It's nice to find water! Mistle Thrush.....

10 Jan, 2010
Rarely seen here, but had a good feed up and drink, at one time there were two of them.
Comments on this photo
Nice to have two of them PG , maybe they are a pair they might bring some babies back in the spring !
10 Jan, 2010
Great to see. Haven't seem one in my garden since last winter although my daughter has them just across the village.
10 Jan, 2010
Great pic Pg...good idea to use one of those plastic trays.Does that help stop the water freezing so quickly ?
10 Jan, 2010
lovely potty, mine still coming to,, i use take away plastic containers for water ray, easy to take ice out in morning and fill again, pop them in differant places round the garden
10 Jan, 2010
Good idea Sandra ! Lots of choice then..
10 Jan, 2010
Thanks for comments everyone...
BB ~ the concrete has cracked and water was running away, so I put this plant saucer in it. I do find it easy, as Sandra says, to tip out the ice. I do that after birds have gone to bed then bring it indoors so it doesn't get damaged.
10 Jan, 2010
Anoter good tip then.By the way...anyone notice how hard the little ones work at getting peanuts out of mesh holders ? All that energy ? Today piy some peanuts in a blender and set on high.Within seconds had peanut crumble ! They love it...mixed some up in with seed too.
10 Jan, 2010
great idea ray,,yes they do work hard to get them in mesh hanger
10 Jan, 2010
Can buy peanut bites but the shops charge a fortune for them ! Rather diy !
10 Jan, 2010
yes they are expensive, so i will give it a go :o)))
10 Jan, 2010
Great to see so many folks "going the extra mile " for them all isnt it !
10 Jan, 2010
defernatly ray,, the more people the better, amazing how many dont bother though, when i talk at work about feeding them, alot of clients think im barmy, but i soon put them right :o))
10 Jan, 2010
Oh nice one Potty......
10 Jan, 2010
No wonnder they flock to yours then Sandra.Can imagine you "putting them right " LOL
10 Jan, 2010
lol ray, well it doesnt take much to put a bit of food out does it, even scraps from meals, which alot of people just pop in the bin, oh well had my moan hahah
10 Jan, 2010
Oops Sorry to hijack your pic Pg !
10 Jan, 2010
Good idea, BB, I will give it a try. Sounds easier than crushing them with a rolling pin and less mess. Why didn't I think of that?
10 Jan, 2010
thats what i was doing Gee, but they fly everywhere and rip through the bag i put them in to crush lol
10 Jan, 2010
Tried putting them in a bag and hitting with mallet but too time consuming and some were getting missed ! The tiny birds went mad for it !
10 Jan, 2010
No problem BB! :o)
Being in the trade, I have peanut granules and I too mix them in with the seed and extra sunflower hearts. I also bring the fat ball holder in at night so it doesn't freeze and is soft and easier to eat the next day!
10 Jan, 2010
Do you eat the fat balls the, PG? :)
10 Jan, 2010
Yes Pp we have to bring ours in during the day too for an hour to soften again.Temps have been so low recently !
10 Jan, 2010
2c here tonight so not bad at all, almost feels warm
10 Jan, 2010
Biting wind keeping temps down here...Grrr !
10 Jan, 2010
LOL, could cause a bit of digestive trouble if I did...he he But the dog has his nose in the air sniffing it out so I have to remember to put it out of reach! Or he'd have digestive trouble.....!
Feels a bit warmer here too Sandra....light snow is falling again tonight....
BB ~ we've had that wind too since last night but it has dropped now.....but now we have the snow again!
10 Jan, 2010
Oh NO ! Sorry to hear that...think we also due more too !
10 Jan, 2010
I love these are nt they lovely.
10 Jan, 2010
hope we dont get anymore tonight, think its 50/50 chance not sure, potty
10 Jan, 2010
Never seen a mistle thrush here....thanks for sharing
10 Jan, 2010
Well it was all melting now it s come down thicker than before and still going, the main road cars are going slow they have nt grited the main road, some ones finger at the council , can' t be working as that is how they decide to grit the road, wet and stick finger in the air not a joke true.
