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First time I have ever seen one. He was chasing everything else off the food...until the Thrush arrived!

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He was hungry poor little thing I hope he filled his tummy before the Thrush saw him off !

10 Jan, 2010


Amy our neighbour put nuts on his drive for the birds and a thrush sits out there all the time chasing away the other birds, this is a lovely photo, well done potty.

10 Jan, 2010


Lovely photo of a lovely little bird. Still hoping to see one here but no luck so far :(

10 Jan, 2010


lucky you potty, he`s lovely

10 Jan, 2010


Amy ~ all he ate was a couple of sultanas...both him and the Thrush spent more time chasing the others away! I have 3 tables and food spread all around, there is no need to fight...plenty for all!

Yorkshire, Gee and Sandra ~ thank you!

10 Jan, 2010


why do they do that, its a territorial thing i guess potty,, i have 4 blackbirds and my mistle thrush and all spend to much time and energy chasing eachother to , while all this going on the starlings come and eat the lot lol

10 Jan, 2010


Great to see him Potty.
I have been watching the fieldfares at work but can't get close enough to photograph them.

10 Jan, 2010


This was through the window Toto, when I was outside the other day I tried to get pictures but they are too spooked. If I so much as go into the porch to be that bit closer they fly off!

10 Jan, 2010


I took my binoculars to work for a few days and got some great views of them but no pics.

10 Jan, 2010


My Brother in Law has binoculars that take photos! I have no idea what make they are, I had forgotten about them until you said that! Has anybody asked you what you would like for your birthday?!....

10 Jan, 2010


No and I don't suppose they will.

10 Jan, 2010 about a present to yourself?

10 Jan, 2010


Lovely photo and how its poseing

10 Jan, 2010


I's time of the year and they are coming closer and closer..nice photo

11 Jan, 2010


Thanks girls, he was back here again today, after the fruit!

11 Jan, 2010


Another great photo PG ! :-)

15 Jan, 2010


Good photo. The birds fly off here if I get too close to the window to take photos. Gerry says I need a hide making in the conservatory LOL

15 Jan, 2010

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