primula sieboldii alba
By Vicky1

21 Jan, 2010
It wont be long before these are in flower now about 2 more months:)
Comments on this photo
I really like these, but I think maybe the slugs do too :(
22 Jan, 2010
Oooo....Vicky, I love this primula. Is it a hardy variety?
22 Jan, 2010
yes it is.
I have grown it for years with no problems at all
They get really cool winters in japan
thats where it is from
They get loaded with flowers
It can start to flower in March but aometimes you have to wait until April and May it just depends
I split mine in feb march too
you can doit just before flowering or just after
Such an easy plant:)
22 Jan, 2010
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Love this one also
21 Jan, 2010