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The wet season downunder: It is nice to see some green grass!


By Bernieh

The wet season downunder:  It is nice to see some green grass!

Got a shot of our front yard during a break in the downpour ... it's nice having some green grass in the photo.

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Looks wonderful and fresh Bernieh. I like how the house is nestled in all this growth!

29 Jan, 2010



Great photo!

It looks like my grass. lol! : > )

29 Jan, 2010


GT ... yes the house is set in amongst the trees and shrubs and this keeps the house a lot cooler than if it was out in the full sun.

29 Jan, 2010


Andy ... it'll never be bowling green perfect grass, but it's nice to have patches of it ... somehow makes you feel a little cooler.

29 Jan, 2010


your place lks idilic Bernieh.....and even better now with a lawn outside,,;-))

29 Jan, 2010


Thanks Sandra ... wish the green would last ... but as soon as the rain is over, the sun comes out and scorches it dry once more. Usually the green lasts around a month.

29 Jan, 2010


just long enough for u to use the lawnmower....

29 Jan, 2010


Lol ... yes that's right ... it's about the only time the lawnmower gets a workout!

29 Jan, 2010


i can see the advantages in drought now..i hate cutting the grass...

29 Jan, 2010



I've never had nice green grass living in takes too much water to maintain anyway...I'd rather put the water on my plants. : > )


That's difinitely an advantage of a dry only have to mow a few months out of the year. There's many people here who have turf...however, you must have a sprinkler system or water often. It's very high maintenance here. : > )

29 Jan, 2010


it just grows and grows...and every time it rains it grows some

.when i moved here eighteen years ago i honestly didnt know that grass grew two feet tall. i had never had a garden before it was so hard to deal with. one and a half acres of took years for us to cope with it...

29 Jan, 2010


You should see the height of the introduced grasses out in the bush after we get a 'wet' season! Lucky it doesn't rain much here ... lol!

One and a half acres ... that is a lot of grass to maintain. Bet you're hardly ever off your mower ... I'm assuming you have a ride-on!

30 Jan, 2010


no ride on .........only a nice little lawn mower for the bit outside my mums livingroom...whats left of the rest is strimmed.....a lot of it has been turned over to garden, patio, paths and outbuildings....

30 Jan, 2010



Is the hedge in front of your house Acalypha or Mussaenda?

1 Feb, 2010


The yellow/green hedge are my Acalyphas ... you can see the pink Mussaenda philippica just peeking out from behind the stairs. The poor Mussaenda is having a bad trot ... it fell over last wet season ... I staked it up and this time the combination of wind and rain has knocked it over again. Think I'll just have to trim it right down and see if it'll come back.

1 Feb, 2010



I do see the Mussaenda philippica on the right side of the stairs.

I know what you mean about your Mussaenda falling over...I've had the same problem with my large Acalypha 'Jungle Dragon' in the back fell over with all the rain and wind...and it was staked also.

2 Feb, 2010


Thanks Homebird ... it makes such a difference having the green around the yard.

3 Feb, 2010


sadly the lushest grass grows when it's rained the bardest!

3 Jan, 2015

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This photo is of "6. Our Place" in Bernieh's garden

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