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Ahoy, me 'earties!!


By David

Ahoy, me 'earties!!

This be me new avatarrrr (for now)! Just to shew that I look naut(ical) at all like that landlubber in Terrortoonie's latest blog!!

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Brilliant I like it and the pun lol

23 Jan, 2010


Har Har me dear 6d!! Doubloons and ducats!!! Visa, Mastercard, American Express?? All will do nicely, thank ye!!

I swear, I'd make yon Terrortoonie take a very long walk off a very short plank!!
But - just to shew ye that I be, in fact, a real gent, I'd dive in and save any fellow "seadoggy" Har Har!

For now, I must bunk down for the night and set the alarm. Am real glad it doesn't go "Tick Tock" or I wouldn't get a blink o' sleep, worrying about crocs (and not the ones some folks wear to garden in these days, either!!! ) 8-vvvvvv

24 Jan, 2010


Oh my goodness, It is nearly 2am and I was just about to go to bed and then saw this photo. Perhaps I had better stay up in case I have nightmares :)

24 Jan, 2010


LOL Gee, if I was you I would go to bed, just leave the light on with your marbles lol.

Nite Captain, sweet dream, I'm sure Tinkerbell will protect you from the tick tock crock, but don't forget all adults are pirates. : O )

24 Jan, 2010


Ah, Ship ahoy !!! extra photo of you, David...
... to add to the many pics. of you already on my latest GoY 3rd birthday blog...???

Does this mean my blog will be JOLLY ROGER FLAGGED and I'll be made to walk the plank for the seafaring crime called "Surfeit of David look-alike pics" ?

You could at least have had a shave before this photo was taken...
...but a very nice hat...Lol.

24 Jan, 2010


~ love the hat but thinking you are looking a touch wooden in this pic?

24 Jan, 2010


Lol Arlene... added to GoYpedia...Lol.

24 Jan, 2010


Brill :o)))Lol...

24 Jan, 2010


well what can I say,!!! think everone else has said it, your a good looking fellow David

24 Jan, 2010


Hope you slept well, Gee! :-)

Har Har, Tt! Shave? No way, am in disguise now, Thank You! No, won't be raising any flags, nor making you walk the plank. Yo Ho Ho!! :-)

Thanks, Arlene. Yes, the hat is very fetching, methinks. Wooden? As a seadog, methinks you're barking up the right tree!! Just as well my leg isn't in the pic. :-)

Yorkshire, the doubloons will be in the mail soon, lol! :-)

24 Jan, 2010


I'm swooning , eat your heart out Jonny Depp .....

24 Jan, 2010


Ha ha ha I love it David.......

24 Jan, 2010


Aharr, me ladies!!

Wot do ye like the best? Me right side? Me left side? Or me broadside??

Johnny who????????????? Can I help him eat it???????????

:-)) X

24 Jan, 2010


LOL....great fun it.... :-))

25 Jan, 2010


I've been studying that moustache...
...and now...I think I've worked it out....
.. are you Hercule Poirot ? :o)

How are your little grey cells today ? Lol.

26 Jan, 2010


LOL...Wheres the parrot ??? !!

26 Jan, 2010


Would that be poirate as in poyrate, Tt? The grey cells are "shipshape"! :-))

Am working on getting a parrot, Bb! :-))

26 Jan, 2010


Try the old props cupboard from the set of Monty Python !! LOL

27 Jan, 2010


Hercule Pirate could manage with a budgie. LOL.

27 Jan, 2010


Pieces of eight, pieces of eight,
crocodiles I really hate,
for when the clock goes tickerty tock
croc snaps his jaws in a vice like lock.
Look out Cook you're meat for his tea,
that mean old croc wants you, wait and see,
Tick tock beat the clock
hidden inside the old giant croc!!!


28 Jan, 2010


M'lady Linda, I'm runnin' scared!
In me nightmares I see those sharp teeth bared,
and hear a devilish beating sound.
Like the ebbin' o' the flood, or the flowin' o' blood,
'tis a sound and a sight, which makes me 'eart pound!
I "see" yon Croc smile, as he crunches me bones.
Will ne'er meet again meet me ol' mate, Davey Jones
I can "see" ol' Croc smile, as me life "peters" out,
and then I wakes up, gives an alighty SHOUT!!!

Welcome aboard the PS "Captain Kiddin'"
(so long as ye're prepared to stick by me biddin'!).
We love your poems for us - they're so canty!
Will make them, in time, a personal sea shanty

Thank You so much!. Linda!! Have the idea of engraving, and incorporating, your lovely poem into our garden this summer! ) . Managed a "poetic" reply - of sorts! XXX

28 Jan, 2010


Bb! - I want a real parrot, not one stuffed or dead. I want a real, talking parrot - and I want it NOW!!!! shades of Verucca Salt in the Charlie & the Choc Factory" garden, here? - LOL!!!) XX to you both

28 Jan, 2010


~well shiver me timbers David~ how very poetical?piratical? both!~

28 Jan, 2010


I'm still recommending a budgie...
I could send you some moulted budgie feathers
... then you could make your own budgie :o)

28 Jan, 2010


Lol David...seems you have found one then on Delonixs pics !!! xx back to you from both !

