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Jen's Gardyn 2009

Jen's Gardyn 2009

This one Terra.

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Just gorgeous. :~))

29 Jan, 2010


This makes a great photo!

29 Jan, 2010


Beautiful Jen....:>)

29 Jan, 2010


Thankyou all, welcome to my world where the sun always shines! :o)

30 Jan, 2010


Good mix of colours and textures. :o)

30 Jan, 2010


i love this pic jen, i love them big leaves in red and green a bit stripy, do you over winter them, i think i may go for a jungle look if i can get plants that dont have to be over wintered, my new project could have some jungle type plants, im thinking again lol

30 Jan, 2010


Stunning planting, Jen. :-))

30 Jan, 2010


Thanks Terra, David, glad you like the planting combinations. :o)
San, you'd be surprised how many exotic looking plants are actually extremely hardy...Trachycarpus fortunei can take it down to -20, fatsia japonica's tough as old boots, many Bamboos, ferns, I could go on...and on...and on..and o.......!
Give me a shout if you want to know more, happy to help x ;o)

2 Feb, 2010


thanx jen will let you know if i need any addvice :o)) x

2 Feb, 2010


Wow just look at your cannas, brilliant photographs.

4 Feb, 2010


They're such show-offs Canna's Dotty, I love the way that the sunlight lights them up, hope they come through the winter! x

6 Feb, 2010


Have you left them in the garden then? how old are they Jen?

6 Feb, 2010


I've left a couple in Dotty, they've been there for about 7 years now, but I've got the others in the garden room, better safe than sorry. ;o)))

9 Feb, 2010


belt and braces every time......

14 Feb, 2010


lol you have to in this climate don't you, never know what the weather will do nowadays. I do like to push my luck a bit though, doesn't always work (those ones go in the compost bin before anyone sees them) but I'm often surprised at how much survives the weather and me!

14 Feb, 2010


I am not too hopeful this year, we are still having frosts and rain, so if one doesn't kill it the other will....... lol

16 Feb, 2010


I know it's hard to imagine it ever being warm again, but Spring will be here before we know it, and if something 'doesn't make it' then it's then a chance to try something else. You might just be pleasantly surprised to see what does pop up again in the warmer weather. :o)

16 Feb, 2010


Yes I must be more positive........

16 Feb, 2010


Sounds like you need a theraputic trip to the Garden Centre my girl! You can blame me if you like and it works, I tried it today and I feel better already, found a very nice little Carludovica palmatum for £2.99- bargain ! x :o)

19 Feb, 2010


Jen, you must not tell me to do things like that, read my blog............£2. 99 certainly was a bargain, have you a photo?

19 Feb, 2010


Will take a photo in the morning...but first I might HAVE to pop back tomorrow to get some errrr.... Ummm...errrrr.....(Thinking...there were three there, I bought one, there's still two left!) Fish Food! lol

20 Feb, 2010 are up on my gallery and I've done a blog on it, 'Hat's off to Panama?', if you fancy a peek at what I've been up to! ;o)

21 Feb, 2010


Off to take a look now Jen......

23 Feb, 2010


This might take a while, ha ha ;o)

23 Feb, 2010



25 Feb, 2010

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