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christmas wreaths that we make


By Vicky1

christmas wreaths that we make

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this is one of the wreaths we make evey year
next year we not making so many but going to give open days to help people make their own
I hope it works as I dont want to do hundreds next year:)
we used to make approx 2000 wreaths holly spruce etc,
glad we dont do that many any more:)

28 Dec, 2009


This wreath is very pretty Vicky...
Some would consider it a great achievement to make ONE....
.... 2,000 sounds like just a few too many Lol.

Helping people make their own wreaths seems a wonderful idea. :o)

28 Dec, 2009


I think so much more fun
A bit like having a wreath making party lol
We have some nursery tours and they are good fun we get to talk to some really interesting people and usually have a bit of a laugh and hopefully they find out how it all works a little
We started them this year and we have had great fun I especially enjoy the cake lol

28 Dec, 2009


A wreath "Shower" lol.
The nursery tours sound good fun... and informative...
maybe if on GoY we all run out of winter pics... can post of pic of the cake..LOL.

I'm hoping you'll try one of my recent blog plant quizzes please...
no Heucheras... but I bet you know all the answers..LOL.

28 Dec, 2009


I must have a picture somewhere of the cakes lol
I sure we would have taken one before we all ate them lol
I will have a go soon on your quiz I havent had time to look at everything on the site yet working on it though lol
we go away soon for a break so hopefully I will get a interent connection and be able to play all day lol
I dont know eveything by a long way but I do a 'gardeners question time' sometimes at the shows. This year I did Hampton court flower show 'gardeners question time' for one day in the telegraph gardeners question time marquee it was fun. (not the image of me on the big sceen though!!!)
You never know what your getting its a bit scarry too as some people love to catch us out lol
but there are usaully 4 others to speak if you are struck dumb lol
I am doing a talk at gardeners world this year and some other RHS shows in the theatre as long as you get a nice good crowd its great.
I did a talk at rhs halls at great autumn show this year and I had one man who interupted all the way through uhhh...stopped my flow!!!
All he really wanted to know was how to propagate and to check that I knew what he knew and if it wasnt the same as him it must be wrong lol
I didnt mind as he did the same to everyone who did a talk the chillie guy could get rid of him even when it was 1 hour past the talk
Most people are lovely though
it makes me laugh especially afterwards when I am unscathed lol
I love this site its the best I have found so far.:)))

28 Dec, 2009


Beautiful Vicky.....well done!

28 Dec, 2009


If I lived near I'd definitely come to your wreath making class:-)

16 Jan, 2010


thanks Bornagain:)

17 Jan, 2010

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