28 Jan, 2010


Daft as a brush!!!

28 Jan, 2010


AGOY there, me 'earties! Dear Lady Arlene,
Lady Linda just 'elped me to set forth a scene
Dear Terror, I take no quarter, nor even a third -
Feathers? Budgie? Just send the whole bird!!!
Dear Bb and Jane, I'm not past it,just yet.
I knew I would find me a bird on the "net".
Daft as a brush? Oh well, wot the 'eck!!
Get one in yer 'and, and start scrubbin" the deck!!


28 Jan, 2010


I'm good at cookin' cleanin' too
I'll even clean yer buckled shoe,
But just remembered yer name's not COOK!!!
A slight typin' error it's CAPTAIN HOOK!!!
Oh well it's the down in the HOLD for me
Down with the rats in a high choppy sea!!!
Weevelled biscuits are for my dinner
Protein enriched for this sinner.
Better take a candled lamp
down to where it's cold and damp.

29 Jan, 2010


On this ship I'm 'ead cook, an' bottlewasher, too.
I can't gets the staff, just a right motley crew!
Am mindful of an Article in ye ol' Pirate Code;
'Tis unlawful to have ladies 'n' children onboard.
But be "hook" or be "cook", for I'm a seacaptain bold,
I wouldn't 'ave ye spendin' all yer time in the 'old.
Yer poetry-recitin' 'elps the evenings go by,
an' brings a merry "twinkle" into our eyes.
As ship storyteller, ye would spin a fine tale,
as we dine on rat-a-tat-toui, an' drink scurvy-grass ale!

Thank ye most kindly, again. :-))

29 Jan, 2010


LMAO!! Well done both of you!!

30 Jan, 2010


While I was down in the cold dark 'old
I found a map covered in mould,
It talks of doubloons buried deep
and precious jewels left in a heap.
Find an island in the sea
find a rock and giant tree.
wait until the break of day
and shadow cast will lead the way.
FInd a cavern dark and deep
dig for treasure you can keep.

30 Jan, 2010


~are we thinking of publishing this?~

30 Jan, 2010


Nominated for GoYpedia poems :o)

30 Jan, 2010


Me,Dear Lady Linda, pray, tell me some more!
I needs more directions, afore we put ashore.
But summat o' warnin' does ring in me ears.
I'm no pirate for nothin', if I don't 'eed me fears!
A "Treasure Island" ye say? Welll, I'm full o' scorn!
But they say, turn second right carry straight on till morn?'
The mention o' shadow does make me guffaw!
Me arch enemy got 'is one - trapped in a drawer! (harrharrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!).

Wi' the mention o' treasure, though, the Mainsail is spliced!
An' the crew''s wholly rigged up wi' !Morgan's" ( well spiced) ! :-))

I'm not for publishing, per se, Arlene! Linda. however??????????????????

31 Jan, 2010


The map has a North, South, East and a West,
Marked on the top now which way is best?
Go to the South an Island lies there
Just off the coast of Indiana.
On this old map there's a big crocodile,
drawn in black ink by the inch to one mile.
It says its the guardian of treasure so rich
so just remember this may be a hitch,
But do not delay for this big treasure hoard
may be yearnings for others to take well on board.
Go with the wind in your sails Capitan
Sail like the devil with your trusty band.

31 Jan, 2010


Indiana, ye say? I feel chilled to me crossbones.
Another treasure-'unter, who 'as left his mark.
Was 'e not a brother of me "chum", Davy Jones?
Didn't 'e put to sea in a leaky ol' ark?

Thank ye kindly, m'Lady, for the map an' the warnin'.
Thinkin' 'appy thoughts now, away I must "fly"
Will be four sheets to the wind be the first light o' mornin'.
An' it won't really matter whether I live, or die.

'Twill be an awf'lly, guffawf'lly big adventure!
In me ship's log, I found this - an' purely be chance!
'Tis from me ol' softies, an' at the risk o' great censure,
I quote ye these words be the Pirates o' Penzance.

"Although we live by strife
We're always sorry to begin it.
For what, we ask, is life
Without a touch of Poetry in it?

Hail, Poetry, Thou heaven-born maid!
Thou gildest e'en the pirate's trade."

Me END!!!

Many Thanks, Linda, have enjoyed this all - a real treasure! :-))
Join me an' me crew later, as we chart our progress via the Captain's Blog, aboard the good ship "Captain Kiddin'". XXX

31 Jan, 2010

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This photo is of "L. Ideas for our "Pirates" Garden (2010)." in David's garden

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