doves in love
By Sanbaz

12 Dec, 2009
i love their loyalty to eachother, once together always together ;o)
Comments on this photo
cheers Terra, these two always in my garden every day, wait together for breakfast and dinner, so sweet ;o)) so thought i would make it more romantic lol
12 Dec, 2009
It would make a lovely Valentine's card :o)
12 Dec, 2009
yes thats a nice idea Terra ;o))
12 Dec, 2009
aww.....well done Sandra...lovely pic
12 Dec, 2009
thankyou deida ;o))
12 Dec, 2009
aww reminds me of me and him indoors lol :o)))))))
12 Dec, 2009
lol joanella how sweet ;o))
12 Dec, 2009
How lovely San...absolute devotion !
12 Dec, 2009
Not all garden-birds are as loyal as these, Dunnocks are notorious 'two-timers'
12 Dec, 2009
12 Dec, 2009
thankyou jane/ray isnt it lovely ;o))
think my ex was a dunnock jbardet lol
cheers arlene ;o))
12 Dec, 2009
Jbardet, it must be Dunnock relatives that 'i've' come across in the past ;-)
12 Dec, 2009
Snap San ;-)
12 Dec, 2009
lol louise hehe
12 Dec, 2009
Ah that really sweet Sandra .. :o)
12 Dec, 2009
isnt it just amy, thanx ;o))
12 Dec, 2009
Young love :-)
12 Dec, 2009
wonderfull isnt it dawn ;o))
12 Dec, 2009
Aw......look at them! One called San and one Baz...he...he!!
12 Dec, 2009
lol janey :o)))
12 Dec, 2009
So cute are'nt they, think some of us humans should take a leaf out their book, and find out how they do it :o)))
13 Dec, 2009
You are certainly getting to grips with Picasa, or have you got yourself Photoshop. Great pic! ;o)
13 Dec, 2009
They were made for each other, just so touching to see!
13 Dec, 2009
A great pic Sandra, I love to watch them too.
13 Dec, 2009
very sweet love
14 Dec, 2009
Love how uv edited this Pic San :)X
14 Dec, 2009
thankyou everyone for lovely comments, think your right there carol ;o))
yes picasa TOG, just about getting to grips with it now lol
it is very touching carole, they come right to my patio doors waiting for breakfast now lol
thankyou raj ;o)
thanx jacque on picasa, ajusted colour, edited words and put that hazzy affect around it to ;o)))
14 Dec, 2009
My favourites, we have a threesome in our garden!!! as you say usually just the two, great picture Sanbaz.
15 Dec, 2009
thanx dotty, probably junior with them :o))
15 Dec, 2009
We get them by the half dozen, and have just had 7 wood pigeons feeding on the ivy seeds. Stoking up for the cold few days to come perhaps.
16 Dec, 2009
they are lovely birds lindak arent they,, i get comman pigeons but still feed them, feel sorry for them outside in the cold lol
16 Dec, 2009
We've even had racing pigeons that have lost their way and I've managed to catch them, read the rings and got them back to their owners via transport. I made sure that i fed them on grain though.
17 Dec, 2009
aww thats so kind of you lindak, i would do the same though, im a real softy when animals and birds are concerned ;o))
17 Dec, 2009
Don't be too hard on 'two-timing birds'. A few years ago, on 'Springwatch' a male Pied Flycatcher was filmed 'visiting' three different females. Not only did they all hatch chicks but the little fella was observed bringing food to all three nests. No shirker, this one !
18 Dec, 2009
wow a bigamist amongst birds jbardet lol,
18 Dec, 2009
Personally, I find ONE female hard work enough, bless'er!
18 Dec, 2009
lol,, i bet that pied flycatcher never gets a break, poor thing,
18 Dec, 2009
....but what a sense of responsibility !!! Puts all of us to shame.
18 Dec, 2009
your right there jbardet :o))
19 Dec, 2009
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Lovely pic Sandra :o)
12 Dec, 2009