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It's not down there - it's up here.


By Wagger

It's not down there - it's up here.

Comments on this photo


Good pic :o)

18 Dec, 2009


Thats a lovely pic we had robins on the feeder today

18 Dec, 2009


Great picture!

18 Dec, 2009


Thank you Terra, Drc and Uma.

19 Dec, 2009


Brill photo....

19 Dec, 2009


Lovely photo. My pair of blackbirds and the robin do not seem to get on so well and a lot of chasing goes on!

19 Dec, 2009


Thanks Clarice.
The Robin's too busy chasing Mrs Robin away and Mr Blackbird is too busy terrorising Mrs Thrush!

19 Dec, 2009


Lol,same here Wagger.Our blackbirds ganging up today on the little wagtail who visits every day in winter ! He ended up sitting on the ice in the middle of the pond ! Lol

19 Dec, 2009


Is that a pied or yellow Bonkers? I haven't seen our yellow yet this winter.

19 Dec, 2009


Its a little pied wagtail.Only arrived a couple of days ago.Posted a pic of him tonight.

19 Dec, 2009


How odd, BB, my wagtail (pied) chases everything off, even tried to see Chloe off this morning but she stood her ground :)

19 Dec, 2009


Ours stands its ground but doesnt go looking for trouble ! Lol Even Chloe !! Lol

19 Dec, 2009


Super pic many Blackbirds right now!

19 Dec, 2009


Thanks Janey. I wish the blackbirds would stop chasing the thrush though.

20 Dec, 2009


* Black Birds and one Thrush in the garden..the chase is on..poor Thrush..

28 Dec, 2009


A lovely clear pic, Wagger...:>)

18 Jan, 2010's handy when they pose for me, Motinot.

18 Jan, 2010


Excellent picture, just catching up with these, hubby watching football, no change there then lol

30 Jan, 2010


This house is a football-free zone!

30 Jan, 2010


Really, how come?

1 Feb, 2010


Fortunately, he dislikes it even more than me! Played rugby in his youth but no interest in that either now. :-))) I'd rather watch skiing, ice skating and tennis but not too much of any of them!

2 Feb, 2010


My husband will watch any sport, sometimes 3 football matches a day, I can hardly bare to watch 1, if a ball is involved he watches it!!!! thank the Lord for my computer........

6 Feb, 2010


I thank him for mine every day - I'm quite happy not watching Ice Truckers, The Gadget Show, News, News and more News.

6 Feb, 2010

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