes - that's definitely a tender one. Beautiful, though! I don't grow it, as I simply havent got any more space in the greenhouse. :-(((

9 Dec, 2009


the weather this winter is so kind to all plants:) Next week I start my Christmas holiday, no college for three weeks - so I will have more time to dig up some names:)

15 Dec, 2009


Hope you have a relaxing time, Okasia.

15 Dec, 2009 salvias...:>)

18 Jan, 2010


So do I - particularly this one.

18 Jan, 2010


Its a beauty Wagger....Do you have the variety name?

21 Jan, 2010


'Mystic Spires', Motinot.

22 Jan, 2010


What did you do with it for the winter, Wagger?

22 Jan, 2010


It's in the boiler room - no heat at all but frost free. Polycarbonate roof so plenty of light.

22 Jan, 2010

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