11 Jan, 2010
Healer ~ you're welcome, they were back again today...squabbling as usual!
Sixpence~ we had quite a bit more overnight too. Now it is more mushy, hope that it will now thaw some more. But the temperature going up could be a sign that we are going to get another fall....
11 Jan, 2010
The met say one thing then another they have even said the met can't get it right, last I heard they said the met said we are going to have this for another month, but not as bad snow drifts as they thought, so who knows!!
11 Jan, 2010
Nice photo PG, he's looking straight at you - I wonder what he was thinking ? Just reading the comments above, that's a few more tips I've picked up - isn't GOY great ? :-)
15 Jan, 2010
A rare sight these days. SLug pellets haven't helped.
It rained this morning although the snow is still lying around on this hill. I did manage to walk into town today although I had to keep to the kerbs in places and watch out for the traffic because the pavements were very slippery.
15 Jan, 2010
Muddy ~ as I don't usually get Thrushes may-be he was thinking"why haven't I visited this cafe before...everything I need is here!"
Linda ~ most of our snow has been washed away by the rain, but we still have large chunks of ice opposite our house, at least 1" thick! Hubby smashed it up today hoping it will now thaw.
17 Jan, 2010
It's nice to see the gardens green again although in the hollows the snow still lies....perhaps waiting for some more. The snowdrops are up. The sun has been shining today and it certainly makes you feel a lot better. We went for a walk down a few country lanes earlier and the little birds were singing in the hedges and trees.
17 Jan, 2010
Yes, I heard birdsong here today, and the sun got me spring cleaning my porch! But we are due snow on Wednesday....but only a short snap according to Countryfile.
17 Jan, 2010
Yes we are due some on Wednesday in the Peak district. I like Countyfile. The farmer reporter works very hard to keep all the different variety of animals going and his crops.
18 Jan, 2010
Love to see the thrushes in the garden, quite common when I was a young gal......
21 Jan, 2010
fortunately we didn't get the snow on Wednesday but the wind water really cold BRRRR!
22 Jan, 2010
lovely pic..
11 Mar, 2010
Thanks Deida, they still come for meal worms sometimes, but not as frequently as when it was so cold. May-be when they have young they will, I hope!
11 Mar, 2010
Our lady blackbirds were really fighting over their territories yesterday. They were rolling about in a ball of feathers at one point. I went out afterwards to make sure that there wasn't an injured one lying there. Feathers were flying!!!
12 Mar, 2010
Great Photo
2 Apr, 2010
Thanks Delbert....not seen for a while now, hope they'll be back.
2 Apr, 2010
How lucky are you PG! Get lots of sparrows, house & Tree, here, along with Dunnock, siskin, blackbird, great, coal and blue tits, collared doves, starlings, robims and greenfinch but nowt like this or the fieldfare.
Lovely sight isn't it when they are all out there having a feed and talking amongst themselves. Nowt more relaxing I find:0)
11 Apr, 2010
I have seen the Thrush recently coming for mealworms, so I seem to have 'kept' him. The Fieldfare was only here when it was so very cold, that is what they do. They only visit gardens when the weather is so harsh they cannot find food out in the fields.
I get Sparrows too, Greenfinches, Chaffinches, Blackbirds, a Robin, lots of Goldfinches, occasionally a Dunnock, and sometimes Blue Tits and Coal Tits. Was getting a Woodpecker, but not seen him for some time now. I also enjoy watching them.
11 Apr, 2010
Had the Great Spotted Woodpecker before xmas but only saw him once on a feeder. Ali had seen him 3 times and I thought she was winding me up but no, he was around. Got a better camera this year so hope he returns:0))
11 Apr, 2010
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Ooh lovely...a nice chubby one :-))
10 Jan, 2010