Heuchera Rave On
By Vicky1

26 Jan, 2010
Lovely pink flowers go on and on.....
Comments on this photo
Yes, this is one to rave about.
27 Jan, 2010
Lovely showy flowers :0)
27 Jan, 2010
27 Jan, 2010
27 Jan, 2010
I remember when heucheras were boring, what a job The breeders have done:-)
31 Jan, 2010
Thank you for your lovely comments
The breeders have done a good job havent they.
There are some really lovely old varieties but they werent the ones you could or can buy main stream.
I will have to do a blog on heritage varieties for you so you can enjoy our national collection on GOY too.
It will have to wait for now as things are hotting up, lots of jobs to do since we got back
In fact I need another holiday after I have done them lol
Cant see that happening :( until the end of the season !!!
1 Feb, 2010
this is really pretty
20 Sep, 2010
thank you christina :)
9 Dec, 2010
Good grief, it's like a voice from beyond...Hi Vicky\0/:-)
10 Dec, 2010
Hi Bornagain
How are you
Its january and I have a little time to play :)
6 Jan, 2011
You going to Malvern this year? We need somewhere to meet up again..and your exhibit seems to be the chosen location lol. Get some blogs on and they'll be queueing up! Hope you had a happy Christmas without too many plant losses? All mine from you have come through the winter so far, need advice on splitting the odd one:-)
6 Jan, 2011
Hi Bornagain
Yes we will be at Malvern and would love you all to meet up at our stand. You were all so happy :)
Pleased to say no losses so far on our nursery (as far as I can tell)
Gald your plants you bought from us are doing well (they must be if your wanting to spilt them already)
I will help you out there
I have a few subjects for a blog but I have to do some work first
I have the catalogue to do and the website to up date all in this month
Leave it with me and I will get a few put up.:)
Talking to you all is my break from the catalogue and website lol
7 Jan, 2011
Good luck with all that. There's only one for splitting, the marvellous marmalade. I put it straight into a clay pot and it's been fantastic, soon as the snow goes it looks like new:-)
7 Jan, 2011
Thanks Bornagain
They should have called it marvellous Marmalade shouldnt they?
In the spring knock it out of pot and tease of any compost thats loose then divide by taking small crowns from around edges of large crown, very carefully trying to get a root if you can.
Dont go too far other wise you will spoil the plant shape, it will come back but you would have to wait.
Repot babies in small pots and repot again when root reaches the bottom. If they have no roots dip in hormone rooting powder then pop into plug or around the top of small pots
Good luck... you wont need it though as they are easy.
Look out for our nursery work shops that are coming up this year. Progation we will be covering also things like hybridizing etc.
If you look on workshops next month it will tell you what we will be doing through the year.
They are going to be small groups and we can all have some fun nice cake (I hope as I will be baking it!!)
and learn how we do things on the nursery.
:) You get to go around the nursery ( and of course buy plants should you want to lol) and our own garden.
Should be good fun :)
7 Jan, 2011
Sounds brilliant:-)
7 Jan, 2011
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Pretty - love that pink!!
27 Jan, 2010